
boobs in kids shows
boobs in afternoon shows for teens
Early 2000s
boobs in late night anime
Late 2000s to 2010s
Boobs in Bluray only

How do we bring casual nudity back to anime?

I've never watched Ranma. Please tell me he stays a girl and marries that other guy.

>that episode where Ranma spends like 10 minutes with her boobs out until Akane tells her to cover

You should have written nipples.

Most of the casual nudity in ranma isn’t that hot, it’s the situations and curves that do it.

Fucking feminists are taking us back to the Victorian era

Feminists have no problem with female nudity. They just have a problem with attractive female nudity. If there was anime filled with ugly naked dykes, they'd love it.

>Please tell me he stays a girl and marries that other guy.
>Anyone in Ranma getting married, ever

There is this story in the manga where Ranma tried to fuck Ryoga, though.

Ranma tits had better animation than half of current shows, so no it was super hot

Feminist don't have anything to do with anime tho, its more like fucking studios wanting to sell blu rays.

Rumiko needs to go back to drawing tiddies in her manga again.


Don't look Akane!


During the 90s this was on air at afternoon on Italian tv. Times changed so much. Now we have Peppa Pig.

Ranma a cute

this aired in early 2009-10 here in flipland in the afternoon but it's censored

Best fail

>How do we bring casual nudity back to anime?
With the least effort put into it, you need to make boobs more visible in public. Thus encourage women to not be afraid of breastfeeding in public. Put an end to abrahamic views on this matter.

Ranma has such nice legs

You can't,you can blame american anime publishers that ruined that idea in the 90s be it via manga or anime,the problem is as soon lazy fucking dipshit christian parents heard about it in the US they went ape shit over and demanded censoring or removing scenes of nudity,the only reason it was so common in the 80s and some of the 90s was because most animes hadn't got a lot of attention in the US,so most people didn't give two shits.

There's also the cursed mirror story in the manga which ends with permanently male and female copies of Ranma in love with each other. It's just a one shot though, and they never appear outside of those two chapters.

But christians had a reason to be upset. Not with breastfeeding.

you mean nipples, not boobs.

No, I don't you dummy poo poo head

Take an example such as Sailor Moon where we got a naked Usagi in the final episode no nipples but a completely head to toe naked Usagi. Name for me any daytime shows of the last 10 years that did that. Hell you probably can't even name a nighttime show that did that

There are BDs, for starters.

>How do we bring casual nudity back to anime?
We just dont

Why not. I hear casual nudity is a thing in Japan, especially in bathhouses.