Did Sup Forums ever really care about degeneracy?

Did Sup Forums ever really care about degeneracy?
Or was "degeneracy" just an excuse for us to hate on anyone who wasn't a cis straight white male.

Black man cheats on/divorces wife- degeneracy!
trans person exists -degeneracy!
gay person exists- degeneracy!

Trump repeatedly cheats on wife , sexually harrasses women , grabs pussy , has kinky sex with pronstars - Sup Forums approves.

Attached: melania-and-stormy.jpg (3000x2000, 1.06M)

*woman has sex with not her husband- degeneracy!

Yep, this is Sup Forums. A bunch of resentful trump-cuckbois.

hedonism / excess are unhealthy.

Sup Forums hates everybody and everything.

But its ok when my guy does it, amirite

OP has literally no response to this image.

Watch him and literally every other leftist shill studiously ignore it and go away until their cognitive dissonance dissolves. KO.

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I never supported Trump. Trump is degenerate, so is Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and so are trannies, queers, and western society.

>Its only ok to point out degeneracy if you pray to rabbi Yoshua

Literally no-one is saying Trump should be impeached for adultery.

We're just pointing out the hypocrisy of all the people who are constantly moralising about sex.

Attached: stormyDaniels.jpg (1122x800, 81K)

Sorry, let me fix it

>literally no COHERENT response to this image

>Literally no-one is saying Trump should be impeached for adultery.
Trump should be impeached for adultery.

Hahaha. I don't care, I'm just bored.

Theres a lot of left wing christians. If anything induces cognitive dissonance its pointing to the antidegeneracy crowd what a sinner trump is.

It is degeneracy because civilised society did not evolve as it did based on these unacceptable and inappropriate morals. So there is a strong justification behind legislating against degeneracy to protect people surrendering their psyches to self-destructive vices and behaviours that are not conducive to the well-being of society.

We may not agree that Trump sleeping with a pornstar is good in principle, however the people trying to take him down and impeach him are twice, if not 10 times more dangerous in their views and ideology.

Most of us don't really give a shit, we don't post in those threads. Liberals like to think they really have a gotcha moment when someone commits adultery, but in reality a lot of conservatives care about on the level of, well you're free to fuck up you're life I guess. If it doesn't affect his job performance then who cares?

>civilised society
civiliZed, you degenerate

We don't judge people on Sup Forums....

>Liberals like to think they really have a gotcha moment when someone commits adultery,
The christian family values crowd are hypocrites, nothing new

>did Sup Forums know rich people fuck porn stars, sex should only be for pro-creation!

lmao get a load of the liberals who did mental gymanistics until they turned conservative. What a crazy world.

if you think that is bad, imagine what other guys did
protip: they are pedos

More like conservatives believe in social conservation of values, what goes on in the bedroom isn't really social or public. Same reason I don't hate bi people or passable trannies. They keep it to themselves, that's fine. But they shouldn't promote it.

Trump isn't promoting degeneracy. Sometimes I smoke tons of weed and drink rum and strangle my wife during anal sex, and when she cries I punch her. I'm not running around saying it's normal or healthy on the other hand.

And how do you not know Trump did not repent after this and asked God for forgiveness?
Did we say Trump is the perfect human being you libcuck?
No he is not.
>libcuck getting buttblasted about degeneracy
don't act like if you give a fuck If Trump did fuck stormy you cuck.

"If it doesn't affect his job performance then who cares?"
The right wing was constantly sperging out about morality when the Bill Clinton and Antony Weiner scandals happened.

We're just pointing out your hypocrisy so the next time right wingers start to complain about the left being immoral and gay sex being icky that you guys everyone knows you are a bunch of liars who don't even follow your own holy book.

Attached: danielsanderson.jpg (640x360, 26K)

>Did Sup Forums ever really care about degeneracy?
Conventional sexual morality collapsed for just about everyone; I don't understand why you're surprised that young right wing people don't particularly care because the entire generation doesn't care.

The conservative crowd ladies and gentlemen. Its ok if you just lie about it.

*We're just pointing out your hypocrisy so the next time right wingers start to complain about the left being immoral and gay sex being icky that everyone knows you are a bunch of liars who don't even follow your own holy book.

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>bill clinton got a blowjob

>trump fucks everything that has a pulse

>The right wing was constantly sperging out about morality when the Bill Clinton and Antony Weiner scandals happened.
First, you're conflating the modernist mainstream conservative right with the postmodernist (and I would say post-structuralist) alt-right.

Second, see . It's not like Sup Forums existed separate from the general zeitgeist of its generation.

I agree with your premise. But it's not comparable. I bet you stole candy when you were a kid, I guess that makes you the same as a nigger who is out mugging people.

They committed those acts while on the clock using government resources while holding a position of authority. Trump didled a porn star, which is pretty unrelated. The only thing that is the same is the adultery part.

If he did it while in office I would agree, but he didn't so your point doesn't make sense.

I didn't care before but new I'm outraged

>REEEEEEE MY EMPEROR GOD KNOWS NO DEGENERACY!!!!!! If he did it then it must be good!!!!!!

I don't care about where Trump sticks his penis. We're just pointing out your hypocrisy so the next time right wingers start to complain about the left being immoral and gay sex being icky that everyone knows you are a bunch of liars who don't even follow your own holy book.

Attached: boogiedumpstrump.jpg (842x712, 62K)

>Because the sjw crowd is driven by morals that they contradict daily
>Bullying is ok until it contradicts the gun control argument
>How dare you question my right to be fat ( Not an Actual Right)
>But I will question every constitutional right thrown at me as long as you do not make me wear a clear bookbag
>I can trample on the rights of everyone else as long as it does not include trampling on my non existent right to non clear book-bags.
Sure thing buddy, keep listening to retards all you want, I am sure every failed system in the world will lead to prosperity simply because you are leading them naow. Seriously consider gys.

> Trump is all Christians
kek the mental circus
I'm not responsible for what he does faggot

>rich guy gets a lot of pussy


>Or was "degeneracy" just an excuse for us to hate on anyone who wasn't a cis straight white male.

Attached: feel_the_power.jpg (666x662, 99K)

No it isn't ok, you have the freedom to do what you want, but you don't have the freedom to push it on others and say it's healthy. I have a gay friend, and he was gay for 20 years and one day he snapped out of it, now he is married with kids. Do you understand? Degeneracy is like a sickness, it's not out, it's even worse if you promote it. Imagine a junky going to a pre-school and telling kids how being a junky is normal and drugs are healthy.

That's the difference. You know it, you understand, but you choose to blindly ignore it, because you think you are doing good. You aren't.

When did you stop being intellectually honest with yourself op? You know in your heart I'm right and that we are good people. Join us, help us stop all this evil.


What you don't get, leftypol, is that you're conflating two distinct groups. From the perspective of criticizing the Religious Right (which really beating a dead horse since people under 30 don't go to Church), you might have a point. However, from Sup Forums's more alt-right current, it's not really a relevant critique.

Sorry but why would anyone else than Trump be responsible for what he does and mostly important, why do you think that someone here agrees with him?

Trump didn’t run on a puritanical fundamentalist Christian platform. Everyone knew he’s fucked hot bitches all of his life. It was “baked into the cake” when I voted for him. I didn’t vote for him because he was a faithful husband, I voted for him because of his “America First” policy.

Democrats who believe that this will cause his supporters to turn their backs on him in 2020 are sadly mistaken. I’m not going to think to myself when I step into the voting booth “Hm. He cheated on his wife 14 years ago so I’m going to vote Democrat.”

Fuck no. Ain’t gonna happen. I’m going to think about ISIS being defeated, lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s, building the wall, bringing jobs back home, and making America great again.

Stormy Daniels isn’t hill that Democrats should choose to die on.

Degeneracy applies to straight white males still lol but regardless no one cares. it’s mostly loser fags here who couldn’t have fun doing degenerate shit cause they wouldn’t have anyone cool to do it with.

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>brings in fags and trannies to teach 4 year old children it’s ok
>somehow thinks in some way indoctrinating a child with sexual behaviour is a good thing
I just can’t believe how fucked up you are

And Bill Clinton is ridiculously not germane; we're talking about a US where Black Democrats opposed amnesty, a Democrat president signed DOMA, and the Moral Majority was a relevant force in politics. That's so far removed from today's political climate.

>that pic
no man should jump to defend the size of another man's cock
that's some serious faggot nut riding shit

>Black man cheats on/divorces wife- degeneracy!
it degenerate to not provide for your whores to which trump does

>trans person exists -degeneracy!
>gay person exists- degeneracy!
pretending mentally ill people are normal is degeneracy

>Trump repeatedly cheats on wife , sexually harrasses women , grabs pussy , has kinky sex with pronstars
yes, fake, willing, willing
he a sexually liberated male and hypergamy is a women problem

I'm not a dumb ass liberal so I actually looked into who trump was and as such I already knew he was a liberal man whore but I voted for him to MAGA/MEMEs and so far the only complaint is the omnibus so one bad in 10000 good deed is still worth it. 4 more years

Isn't the alt right always talking about "degeneracy" as an excuse to police people's sexual behavior?

Sup Forums cares about degeneracy
plebbitors from T_D don't care

/pol is degenerate itself
just another tool to scapegoat others with different interests

its past your bed time timmy

>That damage control
Pretty pathetic

I unironically think trump is a degenerate for having multiple wives and cheating on them with whores.

You just said it yourself. It's about power over discourse.

We're talking about countercultural current that can't decide whether it likes gays or not. Someone like Jack Donovan would say something like "yeah as long as they aren't effete fairies," but that is by no means a consensus view. Really, I fall into this too, but you're kinda dumb for saying "the alt right" because it's not particularly coherent, which is fine for the sort of postmodern thing that it is.

good luck with that, were going to shoot you in the streets

>That damage control
>Pretty pathetic
>Delusional people who think cutting off their sexual organ makes them the opposite sex
>Who is the one that denies reality ?
Talk about damage control. Last time I checked only retards who thought my dick = vagina are considered normal now a days. If that is what is considered to be normal, I Do Not Want To Be Normal.

Its already over. Right wingers have no standarts of morality. That means the left won a long time ago.

source of bullshit which you have no inclination or source to provide by