Why does YouTube feel it necessary to include this information?

Why does YouTube feel it necessary to include this information?

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Because it’s the truth?

Why does youtube change the wording depending on their personal preference about that outlet?

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Why wouldn't they? It serves their agenda.

But the disclaimer isn't found on CNN or Fox News' video clips.

All the anti Russian rhetoric coming out of your country is trying to set the platform for something.

They should do the same for the BBC news.

The general consensus of public "fear" of Russia does not conflate with the actual perception that most people have on the nation.
The Cold War ended ~30 years ago.

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Because RT is Infowars tier uneducated propaganda

Maybe they hide their source of support and Russia is surprisingly open with the information?

Because Trump won the last election, so all of social media is clamping down on anything that could either help or not harm Trump.

Because it doesn't apply to those.

this isn't even remotely true though, brainlet

Yeah, I'm not buying it either. Not saying you should trust them lol, but I'm not buying all this fear mongering.

>set the platform for something

For war.

Shouldn't anything from NPR have the same disclaimer too? And it's well known that the CIA pays reporters to shill for them all over the world. It should be on every jewsmedia page on Youtube.

RT is just propaganda to make Russia look like it's actually good to Westerners.

not on BBC either hmmmmmm rly lights the almonds

Its just an ruse to appeal to the stomached propaganda of the average normie
>clicks video
>ahhhh its teh RUSSSSHEEEENZ

btw RT makes the best documentaries

Check out hitman the story about escobars sicario
its amazing
especially the way they made him confront one of the victims he almost killed and the relatives he did

RT makes good content , contrary to westcuck gov propaganda that is HOMOSEX and white bashing 24/7 while sucking pisslams dick

God you people are so fucking stupid sometimes.

YouTube displays this disclaimer for organizations that are funded by country governments. Not everything is a fucking kike conspiracy you know.

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Do they have the same disclaimer on aljazeera? The BBC the ABC?

You are the literal cancer of Sup Forums.

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it implies less finding then the BBC gets ya git

> jerry white knighting ruskies
Cuckus maximus

It takes 5 seconds to find out.

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Why is there no fucking communication with users?

we know more about bbc funding???????????


I just checked al Jazeera and couldn't find shit, and the BBC also didn't see shit. Aussie YouTube is different to burger YouTube.
Your the cancer of Sup Forums

Well isn’t google doing projects together with pentagon? Should shed some light into this matter.

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But why is it necessary?
Why not list sponsors of ALL outlets?

How come ABCNNBCBS isn't listed as partly or fully owned by the demonrat party?

Do you see a difference? The red box is like an ALERT!!!!11!! and the light blue background is calming? It doesn't say that it is funded by the United States government, but just "publicly funded". Catch the diff? Were you perceptive enough to catch that spin?

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So we should be allowed to point out that CNN is run and owned by jews?

They've been trying to revitalize the cold war boogeyman in order to stir up enough public support for a war. Fuck knows what for though. I'd bet my right testicle that the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats was a part of (((their))) plan.

When was there any communication with users? I'm genuinely curious.


Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I get that media should be independent for the most part, but so what if a government funds media?
Why the disclaimer? This just breeds suspicion of other countires' governments.

I actually unironically work for Google and the answer is that the leadership are legitimately just arrogant California leftist autists. There is no grand organized conspiracy as I initially thought before joining, they are literally just retarded.

>funded entirely be the government >:(
>publically funded :D

Because CNN is real news goyim


This is far more important. CNN is not funded by the government. It is funded by viewers like you!

What's bad is that there's a double standard and it's SUBJECTIVE based on the channel

>I actually unironically work for Google and the answer is that the leadership are legitimately just arrogant California leftist autists. There is no grand organized conspiracy as I initially thought before joining, they are literally just retarded.

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>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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Why do they say "funded in whole or in part by the X government" for RT and Al Jazeera, but use the less nefarious sounding phrase "publicly funded" for PBS?

Really makes you think.


They are setting sheds and constructing reality. Welcome to the brand new worlds.
Why normies are mad at FB but allright with Google it far beyond understanding.

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There aren't many things that make the Jews more butthurt than RT because it exposes the kikery in the Middle East.

vlad, don't you have any civilian airliners to shoot down

Only seppos get that warning on RT videos.

So will they say who is paying CNN?


fake and gay

Who funds CNN etc? Why don't they reveal that? Isn't it a bunch of advertisers who just want to sell shit and don't have anyone's interests at heart or care if the information is true or false, as long as it's eyes on ads?

In fact it's ridiculous the amount of resources the shills have poured in trying to discredit RT online. Go on any social media site and you will see tons of shills slamming RT like it's literally the devil.

Eric Schmidt, maybe.

The rest? No. I’ve heard them speak and answer questions. Are they powerful rich people that have met other powerful rich people? Yes.

Remember these were just nerds and their friends that struck it rich with a good idea.

You don’t have to believe me but I legitimately sleep better at night having actually seen these people IRL and heard them speak about these issues. They’re legitimately just arrogant retarded autists.

>Fuck knows what for though.
Petrodollar is in decline (yesterday was the first day of petro yuan) and so is American hegemony.
It is afraid.

>he doesn't know the CIA controls all of CNN and Fox

probably still think sandy hooknose and florida hoggfest were real too dontcha champ ?

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No, you work for a treasonous company and your complicity is disgusting on multiple levels.

Nobody stood up for Jason.

Noobdy speaks out.


>15 years ago, the left absolutely detested a war in Iraq
>now the left is clamoring for a war with Russia

Literally what the fuck happened
Why are they so hellbent on conflict that they’re willing to support a 2nd Cold War, 3rd Red Scare, and a new age of McCartyism.
Everything that their predecessors fought against

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Oh ok you’re just obsessed with Israel. The company culture is militant leftist. Google has an office in Israel and undoubtedly maintains relations with the Israeli government.

My point is these people don’t actively take pleasure in fucking up your life with their bullshit.

Because they’re Jewish niggers

What's intersting is that this suspiction is spreading in Europe, as well.
What the fuck is happening, and who is going to benefit from the increased tensions between our countries?

You mean James?

Obviously they fired him for some made up bullshit and no one wants to get fired. It’s not an easy situation.

James is doing pretty well right now AFAIK. I think he was a hero.

poisoning the well. non approved American only sources are the only source to be listened to.

Do you fucking understand that you're not in a position to be dismissive? You realize how much rage that America is feeling? Not at each other, no, against kikes like you.

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Why doesn't it mention that The Young Turks are funded by shady tax evading firms?


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I’m not dismissive of legitimate anger towards Jews. I am dismissive of your irrational disposition towards any form of cooperation with Israel.

I already said Eric Schmidt is different

How can we meme this?

I came up with a few theories

>War with Russia would jumpstart another war economy and revitalise the West
>War with Russia would see an increase in nationalism and imperialism as you face Russian hordes to defend your home
>War with Russia would give your government the excuse to become more powerful and take away more rights
>War with Russia would see both sides lose millions of adult white males, dooming whites for generations to come
>War with Russia would destabilize and destroy both sides, leaving them vulnerable
>War with Russia would destroy Russia and the West
>War with Russia will kill us all

"Publicly funded" sounds nice and benign and non-partisan, like schools and roads.
"Funded in whole or in part by X government" is a deliberate attempt to make it sound like partisan propaganda.

The BBC is funded by the UK gov and the CBC by the Canadian gov yet both pump of state propaganda like RT does. No disclaimer for those.

Meanwhile CNN and other American networks are funded by Jews and pump out their propaganda.

Russia is good for Russians, Westerners can't into Russian style, it's too uncucked. Do you realize what the deep state has done to us ? They have made us weak .


Internet will be free to all soon. Those that censor and promote popular opinions will be the ones that have the most power and make the most money...think network TV. It always comes down to money. I am sure Tv and radio went through similar problems that we are witnessing today with the internet, when it comes to free speech. Enjoy the show and be amused as people fight over the new media rules.

>and who is going to benefit from the increased tensions between our countries?
Arms dealers

Best anecdote I heard on this was about an early immigrant into the US in the 90ies right after the Soviets fell who said :
> there's Pravda here too, it's just called CNN

because alphabets are butthurt

Es no probyem! Mother Russia and Putin have new bettyer YousToobs and glorious hightechs severs to solve western degenerate propagandist. FakesNooz!

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Nobody wants war with Russia, you moron.

Under the radar again :)

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yeah but it's also on the BBC

YouTube is on the decline for sure. I watch everything I can on bitchute.

are you dumb? CNN is legit funded by the US government

I wish RT was of higher quality. It would be easier to get mad at this. YouTube is also an American propaganda mouthpiece.

I've seen it for ITV (Israel), TRT (Turkey) and Al Jazeera (Qatar) too.


Russians ported Doom on the Sinclair Spectrum , do not underestimate what you cannot understand leaf (kike).

No it’s not pol tard. They are self sufficient. They may have given them money possibly. Branches of the government have been known to feed propaganda to many news outlets.


It is all politics. Just like in the recent past, there will be those that try to scare you for ratings and votes, but there will be no more wars, except against weak countries.

Do they do it for CBC?

VPN leafs

how about progressive outlets like AJ+? these people are even worse with the muzzie funded ''muh evil western world'' ''muh refugees''.

>muh russia
not falling for it. ive no hatred for russia whatsoever. Fuck you ZOG