Feminism around every corner

Got any ideas of how to
Fuck this up?

inb4 put an f in front of art so it spells fart

Attached: 0326182144-1.jpg (1936x2582, 971K)

>Wikipedia edit-a-thon

This is why we will win.

Add trans womyn

Just need to find out the subjects first. I'm going to email to see if I can get more info. I was thinking it would be best to edit the pages first and then show up and film their reactions when they go to edit.

Put an sh in front of it so it spells shart

How can you get more fucked up then paying $35,000 a year to sit around editing Wikipedia?

Is "shart" really the best we can do?
I'm going to change the female symbol to the male arrow

Give us the articles being edited so Sup Forums can raid them and counter-edit the feminists.

I will email the contact to find out

Draw a dick

Hmm simple yet effective

Bumping because I need time to deliver

Bump for potential

Will post Wikipedia articles once found out

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>bring your laptops
You should add a line how this is classist, and that the poor cant afford laptops. That poster is discriminating towards the lower class.
They will eat this up in no time.


Find out the IP they will be posting from and report it to Wikipedia.

Attached: 0327180028-1-1.jpg (1452x1936, 361K)

draw a benis

Attached: 1517627396891.png (1060x722, 33K)

Look closer, at the blue part

Attached: 0327180019-1-1.jpg (638x542, 70K)

holy shit symbolism
youve got the 5 point star, the inverted cross, the commie fist
right out in your face

>ASU Tempe Campus

Fuck the Tempe campus hard but I'll go and livestream it just for you. I look like a cuck so it won't be a problem.

Attached: Arizona.png (1996x1252, 239K)

Holy shit

Attached: 1520229068320.png (498x520, 18K)


No. Don't go overboard, they will know

changing brush with pan?

>wikipedia edit a thon
feminists actually organise meet ups to rewrite the narrative of history the way that makes them feel less triggered? wtf man

Asu pol division

The occult symbolism in this picture really is too much. They are literally promoting Satanism with that poster and the vast majority of people will never even know it.

this campus is roastie central

Its degeneracy central. West is a Christian campus.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 1.07.07 AM.png (462x214, 17K)

They'll probably edit figures such as those below by citing cherry-picked studies:

Wikipedia: Gross measures of body strength suggest that women are approximately 50-60% as strong as men in the upper body, and 60-70% as strong in the lower body.[37]

Fucking idiots... If you all get together in the same physical place, all your edits will come from one IP address.

In B4 they end up dead in the water for overrunning the rate limit for their IP.

Yeah that will convince everybody because Wikipedoia is known for its credibility, right gals?

I remember seeing this event a couple years back so they must have been successful. Since I only have a month before gradating I just want to try to fuck with them.

Fatisha Gasem

fingers crossed

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 1.30.41 AM.png (587x288, 37K)

Bump for interest

"Biological women only please, this is a safe space"

Divide and conquer

It has nothing to do with them feeling less triggered. They are literally changing the past to control the future. We are living 1984. See: cheddar man.

Shame you can’t forge the sender address anymore. Won’t they be expecting an asu.edu domain?

draw a dick on it, preferably, turn the paint brush into a dick.