>Be male nurse >get scooted to the front of the line in job applications when applying >Potential to make as much or more as engineers
>Not breaking my back/exposed to the elements like in the Trades >Coworkers are 95% women and not autistic pajeets >Opportunity for cool jobs like a flight nurse > Can get an MBA and make $$$
>needing preferential treatment to "succeed" enjoy being mediocre
William Sanchez
>not swallowing the banker pill >not working 5 hours a day and being an absolute shitcunt while doing it >not treating people like fucking dogs and getting away with it >not unironically being a Jew
Carter Watson
>Enjoy being mediocre >Not taking every advantage given to you pic VERY related
But preferential treatment to be a nurse isn't an advantage
Zachary Green
Yes it is. This is a career path with opportunities that can easily six figures and has massive growth. Just by being a fucking white male you are immediately pushed to the front of the line for employment and promotions
Julian Barnes
Nicholas Ortiz
You'll also be used as the lifting retard all day until you destroy your back.
Wyatt Nguyen
but it's a shitty career dealing with shitty people (both other nurses and patients) and where is it going to take you? Nurse manager? They are most miserable cunts in a hospital.
Justin Reyes
because i don't want to clean up other people's shit and piss
Carson Perry
In America? Hospital admin or a big pharma job, especially with an MBA
Jacob Scott
CNAs do that
Dominic Turner
Because im an EMS supervisor and aside from dreading hospital work environments I only work 2 days a week and get paid to sleep.
Also how long have you been one? All the male RNs I know are dead behind the eyes from years of being surrounded by female nurses, and almost all the career RNs I know have some sort of orthopedic problem from their career.
Liam Reed
work in shit and piss all day lift overweight retarded people and scoop feces from their buttcrack
Grayson Hughes
hospital admin are shit cunts that hate their lives. If you want to work in big pharma study something useful like chemistry or pharmacology
Levi Cook
>Nurse? Oh wait, why aren't you a doctor? >Nurse!!! WE NEED THE MALE NURSE >ANOTHER OBESE WHALE FELL, BLOOD, PUSS, SHIT IS EVERYWHERE >THE WOMEN CANT PICK IT UP, GET IN THERE >now spongebath that fat fuck
Nurses should be allowed to optionally take any of the meds they give to their patients. Like if a patient is given pain killers, the nurse should be allowed to take them too so they dont get jelly
Eli Murphy
Actually I just realized ive checked off tons of career goals by now.
Get paid to: >sleep >cook tasty food >work out >masturbate multiple times a day >run cool calls in our semi rural area
Not to mention I get to be a cynical misanthrope with abunch of other cynical misanthropes and dream of the day we purge the Earth of shitbags
Owen Cooper
That’s the kind of thinking this country needs
Landon Thompson
Can't kill your customer as a banker though. If they're a cunt, just put them to sleep for a bit too long so you don't have to talk to them.
Dylan Thomas
Because i refuse to work as women, and lucky enough i never have to deal with a cunty 2hole in any of my day to days as a plumber. Stay cucked cunt
Jaxon Myers
Nah be an NP instead
>be 26 >earn on average $110,000 (most others my age earn around 40k, maybe 60k if they're lucky) >In charge of RNs >can prescribe medicines etc like a GP >loved by everyone I work with, easy breezy shifts and I can delegate simpler tasks and take on the difficult things whenever I want
Caleb Peterson
Come home, travis.
Leo Torres
Men should only see being an RN as a stepping stone in their career. I was an RN, but went back to medical school after a few years. Tell me, how many RNs do you see that are over 40, and appear happy and healthy? The answer is none. That's because being on the front lines of healthcare fucking kills you. You will age at an accelerated rate. You will become caulloused in order to deal with that shit on a daily basis. To all male RNs, take my advice and get some some experience before going back to school before you become complacent wiping ass for 30 dollars an hour. Best decision of my life.
Uhh, have you seen your fellow Americans lately? They're fat as fuck. Guess who is getting asked to go help move the 600lb hambeast with dying animals in the folds of her vaginal fat rolls first? You, Mr. Big strong Murse!
I am a male nurse and I like my job, but no idea where you got that idea from. My back is OK because I actually am big and strong, but most every nurse I know has a fucked up back from trying to turn and pull every 250+lb patient (aka all of them). Skinny fit people don't get sick unless they get cancer or a car accident.
Noah Martinez
I will say OP, if youre smart, get ICU experience asap and try for the flight rn job. Youll still deal with a unique brand of political bullshit but youll at least be in an interesting environment, youll be away from hospital culture and typical nurse types, and best of all if you are smart you will work somewhere northern where theres hard winters so you can get no fly days where you do nothing at all. Reference my above post for possible activities.
Bentley Scott
now that's something actually sensible and god knows the world could use more NPs
Jason Harris
Nurses have to deal with insane hours and bust their asses dealing with unruly patients, feces, urine, vomit, bed bugs, and HIV. I would never be able to handle it.
Ryder Young
>>Coworkers are 95% women and not autistic pajeets I heard stories about how in these cases, the male nurse ends up doing most of the work while the females just sit around bitching about work they don't do and talk shit about you behind your back.
Benjamin Thompson
>be one of the girls no thanks. I'm not gay but I have salty as fuck humor so I would be fired for calling someone a cunt, cow or bitch. Guys can usually take being called a cunt, bastard or sonofabitch because guys aren't emotional about shit like that.
Xavier Ross
It's good work but you still need to get the experience nurses and rns get before you can become one. I had to wipe asses, not as much as people make out but I still did it before I was an RN
Bentley Nguyen
Don't you just act as a taxi service for elderly people from the Nursing home to the hospital and vice versa.?
Joshua Ramirez
it's not a profession -- its a trade
Julian Ross
But I like being calloused.
I fucking hate people. Theyre disgusting zoo animals. The front lines lets you see them for what they really are and experience the hate fully. You gotta savor it.
Sometimes. In my system theres one car that basically does that. The others run decent 911s.
My favorite call recently i actually snowshoed in to a breathing difficulty and we snowmobiled him out. Depends where you work, and what sort of agency.
Eli Taylor
A full time nurse works 3 day weeks on average
Jace Brooks
The one thing I think really needs to happen is a form of mental health NP. Mental health nurses are fucking shit and the doctors get no help from them then end up being burnt out. But having mental health NPs would take some of that burden off the doctors and stop the mental health nurses from bugging them all the time
yep, 3am-3pm Monday, then 7pm to 7am Tuesday, then 3am-3pm Friday
its great for your sleep cycle
Noah Parker
Also some systems have looser protocols than others. We have a pretty broad scope of practice and arent required to phone med control for any of our procedures.
Jayden Baker
Probably not. I've mad some really "insensitive" jokes and everyone cracks up. Fat women nurses are always annoying because they think they're the shit. The thinner attractive ones are all shitty workers, in my experience they think that they can half ass everything for an easy paycheck & go drinking on the weekend.
Super slutty and way easy to fuck though. I had this 8/10 basic AIN tell me she was "so tight she could barely chuck a finger up there" I fucked her a lot while she was in a relationship. Her boyfriend eventually proposed and she said "yeah he got me this really nice ring so I let him put it in my ass".
They're so so easy
Nolan Cook
You get 4 days off a week instead of 2.
Noah Allen
Looking at joining the Army again. They have an opening for LPN. Will train me. A year of school then I'm good.
Keep the opinions coming, I haven't made up my mind. Seems like good money for no college degree, but I hear too many stories of lazy cunts taking advantage of my strength and making me work while they gossip.
David Clark
shit they need that here
Brayden Campbell
>dealing with body fluids >touching gross people >being involved in the failing healthcare field >working with 95% women >muh bad care I’m gonna sue you >being on someone else’s clock >working with Chang’s and Pajeets all day
Dude, there are so many reasons to not go into nursing, it’s downright funny.
Jonathan Bell
you spend half those days recovering your fucked up sleep cycle
Kevin King
>be male RN >female patients uncomfortable with me preforming bed baths and perineal care >male patients also uncomfortable >barely have to do nasty shit unless pt is very functionally declined
not bad
Jeremiah Brooks
NPs specialize. I studied with a girl who specialized in mental health which is what she currently does now.
Benjamin Bell
>Be engineer >Don't have to clean up shit or deal with psychotic patients
Checkmate, RNs
Owen Clark
not if you get the same hours each day
Zachary Wilson
Not breaking back?
Not true- male nurses get given all the nursing teams heavy lifting
Enjoy lifting fatties into beds for a living
Camden Ward
barely any in Canada because the doctors hate them for stealing muh jerbs
Gabriel Gray
Who lied abou not needing a degree?
There are no RNs without at least an Associates, and from what I hear and see most places are now starting to expect you to work towards or already have your BSN. I hope you like bullshit because that what the BS stands for in this case. It maintains exclusivity so they can demand more pay.
Ayden Watson
Every male RN I;ve known looked 10+ years older than what they really were, shit looks rough
Josiah Adams
Female nurses are also expected to lift.
Juan Turner
Exact same thing here. Doctors hate it. We do what they do (like 90%) and we're cheaper.
Most here are Indians though. The older doctors haven't had a problem. The younger ones thinking they're gonna be invincible do though.
William Williams
LPN not needing a degree but they do need certs from what I read. RN apparently needs something, not sure what. I don't know anything about this field.
Brody Lewis
which never happens because someone calls in sick so you are asked to go in
Hunter Cook
Depends on what you do. Med surg floors fucking blow, you're dealing with the genpop and are overwhelmed. In the ICU you get 2, maybe 3 patients at most and you usually have a ton of down time. You give meds or perform an intervention, then you are just monitoring them and they're usually on ventilators and sedated. Surgery sucks, you're just standing there counting tools and charting for hours, watching the surgeon and tech do all the work. Labor and delivery and mother baby have tons of downtime too if theres not a lot of births. ER can be a lot of action, but it's a lot of dumb shit too like welfare babies coming in for a runny nose and shit. Working in a clinic isn't very hard, but dealing with fully alert elderly people usually sucks. Then there's all the outpatient services like prepping them for a Endoscopy or colonoscopy, which are usually just 9-5 jobs that are easy as fuck.
Yeah you might have to wipe some ass in any of them, but outside of med surg and the ER there's a lot of down time and its not bad at all.You don't do shit in surgery, but you have to be in the room and not fucking around on your phone or whatever, it sucks. All the dead-eyed career nurses you see worked pediatrics or general med surg floors their whole career, and that shit will tear you down.
Lincoln Hughes
>Coworkers are 95% women I see this as a bad deal. Also enjoy getting assaulted by methheads
Gabriel Anderson
Basically it's this is a mechanic, truck driver, or my first choice, Geospatial intelligence image analyst.
Nursing is good money but I had an aunt do it . Made bank but became an alcoholic and she was a walking zombie for the rest of her life.
Nolan Bailey
I've known nurses and they do the same hours unless getting time and a half overtime pay
Zachary Carter
U dum nigga
Landon Johnson
Why would you work that retarded schedule? Just do days or nights only.
Luis Adams
NP or PA are what I would do.
Ian Diaz
Runs work like dogs and have to deal with death way too much for my taste.
I want to get into medical imaging. They work as needed and don't have to get over involved or emotionally invested as the nurses or cnas do. As far as I know, they work the same shifts like nurses and cans do too, which would be fucking rad.
Carson Jones
>fully alert elderly people
there are no fully alert elderly people
Christopher Barnes
>they pay you for fucking up your sleep cycle thanks, hospital
Hudson Jackson
Because I prefer being an MD
Chase Miller
because someone called in sick, again
Andrew James
>I prefer selling my 20s and half my 30s, then working 60-80 hours a week for the rest of my life
Jordan Russell
Because I'm an RT and after years of fixing your shit vent settings, hearing you say "oh I just gave them some albuterol" for the nth time for someone who didn't need it but was bothering you, and seeing what you laughably call a proper breathing treatment, I realized the world needs more specialists like me than ego-tripping RNs like you.
Lucas Thomas
Imo bad idea, medical imaging and diagnosis soon to be automated, radiological techs will become lesser paid burger flippers
Justin Rodriguez
I can be a CLS and not wipe asses.
Brayden Williams
LPNs are basically CNAs.
You go LPN as a stepping stone to RN. But for all intents and purposes, youre a CNA.
If youre going .mil, go army medic or corpsman. Those open up options from what ive seen. You can go Paramedic, PA, or do the smart thing and contrqct as private security overseas and make more money than any of the jokers in this thread. Then come back and do whatever.
Grayson Williams
I hate people
Henry Peterson
I barely got through nursing school. I really don't have the patience for an MD. It's not that I couldn't do the work, I had over a 3.0, but I had to force myself to study and do homework, it was painful after not being in school for 10 years
Dylan Gray
Or go PJ and just be a certified badass in the cushiest branch.
Lucas Sullivan
male nurse here dont do it. its not worth it. no amount of money is worth this shit. nursing is a shit joke of a profession. everyday i watch the custodian with envious eyes. i am jealous of him. you cant imagine the stress and frustration i feel everyday. it is literally impossible to be a good nurse in a privately owned healthcare facility. every possible thing that could go wrong is the nurses fault. its the nurses fault, because the nurse has to do literally every fucking thing that requires an IQ greater than 7. paperwork, meds, inputting orders, DCing orders, dealing with patients and family, ordering labs x rays, making appointments, rounding with doctors, treatments, procedures, IVs, probably 30 other god damn things and its all on the nurse, every fucking day it never ends, and thats if you're lucky and nothing bad happens. join the army.
Kevin White
>male nurse >get hired Nice joke. Also the field most likely to turn you into an incel.
Leo Ross
I was a corpsman, good luck doing any of that shit unless you've been in for 10+ years and were a good goy. I knew one fellow corpsman I went to A-school with that got into the officer nursing program and he was a grade-A tryhard faggot. Everyone else were like E-6s and applied 5 times before they got in. Nobody did the PA program except for some SEAL officers and chiefs.
I mean it helped me immensely in the civilian sector just being a vet, but all those military programs are super competitive and not things any E-nothing. Shmuck Will get into.
Adam Mitchell
I have a job that pays 3x more that doent involve poop and piss
Charles Williams
The fuck? I don't do half that shit, nor would I. The providers are going to put in orders, labs, radiology, all that crap. I can suggest they order something, but they are the ones that do it.
Sounds like you work on a shitty floor for shitty hospital. Do something else.
Asher Gray
Nursing is a woman's job
Asher Jackson
then why hire LPNs when they could hire CNAs for less?
I mostly meant as an experience qualifier afterward, or at least to test the waters. But ive known two medics and one corpsman who have worked here and all three made insane bank contracting.
Sebastian Powell
APPs get none of the respect physicians get, are worked just as hard, and are compensated much less. It's basically a way for hospitals to make more money instead of hiring physicians. You get the patients who say "I want to see a real doctor" and are called and thought of as mid-level providers.
Joshua Allen
Hahahhahahaa. No. My sisters are nurses and one will be going to US soon. They encourage me to take nursing before but I declined. The work environment is toxic based on the stories I hear from them.
Michael Howard
There are marginal differences. They have their place, im just saying count on going beyond that and decide if the stepping stone is worth your time.
Mason Evans
I was going to say I don't believe you then I saw your flag