How has Sup Forums changed your beliefs?
How has Sup Forums changed your beliefs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Me before Sup Forums
>Green Party
>Hated guns
After Sup Forums
>Race realist
>Own a dozen firearms
>me before pol
Hitler didn't kill enough jews
>after pol
Hitler didn't kill any jews
Someone save me from this hell
>clueless about how politics really works
>Separatist NRx Hoppean Monarchist
>Greenpilled Wizard
>Can instantly see through the narrative threads and spins that media and politicians spew
Before Sup Forums:
>Our military is corrupt
>Our media is corrupt
>Our government is corrupt
>Ron Paul is our only chance
>Why are things like this?
>How are people not rioting in the streets?
After Sup Forums:
>It's the fucking Jews.
Sup Forums didn't change my views. It just answered a lot of questions.
>How has Sup Forums changed your beliefs?
It hasn't really at all, apart from maybe now I see how vulnerable people are to cognitive bias, most of what's posted here is either exaggeration, cherry picking, or flat out nonsense.
Made me left-wing
this desu lol
Made me hate the world that much more
It hasn’t.
Left wing, or less liberal on the economic plan ?
Me before Sup Forums
>Don't care about Jews
After Sup Forums
>Admire Jews and want to be a friend with these noble powerful people. Hate Muslims, pakis, pajeets, anti-Semites.
It hasn’t.
>always into politics and conspiracies
>David Duke and Alex Jones aliens
>government bad, CIA bad
>believed in global warming for awhile
>voted for all gore, loved bill clinton
>Hated bush
>Illuminati, Freemasons, Satan worshippers
>democrat, Republicans evil
Me now
>it's the Jews
>Democrats are literally pedophile satan worshippers
became more leftist
That too
Threw me out of middle-of-the-bell curve thinking (a dumb white is still dumb regardless of the achivements great men), made me realize the importance of culture, education and ideas.. made more sociable and open towards people regardless of their gender, ethnicity or ideas
Mostly because I would never in my life wish to be associated with anybody from this place in any way
A bit of that too ironically
Before Sup Forums
>pro-humanitarian immigration
>pro gibs
>cultural diversity
After Sup Forums
>Race realist
>started reading more news
>realized the world is beyond fucked
>mfw they have been brainwashing me my entire life
>started using VPN's
>subtly red-pill all my close friends
just reinforced and refined my beliefs
i was born a racist, i'm white
It hasn't. I'm still moderate left liberal democrat.
Having a lot of illegal opinions
It made me hate white people.
>after /pol
Point me in the direction of whichever jews ass I need to kick.
it made me think more about mine to reinforce them, like why do i believe what i believe in a deeper sense, how does it align with my morals etc. didnt really change them tho, still a socialist
I now earnestly believe that the universe has a balance and karma is real. Also magic. Chaos magic. And that faith in the karmic balancing act and the long con are the same thing.
And Trumps a time traveler.
Look at pic. Podesta diddled his bastard son and set him up with CF hookups and prob commercial success. The diddling made Chester speakto the crazy in everyone. Chester gets suicided for digging into his own horrifying history and the CF abuse. Or he just realized the futility of trying to fight evil that's everywhere. In going down, with his best friend getting murdered by whore wife, we notice. And the universe just so happens to deliver fbianon who tells us to look into trafficking. And the omnipotent evil panics. And they fuck up everything. And Trumps ridiculing them while they declare him the loser.
And he wins. And now we watch an entire world of evil come down on one trolls antics. And it's not working. And here we are now, actually hopeful thatthe pedos and the liars and the schemers pay the price. And Dan and the sex cult actually got hurt today.
>I like this song. I don't like other songs.
So you became an obedient sheeple for a bunch of online nazi shizos? That's pretty sad desu.
>found the j00 XDDDDDDDDDD
wew lad ebin meme u got dere
I went from full blown national socialist to Hoppe libertarian shilling for Freiwilliger Faschismus™ under the guise of freedom of association, with the all-powerful state personell replaced by a codified social contract that has to be signed when a resident comes of age and any violation of said contract would lead to expulsion - depending on the severity of said violation - via helicopter rides across the border.
>your standard libertarian
>marginally more left leaning economically (still on the right)
>white nationalist
>Mostly because I would never in my life wish to be associated with anybody from this place in any way
i know that feel except im not fucking retarded enough to change my views because of this
That didn't make any sense you stupid ass
If I realize my positions have nothing to do with somebody and they bring me nothing in terms of well-being, why would I want any kind of association with them ?
Before Sup Forums years ago
>focused on science rather than beliefs
>libertarian on social issues
After Pol
>focused on science rather than beliefs
>libertarian on social issues
>Sup Forums lurker
Honnestly, the only thing pol really teached me is that nationalism is a plague on society and it is the reasons for which so many wars are commited, even if the wars themselves are only perpetuaded for monetary reasons.
Not really, I just like posting anime pictures on Sup Forums.
>How has Sup Forums changed your beliefs?
I think if anything it's reinforced my beliefs about IT nerds and gamers. You all are insecure little shits with mommy issues.
>unpolitical left leaning normie
>civic nat
Sup Forums
>edgy facist
>Anglo supremacist Monarchist
Hello me
a mere stepping stone mate, we all had to start somewhere
>saying the word j00 makes it so jewish people aren’t massively over-represented in media, entertainment and key government positions
>>Anglo supremacist Monarchist
you know that the remaining monarchies have been corrupted and are deeply involved in the jewish satanic blood libel and child sacrifice?
>b4 pol
damn jews
>latter pol
damn jews
damn commie sonvabitches
damn mudslimes
the pope is shame
roman catapults are totally not gay
hitler didn't do enough
Sup Forums didn't change my beliefs at all, I'm a social democrat. Sup Forums just showed me that LARP'ing nazi-wannabes are just as cringy and annoying as SJW faggots.
>wow, what a great source to back up this well founded claim
fuck off
After Sup Forums and real world experience, this is my realization as well.
Sup Forums cemented my Conservative/Nationalist beliefs.
It showed me the World in a new perspective and shined a light on the real rot in our societies. I'm greatful to the people on Sup Forums for dropping the redpills that I needed to take. Thank you all.
>been here less than a year
>came from reddit
>came from the_cancer
>is posting and not lurking moar
Disgusting tbqh
>me lost to myself
Yeah, its helped me to see the people who reply to themselves.
>less than a year
this shit started in 2015 3 years ago faggot
>left vs right division is mostly a meme
>jews and french must be gassed by any costs
>world government is inevitable
>eugenics and genetic therapy must have things
pic related
>before Sup Forums
Not everyone is a nazi I'm sure liberals are just idiots
>after Sup Forums
Is this fucker actually defending hitler and nazis? Theose damn liberals were right!
>Everyone redpilled by Sup Forums and not /new/
Guess I've been here too long...
Hitler literally did nothing wrong faggot
Memeflag faggots should be gassed.
cool story mooshie
kill yourself
he didn't curb stomp into africa so the jew wouldn't have a fucking endless supply of niggers of which to destroy western countries
you first
before Sup Forums
>hate niggers
>hate halfbreeds
>pro gun
after Sup Forums
>illuminati is codeword for jewish control
>media and tv networks all run by jews
>jews rewrite history and half of it is propaganda anyway
Sup Forums just filled in a few holes, my mom and dad have been redpilled, even my old man asked me if i thought hitler was right, and told me he fought for our race, i said yea ofcourse he was right, we were the bad guys.
god rest his soul
Oh, fugg, forgot about
>democracy is the God that failed
>Brave New World is a documentary book
>boomer generation on either side of the Iron Curtain fucked us beyond saving
>Universe 25 must be avoided by any costs
>250-year cycle is not a meme
>space expansion is survival issue
>we need new political theory
You’re a faggot
It didn't. I was red pilled before Sup Forums existed. All Sup Forums did was further open my ideas to the degeneracy that the west exudes, whether it be from traditionalists or leftists or anything under the sun. It sharpened me, it gave me a lot more experience.
Austria must die
nope i just came here originally to confirm my suspicions
>pic related
Always a rabid racist nationalist, but i used to legitimately believe in democracy. Now i just realize both sides are controlled by the same (((big business))) corporate interests and no matter who is in the drivers seat the wheels will still turn against me so i must smash the engine.
Democracy is a beautiful lie.
It fills me with hope for the future.
Except lose
Me before Sup Forums
>hating other races
>hating my country
>voted Left
After Sup Forums
>Race realist (not hating anymore)
>voted right
>Sup Forums didn't change my views. It just answered a lot of questions
Fucking this
being on Sup Forums made me realise how easy it is to manipulate the collective thought process of so called redpilled people who claim to be free from mental conditioning of the elites
>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.
>Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.
>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.
>In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.
Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question
Taught*, you insipid, rancid shill
if you build that mirror in a 3dprinter and sell it for 7-8 K$ how many are going buy one ?
No. I've always been a strict constitutionalist who believes in the right of self determination of all people and freedom to criticize, against big government and an advocate of liberty. I became ensconced in Sup Forums because I see those human rights denied to white people around the world.
I came here believing it's the illuminati
now I believe it's the Jews
other that that not much has changed
I supported Bernie in 2002, then he started to talk non sense, became senile socialist.
It's simple: because western lefties, liberals, neocons, etc. - just two sides of the same coin.
Lefty billionaire speaking to blue collar worker that he is source of all problems
>before Sup Forums
Hitler did nothing wrong
The world is fucked because of leftism, niggers, and the jews
>after Sup Forums
Hitler did everything right except think he could win
It is definitely the work of the jews
Before Sup Forums
>hard left socialist
After Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is a board created for Jews by Jews to make antisemetic jokes unfunny
>Politics is a meme
/new/ didn't change my beliefs and this shithole definitely hasn't
if Sup Forums turned you into a nazi you should kill yourself
No act in and of itself is ever right or wrong. The context determines the validity of the action. Follow no dogmas nor ideologues, question everything, and only through concrete proof able to withstand the battering of a million objections can anything be shown as true. Freedom should be the pursuit, and let no man stand in your way.
>fuck guns
>personality matters, not color
>women should be treated normally and respectfully because of all the (((abuse)))
>no need for discrimination, accept everyone
Sometimes I wonder how I was able to think all of this shit.
>inb4 data mining
>inb4 lmao cuckboi
I used to be a libertarian
Cant argue with that.
hi jidf
>me before pol
apolitical center of center centrist scum
didn't care about news
looking for a cheap laugh
>me after pol
still centrist scum, leans libertarian-right
dig for direct source instead of news
looking for the /sci/ side of Sup Forums
Those are the biggest changes. Still don't care much for the Sup Forums stereotype of juice, stormfront, and the usual barrage of women and blacked threads, which steadily remain at an average of 51% of all threads on the catalog.
>Sup Forums just answered a lot of questions
Summed it up pretty well. Sup Forums usually tells the truth with some wisdom when no one else wants to. This alone has helped me avoid and work around so much IRL bullshit.
They helped piece together the last bits of the puzzle I've been working on for more than a few years about how the vatican will come into power, turns out they will just establish themselves atop the Jewish pedo empire that is currently in control the way they did rome
The ride never ends
>classical liberal, voted FDP
>think patriotism is good, but nationalism is wrong
>"I stand with Israel"
>somewaht critical of Islamization
>pro-EU, pro-Euro
>"live and let live", free love
>USA isn't as bad as the lefties say
After Sup Forums:
>Reconquista Europa, reclaim Constantinople, remove kebap
>Gas the kikes
>White genocide is real, replacement migration is real, and ((((they))) are behind it
>Strategically vote AfD to shift Overton window right, hiding power level in public
>Not being a nationalist is like not loving your own mother
>National Capitalism is the way to go
>don't believe in God, but cultural Catholic
>traditional family life, making white children is true happiness
>USA is actually a perfect case study on whether races really are different: Niggers/mestizos do worse in everything even when growing up in the same environment and with the same opportunities as whites and asians. While white Americans are as law-abiding and educated as Europeans, niggers drag their average down -> it's genetic