>JF's behaviour on stream literally proved everything in the court documents and psych evaulations
What a shit show.
JF's behaviour on stream literally proved everything in the court documents and psych evaulations
Other urls found in this thread:
>expecting an ancap to behave like a normal euman being
all he had to do was stick to race realism. he revealed what a loon he was the second his political views started being revealed
>how dos that affect me if thee ice cream man sells heroin to the neighborhood children?
It doesn't
>t. destiny shill
>the ancaps have arrived
shut the fuck up LIBERALIST
You're a fucking retard
>actually defending JF unironically
>being so consumed by e-celeb "culture" that you assume i'm a sargonite troll, because there's no way someone would see through someone like JF, its all about being on e-celeb "teams"
Go outside faggot