It's been one year since this happened, and people still argue whether they got engaged or not.
Yuri!!! On Ice
obsessed fujoshits*
New Year's presents from popular creators and idols in Animage January issue (release date December 9).
There's nothing to discuss, since the two authors are fujoshis. Of course they are a couple of course they're going to get married.
They are saltmates now.
>two authors are fujoshis
Yamamoto is a hopeless skatefag, and this sports is the reason why she conceived this anime. Not sure if she's actually fujo.
>Still argue
It was glorious homo what we witnessed on that day.
Yeahyeah yeah
Okay, it took me 30 minutes to figure out Makkachin is licking Yuuri's chin. Sexy.
Maybe you haven't lurked in the yoi threads enough user.
>Victor: I have total faith in what to choose, yuuri
>Yuuri: Let's end this.
a year has gone by and it still affects me
This scene is impossible to interpret as anything else unless you’re a retarded hetfag
worse yet is to say that Victor was joking when he literally says they are Engagement Rings
I got sick for the whole week after that . Not that episode 12 helped.
Even the merch became boring. Please hurry SayoKubo.
Take me to the future. I want coach Piggy
Victor NTRd by Makkachin?
>BaldFat lovingly staring at each other as if the rest of the world doesn't exist
This and the BikeFairy one are cute desu
What if it's Victor dressed as Makkachin.
I wonder if people thought he was joking because of the heart-shaped smile he had when he announced the engagement. Maybe that's why it got retconned in the BD version.
Thought of that one doujin where he got fucked by Yuuri in a Makkachin costume. It was hot.
Why is Makka always such a slut?
Was waiting for a YOI thread so I could place this. YOI has gone real life meta
Some retards say it's because he's winking. Nevermind that he was also winking when he said he'd be Piggy's coach, and that wasn't a joke.
There are still people who say they didnt kiss in 7. Hetfags gonna be retards no matter what. They could blow each other and peopel would say its justs a sportsman like thing to do.
>not wanting to really marry this pork and to have daily marital sex
What is he, gay?
Not that anyone calls me, but that song makes a great ringtone. I waited OST 2 just for that track.
Bringing this back for nostalgia's sake.
fellatio is just a russian intimidation tactic, after all
>Yuuri: Let's end this.
That was really fun. I still laugh at this image and its edits.
What the fuck, that hairstyle suits Piggy really well.
Coachforov when?
They are all gay
I'm pretty sure that, by now, you can recreate the entire show with those keychains.
I will never be able not to think of Yoi when I'll see other pics of Kojima and Mikkelsen together. Fuck.
How many YoI keychains do you need to own to be in the deepest keychain hell? I feel lucky that I only have two.
I'm waiting for the kiss scene keychain version and I won't be happy until I see it
Is there a more romantic way to spend Christmas than feeding Bikefairy macarons to your beloved?
Nips know how to have fun
I want those.
>tfw baldfat are gonna get married and live happily ever after in domestic bliss with a bunch of poodles
I love that it feels like such an inevitability and not even that distant in the future. If only Pig could get preggo.
I like the one where Pig is all in Balds face obssesing about his tears and gets slapped. Kek
I like this psycho Victor too. I wanted to see more of his silent murderer mode.
Apparently the YOI opening (History Maker) was used at the opening ceremony for the Grand Prix.
At least that's what google translate leads me to believe.
That's amazing, it was a stroke of genius to have the vocal songs in the OST in English so they can be used outside of Japan
Sanrio is making their own homo anime next year. Coincidence? I think not.
Yes it's a coincidence, and it will be shit.
There's also this from ISU's official twitter
>That's Alexandra Trusova who broke the world record for Junior Ladies today
And there were also some baldfat/fairy stands around the rink as well!
This or after Yuuri wins gold they never return to the matter again.
He has to win 5 never
user pls. That was a metaphor.
It’s just one for marriage. Winning 5 is symbolically taking Bald’s legacy and making Piggy not consider retiring until his knees explode.
How is he so perfect Sup Forums?
Silver haired boys are best boys
It's not the hair colour, Baldy is just stunning
The first silverhead boy love interest to not die in an anime. Praise Sayo
His hair is a national treasure.
I always knew Victor would be a beautiful crier.
Now we need the YOI movie to have Victor as a child discover his love for figure skating.
Just imagine, mini Victor with shoulder length silver hair and innocent icy blue eyes.
>It's been one year since this happened
This makes me feel so sad and nostalgic. I haven't been able to visit these threads much lately (though I assume the amount of threads have probably been lessening anyway) but I'll never not look fondly on the days I got to watch this with Sup Forums.
Has there been any more news on the movie? Anything at all? Without any more YoI there's like a void in my heart that can't be filled ;_;
I want to see more of him and Yakov interacting, and BaldFat bonding with their partner's family.
>Has there been any more news on the movie?
Not a single word has been leaked about the movie, we're right back in the same place as last April.
They have the story down at least since they’re working on the music now
One of the tags nips are using today is
>It’s been one year since my best friend got married
One year that pig lost the nuts
Why haven’t they collaborated with a jewelry brand yet?
But the mystery still remains.
nuts will return in the movie, cap this
Pig will find Balds nuts.
Why does Piggy treasure nuts so much?
Enjoy your no kiss nothing confirmed movie.
It's a symbolism of his desire to possess a certain Russian skater's balls.
I wonder what the hell was going through Makkachins mind during this photo op. Does she realize how hot her master is.
>Does she realize how hot her master is.
user she saw him naked since he was a shota. She knows.
Backpedaling at this point not only is stupid but risky. On the contrary I'm sure the movie will have more of this stuff. If they have the authority to do it, they will. I expect at least one other kiss, be it skillfully obscured or not, while at the same time I would gladly reduce the excessively cheesy moments (a la airport scene) for something more suggestive or that follows the rivals dynamics, like teasing and provoking each other.
>no new info
>still posting about the same dumb cancer shit arguing over if people think they are gay or not
Stop making useless threads for your garbage overrated show.
Hmmm, if Sayo adds in slight aggressive tension rival style to the already sweet and devoted yet slightly wild ai that is Baldfat fujos will die in masses from prolonged ladyboners. That would be too much
>No new info
>Doesnt post in Eva or Madoka threads
BaldFat should be agressive and flirty with each other at the rink. Once they return home they’re the picture of domesticity and make passionate love after foot massages and a bath.
History Maker for the GPF Opening Ceremony. Sayo is living the dream.
They will have bunch of children user. Piggy is ready to bear Bald's child. Even Ito said his handwriting is motherly.
This thread is very interesting!
and one of the people who interviewed sayo, kubo and hiramatsu
I’m glad Ballroom is flopping. SayoKubo managed to make an anime that’s mainstream and homo and it’s paying off.
So what (if any) repercussions will Russia's current JUSTing by the Olympics committee have in the YoI universe? Will Bald fight or will he perish like a dog?
Did Bald dope?
Very hard to say. My gut tells me he used to but he stopped lately. Fairy however dopes hardcore.
I will stab something if the movie production gets held up to include this.
The entire team does. Explains their off the wall behaivor. Bald stopped since he gets high off piggy now.
The framing of the scene is romantic but he doesn't actually ask Bald to marry him.
Miracles can't be explained user. We just have to be grateful.
Bald dgaf about mother Russia, he's team Japan now.
Did anyone else get an email from GSC that the Yuuri FS will be delayed (again) until Dec. 22?
Not necessarily. Music was always the first thing they did for skating programs.
I'm so starved for new content that my heart warms at the mere sight of a cute Bikefairy keychain. Just look at Fairy's little maiden blush.
Will we get a Christmas miracle?
Bald will get married, the JSF will welcome him with open arms and pull strings to get him nationalized. And so, Bald will skate for Japan with his live and love.
The rest of team Russia is screwed tho.
Man the more it takes for the next show the more I feel like my dream of S3 being released just before the olympics (and covering them) will not happen.
Realistically, nothing. YOI is an idealized universe where doping doesn't exist and no one gets Tonya Hardinged.
Fans will have fun with memes, though I still find it hard picture Bald doping, too pure. Fairy maybe.
You have to have the story behind the skates in order to do music. Since the skate themes are important plot and character elements they have some of the story done
This is funny cause real nipland recently past a reform that VIP immigrants get exspress citizenship
They might have rough drafts and concepts. But in s1 the skating music was finished well ahead of the story.
>The Minister of Justice may waive the age and residence requirements if the applicant has a special relationship to Japan
>The Nationality Act also provides that the Diet of Japan may confer Japanese nationality by special resolution to a person who has provided extraordinary service to Japan. However, this provision has never been invoked.
We don't know if the new music is for skating programs. It depends on when the movie is set, if it takes place in the same skating season as the anime, they don't need to make new programs, just re-animate the old ones to meet movie standards.
>they don't need to make new programs
Bald needs new ones.
We not knowing was exactly the point. They may or may not have the story down. Normally music is a good indicator but not here.
Not sure where you got your info. The skate music came after the story and plot was figured out
>Well, I originally sat down and thought about the structure and plot of the series; following this myself and Ms. Kubo worked out the details for episodes 1 – 5. From episode 6 onwards however, it was a totally different dimension (laughs). In the Grand Prix, we wanted to have at least six skaters go up against each other. The actual episode of the series ran for about 20 minutes and 10 seconds, with the actual short programs running for about 2 minutes and 50 seconds, while the free programs would run for 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
>When we ordered the music, we reduced the length of it to about 2 minutes. In a bid to keep all of the elements from the skating program, we had our choreographer Kenji Miyamoto make adjustments to transitions and spins so it would all fit the cut. Even then, we still had to make it shorter; this is where we decided how many minutes each character would skate, we pretty much calculated absolutely everything. Then both Ms. Kubo and I decided on the key elements we wanted to incorporate into each episode, and would write them into the plot. After all these discussions, this was the point in which Ms. Kubo would start writing the names.
Also everyone is assuming they are only working on skate themes and not bg for some reason