Will Kraut make a comeback?
JF/Andy breakup stream
/IBS/ Season 2 Finale
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I hope he does, the amount of lulz from the jokes will be amazing. He cant recover from the nipple clamps and don sargone.
>this could have been an autistic 19 year old girl instead of Andy
We shall overcome
maybe Soygon is right
Autism was /Ibs/ greatest strength as well as the cause of its ultimate downfall. It’s poetry in motion and it has unfolded right before our eyes.
Where is 02?
This was too good to leave on the old thread
Remeber, the soyfather always wins in the end
today's happenings recapped
andy should've talked to jf in private if he had issues
he shouldnt have ran to the kumite to gossip and talk shit like a little girl
Andy has gone full faggot with his "chill fun stream" bullshit. Nobody wants to hear that, I hope he does push JF aside and then has his "youtube career" BTFO
so what's the next thing gonna be after bloodsports
are we gonna go full "dox people we make fun of"
why do these faggots watch /IBS/? why is this the hill Andy wants to die on?
Guess how we all know your underage?
in fairness Jay btfo of JF. he looked retarded.
pretty accurate but I feel like the panels aren't in order.
He really thinks lots of people want to tune in to hear him talk about jerking off and smoking pot. He's a fucking tard and he actually thinks the conversations on the show ARE boring. He can't understand half the shit on his on show.
I like JF as a thinker, but the way he handled this entire fucking thing has been such an embarrassment. The outburst was one thing, but then he just autistically decided to play it off as a joke and never backed down even when fucking no one was buying it. Literally all that French faggot had to do was own up to his anger and apologize like a man. instead, he's killing the golden goose by expecting Andy to carry on the show with no sense of self-respect.
Well, Andy chose self-respect over JF, like anyone with a spine would have done.
dead meme
Closed groups always turn to shit, they can make massive gains short term but whatever they do will always be undone
Any good clips? Or what time in the video does he sperg out on andy?
post yfw this was actually orchestrated by vee the entire time.
jim, read this to andy in the kumite tomorrow, we know you'll be there with your crohn's induced home arrest, buddy:
you dun goofed, andy, the consequences will never be the same
nobody cares, you narcissistic nigger
>want a career as entertainer
>find niche with big brain discussions
>complain it's not fun
>for the first time realize work isn't "fun"
Andy is a fucking soyboy.
Watch the stream especially toward the end. JF doesnt understand logical consistency or even basic metaphysic terms.
Dude I'm living rent free in your head. I don't want to be a leader, I just want to make things and hurt people.
Here's the difference between me and you, I don't have this gay ass ideal of what this place is. I have an ideology and I know I'm better than you, but I don't pretend to represent this place. I just give credit to what made me.
Also, its funny you're butthurt I'm nice to Tonka. He's someone I have respect for and think is a cool dude. I support what he is doing and he is in some very abstract way supporting what we are doing. I'd probably be just as nice to Jim because he makes me laugh and I respect him.
You got a problem with me and how I live my life? Come fight me in on our thing or in the Kumite. You're a bitchmade little faggot and I'll jam my fat cock down your throat till you're crying blood and thanking me.
Open thing to anyone who thinks I was too nice to Tonka last night. Hit me up right now and talk that shit to my face. We are here for bloodsports, step into the ring if you got a problem with it.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe its wrong to be self confident and have respect for people you admire. Maybe I'm making us all look bad. I don't fucking know, I'm just having fun.
If you are soooo mad about some stupid stream we had last night that you really think the best thing to do is criticize some random guy on the internet who never claimed to be anything but a 'sociopath planting gardens in a minefield' or whatever stupid shit that was, then back it up.
I'll hear you out, I'll give you every benefit of the doubt. But if you come here and talk all that shit and aren't willing to back it up, then you are just a cowardly faggot. Lets do some real bloodsports people, I'm so ready for it.
There are no good clips. The entire stream was shit. Jay was just taking these vague concepts of what is subjective and what is a true statement, and then just tripping JF over it.
The entire stream was basically ''heh, so you are saying that your morality is subjective? heh, kiddo, so everything is subjective? But then how can you make a truth statement that you can observe the universe heh? Nothing personal kiddo.'' It was just that over and over.
JF is a faggot in ways, but he's a faggot that's an incredible asset for ethnonationalism.
>get stomped by Jay
>lash out at host
>too autistic to simply say sorry
>entire show implodes
All you need to do is fix the order, but well done.
>tried to play it off as a joke
>didnt back down
are we even watching the same shit? why does anyone think this is anything other than andy being a butthurt little faggot
It's called internet bloodsports brah.
Andy doesn't understand what his audience expected from him. When he tanks all of us are going to stop paying attention to him, no leftist will ever touch him again because hes associated with the Alt-Right, and he'll have nothing to draw in big numbers like the first Spencer debate.
Andy isn't popular just because hes Andy. Hes popular because of the dynamic that he had with JF, the events that were occurring with Krautgate, and the specific type of content they were providing. It was a magic moment of the stars aligning.
Now the hype is dead because there is no big controversy. Nothing is going to replace it because it was organic, and it was building for a long time. The relationship between JF and Andy is strained. If all he wants to do is make Kumite 2.0 where he sits around and talks about random bullshit then thats his choice, but hes choosing to fade away.
Bright flames burn out quick. We all had our fun here. Time to move on to greener pastures.
>go to LA
>stand around other people streaming
>shy away from all conflict
>bro, that was totally an amazing experience
>realize debates requires actual effort compared to walking around LA or sitting in a stream talking about nothing with your "friends"
>guys, this IBS debate thing isn't working out, sorry
Andy was interrupting every five seconds to talk about beating his dick and was convinced the chat actually believed he was jerking off.
Did you see the part where he asked Jay a 12 year old tier question about God and completely ignored the answer? Andy deserved to be snapped at.
>are we even watching the same shit?
I dunno, what the fuck are you watching?
I don't necessarily agree that all is done here
JF can rebuild, and we have Sargon's liberalistism to make fun of still
April will be a good month
>Andy has too many subs for his content
Most real thing JF said tonight. Very true, harsh but true. I doubt Andy will take that statement well.
Andy thought BTFO meant "back the fuck off"
He misses some major social cues pretty consistently.
Did you watch the 2 hour lead up of retardation to that point?
>Andy has too many subs for his content
wtf is that even supposed to mean?
I appreciate this desthead's work
Sup Forums continuously btfo; alt-kike on suicide watch
JF sperged out like a dickhead, but if this all you can bring to the table, I think you need to try harder and come back. you are ignoring the underlying issues of andy being completely disinterested in the actual debates( he admits this) and that lack of passion( plus intelligence) hurting the show. I mean if you can't bother putting any effort into finding compelling guests and don't care about researching the topics being discussed, you are just dead weight being used for the fact that you already had an established audience.
yeah it was a fucking joke you queer, it lasted all of 14 fucking seconds.
14 seconds is what this bitch made nigga andy is mad over you're telling me thats ok? fuck off
He can't play it anything but safe
Too big
>Andy thought BTFO meant "back the fuck off"
hahaha that changes everything.
9/10 but organize the panels from left to right, not top to bottom
Niggas betta neva be dissn' me n' shiieeet.
It means Andy's subcount is a fluke, and JF just wants to get the quality of the content to match what the subcount should mean.
The Warski live streams without JF all have low views. The ones where he is on they get massive views.
No one's saying Andy's not an idiot. The point is that the show is impossible for Andy when JF shows a fundamental lack of respect for him and then can't even acknowledge showing a fundamental lack of respect. JF made it impossible for bloodsports to continue and proceeded to cry about it.
It's more like Andy not talking shit out with JF.
He could have just talked with JF and figured out what he wants to do with the show, instead he is bottling up his ideas until he gets emotional, and then he goes on to talk to people who are not even involved.
Both JF and Andy have done nothing wrong. There are simply people trying to use their lack of communication to try and destroy the show, they're getting Andy on their show to talk shit about JF who they have never liked, they're sending DMs to Andy talking shit about JF.
This is a non-issue that will get fixed when Andy wakes up and jerks off.
Andy is too retarded to understand that he's retarded. He literally thinks he's a meme creating God but all of those memes were created at his expense (with Metokur usually stirring the shit) and Andy's role was being the lol cow, that retarded kid who shows his retard dick when the chuckle squad asks him to.
Kumite has a base but it's half the viewership of Warski Live post JF's introduction and Andy isn't one of the cool kids. At best he can be a tardy hang around like Vee that is good to have around to laugh AT. But that's it. He fucking cracks from the slightest bit of trolling and responds to abuse by telling stories about how he was sexually abused and developed a stutter so his journey will not end well without Handler JF there to give him credibility.
100% this
That's what makes him entertaining. He's oblivious quality makes him endearing.
she hasn't had any really moe moments for maybe three weeks now
inshallah she will make a comeback and land a place as a season-transcendent waifu by the end of the season, but for now she's tethered tightly to the fickle episode-to-episode fluctuations of cuteness
yeah I dont think anything is wrong either. andy is confirmed anxiety ridden, probably stressed out, and said on stream he was "thinking out loud" earlier. its his fault, but it could have been avoided
all in all if these guys are really men and not manlets they should be able to work it out
it means his channel is inflated from him making content about low-hanging SJW's and he doesn't actually have this giant fanbase that support andy just for being andy. do you think he's going to get a few thousand people watching his streams just for chip chipperson jokes?
jf put andy on the spot, no matter what he choses, andy will have to be a man about it.
I truly think it was a tossup, even as a theist. That's way out of the ordinary for JF, so it's obvious why it looks like a defeat to some degree.
Is Andy 13 and/or have a vagina? get the fuck over it.
You're aware Watchmojo has an order of magnitude more subs than any of these white niggers right? Youtube subs aren't handed out by a central commitie based on quality
Sargon's channel is built on that shit and he's waay bigger than Andy
Alternatively, Andy could stop being so insecure about his low IQ and recognize that JF has severe autism.
There's an elephant in the room and his name is Billy
>Is Andy 13 and/or have a vagina? get the fuck over it.
He is getting over it, by moving on from his collaboration with JF.
The moment I fell in love with andy's goofy incomprehension was when JF was explaining about his autistic ex-fiance in a very earnest fashion, all the pain of his serperation from her and the nature of how the courts and her family were involved, and after laying out one of the worst experiences of his life andy says "So how bad was the autism?"
It was magical. Even Jim was reduced to hysterical laughter at how fucking dumb it was.
I love this shit man, I hope they patch it up. It's all great fun for me.
>Youtube subs aren't handed out by a central commitie based on quality
You aren't wrong.
Yet with more subs comes more reach, JF knows how to leverage those subs, Andy does not.
respect? andy have respect for all the people he fucks over through IBS? he can dish it but can't take some words? fuck outta here. he's acting like a low iq tard who won't back down when someone looks at them wrong at the dive bar and has to go prove something.
I think JF's retarded for being am oral nihilist. I don't know if there is a god or not and i'd just ask this guy to give me a good reason to believe in his version of god, ie, the orthodox christian god,and ask him questions about the nature of that god and why i should think it;s real over other versions.
I've been vomiting blood and bile again for the last few weeks so I haven't been posting
I'll have to start posting her again now we have Sargon posters the fuck happened there
Absolutely agree. Well done, leaf. Maybe give Jim a troll face. He just wants to shit going crashing and burning, I think
>JF knows how to leverage those subs, Andy does not.
It's too bad JF doesn't know how to not burn every bridge he ever builds.
Yay, ten minutes in and my oc is already spreading around.
I havent read much comics so im not sure how to do it properly, should i do it or someone else wants to?
uh, do you have canceraids? is jim infecting us with it now with his spergyness?
>Andy needs to man up
>but not by ending things with JF
You're so painfully fucking transparent.
How do you go from setting up a bloodsports website to "wanting to do chill streams" in the span of a month? I agree with jim though that having the same ten guests argue about the ethnostate was tiring. I guess bloodsports just ran its course
Quick rundown on the last three days? I've been preoccupied with playing kingdom come. did andy and warski have a falling out?
quality post
>running away to your hugbox to make kumite at night is manning up
i will enjoy the shitstorm, but andy is a fucking brainlet and i see no reason to continue to watch his stuff without the Frog Sperg bringing legit interesting arguments and content
don't even know why andy is giving so much credit to kumite as a stream that he wants to copy it, failure is boring as fuck, half the people who listen to it only listen to get the metokur parts and the other half is only searching for the Kronos and American Pride best moments in full context
does anyone even like that chink chris? why does he need to make a comeback if stuff is better without his reddit opinions around?
the fuhrer of liberalistism defeated by a fat bong cuck and his own pride for being shutdown by a savant syndrome quebecois
you know what pisses me off the most? Tiny is still the only person ever to go undefeated on the warskilive before andy killed it.
>andy and warski
Andy Warski and JF had a falling out after Andy got unjustifiably butthurt when JF told him to shut up during an intense debate. Today they had a chance for rapprochement but instead fell out further.
JF has admitted that he is deeply autistic and this whole thing i think proves it. why no just hit up andy in private and talk to him about these recent events? I loved every second i watched of the stream it was some really funny shit and had some surprisingly decent advice for andy to man up and take control, but it was totally absurd to do it in public,a private conversation would have been much better and less risky.
manning up is not choosing the most destructive path so that you feel like you did "something"
It's not how many subs that matters, it's which subs you get, 1 sub that shares your content and feeds you superchats is worth 1000 that don't
The red numbers is the order I would have done it. But I don't read comics either. Anyone here know for sure what order it should be?
i wonder how much this has to do with the private talk andy and sargon had a while back.
JF has poor interpersonal skills. He really needs to work on them. He's got the "influencing people," but he doesn't have the "winning friends" skills.
>Autism man just completely FREAKED
I would have done it like this too