As someone who has trained extensively in martial arts, I just don't understand why anyone would need an assault rifle. People on here like to throw around the word soyboy, but then you all throw a fit when someone mentions repealing the second amendment and act like you can't possibly survive without a gun. That doesn't add up.
I have years of martial arts experience resulting in a brown belt and have never felt the need to carry a gun.
What if I want to hurt someone who is better at martial arts than me?
Samuel Allen
What martial art technique would you use to stop a bullet?
Kevin Morgan
Why is Left promoting toxic masculinity?
Oliver Martin
What if someone who is better at martial arts than me wants to hurt me?
Christian Jones
So female rape victims need to just toughen up and stop being weak ass bitches according to Henry Rollins?
I'd literally Fuck his mouth until he suffocated to death. He's a Hollywood queeerbait, I'm an actual man who beats steel I to submission for a living everyday. I'd slap his shit, drag him outside by His panties and Fuck him in the street.
Jose Hill
Good luck karate chopping 45 acp out of the air foggot Did you watch a little too much dragon ball or some shit? Try living in a high nig area and tell me your martial arts will work against a pack of 8 nogs coming at you with no desire other than to fuck your shit up for no reason
Josiah King
>literally being an arse >taking five karate lessons at a mcdojo in six years is "having years of martial arts experience" Hush Timmy, go back to
Chase Taylor
what if someone else shoots you???
Joshua White
I am extensively trained in disarming techniques. It's a simple matter of moving into position and snapping the arm of the shooter.
From my understanding 45 is actually a pretty slow round, so it poses less of a risk than some other round. That being said, a disarming maneuver would take care of any shooter so the point is moot.
Juan Wood
>I have years of martial arts experience resulting in a brown belt
Anthony Hughes
What belt do you have? Oh, that's right. You probably don't even train.
Be honest with yourself Timmy, you only have brown panties
Jayden White
Why do you hate the elderly user? You want old ladies to be beaten to death? Disgusting
Cooper Brooks
Still faggot tho.
Christopher Ortiz
What if they are shooting you at a mile away tho?
Logan Adams
How do you disarm someone from more than 4 or 5 m away? How do you dodge the bullet when it moves faster than sound? How do you take on a bunch of nigs all at once?
Sebastian Hughes
Also this is bait goys, sage.
Easton Stewart
Anyone can learn how to fight, pal. There's an 8 year old at my dojo right now who has his probationary black belt.
Sebastian Baker
In real martial arts brown belts take years. Fuck off mr karate
Anthony Hill
It only takes 1 bullet for all those years of martial arts training to go out the window
Oliver Stewart
You sir are not studying a martial art, you are practicing a sport. Don't confuse the two. There are no rules on the street, nigger gonna knife you or pop a cap in yo ass. It's all over in less than one second and you are a corpse.
Jose Russell
>an 8-year-old is more accomplished at your mcdojo than you
Please Timmy, you're shaming yourself, get the fuck out
Chase Phillips
Careful, don't provoke him, I heard OP once ripped a guy's heart out and showed it to him before he died.
Alexander Edwards
>present opinion >"This is true." >"If you disagree with me, you're wrong." Really makes me want to shoot this fucker
Justin Bell
Actually, not having a gun makes you open for more attack, hence weaker. Rollins is not what you'd call a deep thinker. Those Korean store owners in L.A. would not have been able to fend off the nigger hordes with threats of karate chops, user. Also, the bad guys have guns and you want us to be as weak as the bad guys.
Adrian Ortiz
>it's a simple matter of moving into position and snapping the arm of the shooter. Assuming you could do that without being shoot, the shooter could just run and shoot more. Even if YOU could do it, what about people who can't?
Justin Wilson
An 8 yr old with a black belt lmao quit your gym dude it's pathetic Also a 90 year old woman with hips made of dust can fight? Bait
Henry Miller
I'd love to see you try, and to see him make you explode in the air with his faivu-pointu-parumu sikureto tekuniku
Juan Ramirez
>years of martial arts I'd throw you on your head, larper brown belt. I assume that's bjj? I'd wager you're a pajama wearing butt scooter, that is going to pray to land an armbar or a triangle from your back while getting pummeled in the face. Typical bjj faggot thats never been punched in the face real hard. I forget who said it , but the saying is basically something like, a black belt becomes a white belt quickly after a good punch. Bjj is worthless in a street fight with more than 1 person, which is often most street fights. Also, Henry Rollins, like most of the punk pioneers that I used to listen to, are giant liberal faggots these days. You try to sub someone on the street and their homies are going to boot stomp your silly ass.
Nathan Rogers
>The weak should fear the strong -henry rollins
Julian Diaz
What if the person is crippled
Isaiah Robinson
>As someone who has trained extensively in martial arts, I just don't understand why anyone would need an assault rifle.
Jiu jitsu takes a lot of patience and hard work. That said, a gun is the ultimate equalizer. OP proves once again that he is an unsufferable faggot.
Joseph Cox
I’ll be keepin mine, ‘ol Henry. Now go back to your gay poetry that makes my ass pucker in embarrassment for you.
Luke Allen
>As someone who has trained extensively in martial arts, I just don't understand why anyone would need an assault rifle Because I haven't trained extensively in martial arts.
>less bullets, more brains The irony of this sentence is crushing.
Michael Johnson
For those of you expressing concern about using martial arts against someone with a gun I can assure you that you should not be worried. It's a simple matter of distracting the shooter with one hand and then moving into position behind them where you can then enter into a rear naked choke.
I should also note that it is even easier if the person is armed with a rifle because it's easier.
Well since “assault rifles” are select fire weapons that aren’t generally available to civilians; I take it we don’t have a problem and this thread is completely pointless?
You are nigger tier retarded. God have mercy on your soul. Protip, don't go wondering into negro territory, stay inside your gated community.
Logan Jackson
But Pierre, that's an ass-snort revolver Gee, I wonder why professional armies are fielded against each other with guns instead of their bear hands
Andrew Foster
>if you disagree you are wrong what a true philosopher of our time
Thomas Price
Thank goodness you're joking then.
Isaac Carter
Bruce Lee wouldn't need a gun to destroy you but he had a concealed carry permit anyway.
Aaron Watson
Reminder that Henry Rollins and his friend got robbed by men with guns and Henry Rollins ran away, abandoning his friend to die. But at least those guys with guns were weak.
Ethan Morris
Most people mess up by staying still. The key is to keep moving and it makes it more difficult for them to hit you. Once you have more training you learn various jumps and other moves that allow you to quickly move out of the way and stun an opponent.
Lucas Ross
Literally anyone with more than 80 in IQ would fuck off as soon as you start approaching too much, it's the same as having a bow and letting the guy with the sword get close.
Is Rollins advocating for a tyranny of the strong over the weak? Wouldn’t that be a reason for guns? so the weak could defend themselves against the strong?
Blake Fisher
>various jumps and other moves that allow you to quickly move out of the way and stun an opponent Real life isn't pubg Timmy. Have you done live fire exercises with that riverdance?
Camden Edwards
The rumor is Joe Cole was going to expose their gay relationship and Rollins hired some guys to fake a robbery and kill him. The case was never solved and the cops were always suspicious of Rollins.
Gabriel Taylor
So name the jump that allows you to dodge a projectile moving 2,800 FPS.
Aaron Sullivan
There is no way that you believe that. If you do, sorry, real life bad guys don't take several seconds to train a gun on you. You know how fast someone can point at something?..
Nicholas Perez
There is a liveleak up right now about this scenario. Norhern Brazil, 2 bandits on a motorcycle, one dismounts and attacks a gas station employee. Buff based black guy comes from behind and starts choking dismounted bandit. Half a second later bandit gets a head shot on based hero brother, shooting behind himself.
Carter Allen
>moves hand to "distract" shooter >shooter gets spooked and shoots
Anyone have that Always Sunny clip of the sword vs a gun? It's like that.
Luke Anderson
Why was the spear the most effective close range weapon of war second only to men on horses armed with spears?
It distanced yourself from your enemy. If you have a gun pointed at you from 10 ft away you would have to move faster than the shooter has to move his wrist.
Your average bad guy isn't a trained military assassin. You do realize that, right?
I saw that. He was not using the proper technique and he also failed to use a distraction maneuver to disorient the shooter.
You can also use knife hand attack to quickly incapacitate multiple assailants. You do it to the right spot and it's lights out immediately.
Thomas Thompson
Why do you keep making this thread motherfucker? SAGE
Easton Gomez
This Bruce Lee also addressed the fact that most martial arts are a meme and your techniques mean jack shit when you're jumped by three gypsies possibly armed with rusty homemade knives
Luke Perry
>lights out immediately Literally wrong. Unless you jab a knife right into the brain stem, there isn't a single spot on the human body that will immediately kill a man with a stab.
Ethan Price
The second amendment is designed to protect people against trained military arseassins. You do realize that, right?
Tyler Thompson
Gabriel Walker
gay and retarded thing to post
Lincoln Ramirez
>muh army guy training is powered-up too stronk for criminals!
I really want to believe that I am now speaking with a very drunk Steven Seagal.
Adam Kelly
Because this is an important topic, motherfucker. Because it needs to be discussed, motherfucker. Because I have the right to post it here, motherfucker. Because gun control is the number one issue facing this country, motherfucker.
That's why, motherfucker.
Charles Reed
At the range where of 5 m, where physical hand to hand combat becomes even a possibility, even an amature can hit a moving Target.
Wyatt Foster
Huh-interesting. Either way, the fag shouldn’t be preaching unrealistic fantasies about his brain power & a world without guns.
Jose Lee
>gun control is the number one issue facing this country
Anybody taking advice from Henry Rollins should be thrown to the gulag
Dominic Jones
Its depressing that we've reached a point where people are so ignorant of the actual purpose of their rights that they argue completely unrelated things as reasons that the right itself should be removed. You are a very unintelligent person and arguing with you is pointless.
Whoa whoa whoa. I don’t think you’ll pass a background check with that post
Nathan Miller
How about if I am of the opinion that fist fighting is for apes, and I prefer to use these things called tools and technology instead?
Henry Brown
>gun control is the number one issue facing this country Yes, there's too much of it, now only (((the state))) and niggers are allowed to properly arm themselves
Jordan Walker
what are you gay?
Jackson Rivera
>joe cole dead >henry rollins bravely ran away >niggers got away had henry rollins and joe cole exercised their 2nd amendment rights then joe cole might still be alive and the niggers in prison. henry rollins is a faggot and so is OP
Get this through your head, because even a non-american bystander can grasp it. The second amendment is about maintaining a balance of power between government and the governed. You can't take on a tyrannical ruler who holds the reins of the military with martial arts training and your fists. That tyrannical ruler may never rise to power if the people they intend to subjugate are armed and ready to fight back. That is the purpose of weapons in the US. Self defense and security are a happy byproduct of being armed with a firearm. Martial arts and self defense training certainly have their uses, but they are not relevant to the second amendment or the ownership of firearms in the US.
Elijah Nelson
Can't tell if bait or just an idiot liberal
Leo Davis
Latter. Emotion in motion
Mason Bailey
And I guess women, the disabled, etc are just fucked right? They don't deserve tools that will allow them to defend themselves against a stronger opponent?
Joseph Taylor
Part 1: Terminology An assault rifle is a rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge (.223, 5.45x39, 6.5 Creedmoor, etc.) that can select between semi-automatic and fully-automatic fire. The AR-15 (AR stands for Armalite, the company that makes it) is a civilian version of the M16 platform which can be capable of fully-automatic fire. The AR-15 is only semi-automatic therefore it is just a rifle. Part 2: Second Amendment As pertaining to the second amendment itself, let us first examine the text. "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. To immediately get this out of the way, the “well-regulated” part does not mean more regulations, this is because the meaning of the term “well-regulated” back in the 1700’s meant “well running” or “in good working condition” you can look up some literature from the time which uses the phrase in this meaning to prove this. The point of the second amendment is to keep the American citizen at even odds with the government in terms of firepower, to prevent the government from overstepping its boundaries; the government however has overstepped its boundaries to weaken this right and thus remove the things keeping them from ruling over the American people with totality. Part 3: Reality 10% of deaths in America are murders, out of that 10% only 0.2% are from mass shootings and out of all gun deaths, more than 50% are from suicide. Furthermore “fully-automatic” guns are indeed already banned! And getting ownership of one requires not only a lengthy list of paperwork, but also the proper license! I would recommend you also look at the disproportionate amount of violent
Copy this down and post this in response to every gun-related thread no matter the initial post. Only you can end faggotry on this site.
Guns shouldn't be banned from our people. It is apart of our culture
Chase Peterson
Spoken like someone who has never had to use a gun in self defense.
Also, how is a woman supposed to defend herself from a man? Or a group of men? This guy is an idiot. Some people are physically weak. (Women, disabled people, the elderly). Are they not allowed to defend themselves?