Having finished Culture of Critique, today I start Esau's Tears
What is Sup Forums reading tonight?
re reading harry potter for the 7th time XD
Also post your libraries.
You have to be 18 to post here.
I'm gonna be reading the captions under porn videos in about five minutes.
lol I am older than that Im just such a nerd!
Okay, Bundy.
Isn't that like re reading a coloring book?
Can't find an ebook version and the cheapest copy on Amazon is like $40 (Paperback, Hardback is over $70). Esau's Tears out of print or something?
like... King Kong Bundy?
libgen.pw for free books
They don't want you to read it. I bought it from Amazon tho.
If you ignore the deep meaning and themes that J.K has inserted into her works they could, indeed, seem rather elementary. But when you understand what she was trying to portray then the books have a way of expanding your consciousness and empathy
Right, some welfare roastie is capable of conscious thought and understanding of empathy. Good one.
She absolutely is and it abounds in her books if you ever took the time to sit down and read them with an open mind. I think you could benefit tremendously from it, it might deal with some of your obvious negativity
Nice! In the same vein (haven't read it though), there's "The controversy of Zion"
I read them when I was a child. The theme of helping inferiors is retarded.
Thank you, user. I will buy it and read it.
maybe for you because there is no one inferior
Please fuck off if you're only going to post about children's fiction.
what's the matter? Is it too complex for you?
I'm reading pol
There is nothing complex about evil for the sake of evil. Voldemort is as complex as your worth is tangible.
but he's not evil for the sake of evil. He's evil because he wants to establish wizard supremacy. Something a nazi like yourself should appreciate. The books will also give you a preview of what happens when you try something like that (spoiler: you get wrecked)
Asimov's New Guide to Science, fourth edition.
t. white nationalist neo-fascist who studies STEM.
And in the end, the wizards are still far superior beings who primarily ignore the subhumans.
White supremacy built the modern world, and without it, everyone would still be living a subsistence lifestyle. The monitor I type this on is worth more than the Asian slaves who made it for me. Hell, the keyboard I type it on is probably worth more than they make in a year. Voldemort was a faggot because he didn't have non wizard slaves like you and I have Asian slaves.
but that's wrong. The wizards aren't far superior beings, they end up being so reliant on magic that they fail to develop much of the technology that muggles have. It shows us that just because we are good at different things doesn't mean we aren't equal and thats what he who shall not be named didn't understand and why he failed. You don't have asian slaves anymore than you are a slave
Every Sup Forumstard is basically Ignatius J. Reilly.
>Wizards are still far superior beings
Explain pic related then.
That's like saying whites are behind blacks because they didn't develop mosquito burger technologies.
you couldn't survive in the outback the way that the traditional owners do, so in some ways you are behind them
The Devil's Star, a nicely gruesome bit of "Norwegian noir."
I'm all for arming the white students.
A guide to wooden boat building published by the RAN in the 1970s
i'd say a nuke is stronger than any voldernigger explosion spell they got
Yes, the white man is actually capable of adapting the environment instead of adapting to it. It's part of what separates humans from niggers.
Some Voldenigger spells are known to generate Arizona Watermelon rain, tho. Nukes only create acid rain. That must mean that niggers are superior.
you'd be dead before you could even attempt to adapt the environment
I finished reading "A Wrinkle In Time" today as a light read after finishing Sibel Edmonds' Classified Woman. It was good, even better because I didn't see too many advertisements for the Disney diversity version so my mental image of the characters wasn't tainted.
Not sure what I wanna read next. I was reading "When The Sky Fell" concurrently with "Wrinkle" but it's slow- informative but the writing isn't that good. I'm gonna finish that but I want another book to read alongside it so I don't get bored.
Love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart
Love thy neighbor as God loves him
Harry Potter is a sin against the first commandment user
For the sake of your soul, avoid it any further
Grossdeutschland: Guderian's Eastern Front Elite,
Reading the ebook of Ed Feser's Aquinas. It's heavy stuff at times but it's very well done and very clear.
That's hilarious. I have guns, faggot.