Was this show good ?

Was this show good ?


It was much better than one joke man

I'd say so
Wasn't expecting a MP100 adaptation to actually have good animation but they did a good job on it

I agree with this message.
I dont agree with this message.

Yeah, the most refreshing battle shounen since HxH

Shame about the minecraft animator ruining some scenes.

Obviously, fucking wonderful.

>I don't know what good animation is.
Go watch your A-1 shows and leave this board.

Solid 7/10. Mostly due to directing etc and not due to story or interesting dialogue. It's too dumb to be a parody.

Didn't watch it, looks like it has some good visuals but a shit story

Its pretty good. Action + Comedy = Fun

Did pretty much everything right.

I like both.
fite me

The manga is an heresy

Typical Jojo fan, your opinion doesn't count

I know world isnt made out of cubes.


Ano hi no Hana mita was nice, and Shinsekai Yori too. Better than Mob Psycho that's for sure.


It's meme good.

Nice argument bro

It's like accel world but worst

It was okay. Definitely not on the level of One-Punch man, but worth the watch.

>looks like it has a shit story
How do you tell what the quality of a show's story is just by looking at it
Genuinely curious about the logic behind this post


I've been staring at this picture for a good twenty-three seconds now and I don't get it...

>When people can't get how shitty a story is from the synopsis
Go back to watching eromanga sensei or some reatarded shit


watch one punch man

>read one punch man

Yes and the manga is very good too

one punch man is better, one's disgusting 'artstyle' should never have been animated

Wow user, you sure were quick to directly attack me for no reason
Are you gonna explain what you meant or just sperg out

>one joke man

Was overhyped while airing but was I struggle to say It isn't a good show but also struggle to say it is a good show

Read better my first post: From a logical analysis, you can deduce that if you were able to get how shitty a story is from the synposis, you would understand, even just with the synposis, that it's bad.
From this statement, I deduced that you were the kind of person to enjoy eromanga sensei or some retarded shit, since you seem to not be able to get how shitty a story is from the synopsis.

explain it more clearly user, my dick got stuck in the blender

Show was technically good, but I personally fucking hated the main character

>Taking synopsis seriously
What a retard

I feel like I wanted to like it more than I actually did. That said it wasn't bad in any way, it just didn't feel fulfilling.

Not in terms of animation.
And, actually, also not in terms of story. Fucking shit.

>I didn't even give it a shot
Go watch the first chapters or read the manga, faggot.

the first few chapters/episodes of any story are usually the most generic of them all

Visuals were fantastic. Story was mediocre or slightly above average. Overrated on Sup Forums.

Pretty good show, probably my favourite of its season.

It felt a lot more engaging than OPM imo since it didn't resort to the "Protag is Overpowered" joke as the focal point of every arc.
I like both though and I think OPM even has a significant edge as a weekly read since you don't really need to keep up at all to enjoy it, but as whole Mob is the better one I'd say.

and yet they're still amazing.

You'll get over that with age. Trust me. I too was your way when I was 14 or so.

>actually believing the first episodes of mob aren't great
Let me guess, not enough fanservice for you.


Bait like juggling keys at an animal

I understand that we are on 4 chan, but God Dammit you're too much dumb to be here.

it was a good show, only a good show

nah, he's right

The absolute tits, user. Well worth the watch, and the read if you aren't put off by the art, which is, IMO, charming. Grows on you.

OPM is trash and OPM is better than this
you do the math

why doesn't mangaone work anymore reeee


Good job making yourself look like a complete idiot.

>not a new IP
you don't need to samefag man. He's actually right.

OPM is like a hobby of ONE, Mob is his passion project
And the anime adaptation, while obviously still lacking about 2/3rd to 3/4th of the total content, is one of the best adaptations ever made.
I can barely imagine it being profitable with how amazing it is. On average it already looks amazing, but especially those oil on glass bits, especially the ending are just baffeling

Good, but I disagree with these guys who see the show as if it were the best thing in the universe. The production is more interesting than the story.

I also don't think it's incredibly superior to OPM. Actually, for me, both tie.

Making it clear that I'm talking about the anime, I didn't read the manga.

It was my AotY and I've watched the series about four times now, OP.

>I didn't read the manga.
I think you should. I don't want to oversell it but it gets a lot better as it goes on, with lots of great moments to look forward to.

pretentious garbage

Amazing show, among the best of the decade for me. An anime that I would recommend to anyone, a universal work with no limits for me.

I'm stupid: the post

>not a new IP
just stop user

Your point?

I hope you don't watch it for the sole fact that you might enjoy it

All shonen battle manga have shitty synopses. I swear there isn't a single one that doesn't sound shitty. Don't know why you're surprised.



>responding to the person who responded to you

>new IP

>using stock image meme guy
youre the true fag here

why do you keep trying?

Brah everything is about execution of an idea

It's a good show. 8.5/10 I personally prefer OPM more cause MP100 had an anti-climax and felt too much like it was proselytizing its no one's better message at times. OPM just rolled with the joke and had fun with it.

>I've been staring at this picture for a good twenty-three seconds now and I don't get it
Like pottery.

>hey let's make everything exaggerated and even more cartoonish destroying the whole atmosphere of the manga
>best adaptation ever made
If you liked it ok, but don't be a faggot.

>MP had an anti-climax
If you think Reigen vs Claw was an anti-climax, you're watching the show for the wrong reasons.

>Destroying the atmosphere of the manga
The manga always had the cartoony vibe. The anime just played to it's strenghts.

It was one guy stomping the other side in quick succession, and not in a funny way.

>not in a funny way
No, mob going berserk would have been a guy stomping on the other side in the most uncreative way possible.
Reigen talking the shit out of Scar, now, that was something.

No problem.
