Inherent in the right to self defense is the lawful ownership of weapons comparable to those weapons which you might reasonably find yourself under attack by. How can I make it any more clear to lefties? I don't know how to make this point any clearer.
It shouldn't be this hard
Well. 30k people a year die from firearms
The US population is 350mil. That means you have a 0.003% chance of dying because of a firearm.
Current levels of gun violence would have to increase by 1000% in order to just have a 3% chance of being killed.
But wait, there is more. In order to enjoy that 0.003% chance you need to be either, black, in a gang, live in a black majority neighborhood or be a cop.
If none of those things apply to you, your chance reaches statistical zero.
If that doesnt do it for ya, just remind them that without excpetion the stricter the gun laws the higher the crime, and vice versa.
And if THAT doesnt do it, remind them that throughout history, whenever a govt has disarmed its people, its people invariably suffer.
AND if THAT doesnt do it.
Just shoot them in the head, because they are clearly either retarded or an enemy.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.) Do this too
Leftists don't care. The operate on feelings not facts not logic. They believe that the world would be perfect if they could get rid of guns. Just like they believed that if they could just control or eliminate comic book, tv shows, movies, video games, cartoons, alcohol, porn, drugs, and everything else then the world would be a paradise. All of these were headed by the social progressives of their time. They just won't stop till they find that one thing that finally does it, that finally makes the world a peaceful utopia.
Well, thats easy. The apocolypse will do that just fine, forever peaceful world
and nothing of value was lost
hitting and kicking lmafo
damn racist cops
And? What is so funny about someone being beat to death?
>normie tunnel vision
I try to imagine what it'd be like, but I just can't.
You spelled niggers wrong
also that cop has terrible aim, fired atleast 8.
Niggers? The dude on the sidewalk looks white. Too dark to tell the others. Most gangbangers are Mexicans.
Omg ban assault doctors now #neveragain
Rewatched it, never mind.
pro tip: take a big old whiff of paint thinner or gasoline before reading anything
"what's a Second Defendant? not in my Facebook feed, not my problem. if it's a big enough deal they'll cover it on the next season of Rick and Morty."
i love a dumb nog starting shit and getting shot
My god the cop that opened the drivers door missed and missed and missed.
Let's not forget the schoolchildren narrative too, because fewer than 30 students out of the 50mil die from firearm homicide each year
Gun-control laws only exist because Democrats are racist as fuck.
Still, you must understand niggers come in all shades and sizes, just blacks have the highest number.
Judge them by the content of the character. But, yeah, dont relax.
It is fucking insulting
>How can I make it any more clear to lefties?
The blind cannot see by you talking, you're not Jesus performing miracles.
Pray they realise their mistakes.
So if you defend yourself from an attacker with a gun the cops will shoot you anyway.
Saved for future retarded threads, user. Godspeed and continue the message, user.
The Driver needs better aim
Little nog wrists cant handle the recoil. Watch the rounds hitting right in front of the weak nigger. Pathetic.
It always gets me how completely incapable of hitting anything that guy is. You can see he's shooting the pavement like 4 feet in front of him because he doesn't understand how to aim.
He's probably drunk as fuck and trying to scare the other guys. He doesn't even notice the cops are there until they blow his dome out.
WTF kind of gun is that African Gentleman shooting?
it seems to have almost no kickback whatsoever. Hes able to shoot it one handed without prepping his stance, and his spindly arms don't pop back.
Prob a 22. And nighers never aim, frankly im surprised they manage to kill so many of each other
One dead child is too much, and until our society is up to our incredible standards, we are going to ban guns, bigot.
Lol, no.
If you actually cared about children, you would attack the thousands of ways kids die at a much MUCH higher rate than guns.
So clearly you do not care about children, but have another (((goal)))
new york city does not have a stand your ground or castle doctrine law.
new york city and the entire judicial system connected to it and everything about it is an illegal entity.
fuck you, jew
replace left with right and the list of shit with black people, jews, tv shows, movies, video games, cartoons...
That's the nigger literally shooting into the ground 10 feet in front of him. You some kind of nigger too?
Like I said, until zero people die from guns, you are not allowed to have them. One child is too much!
2/8 I refuse to believe anyone who can put letters together to form words could possibly be this moronic
What are you talking about dude, I'm a liberal, that's what I believe. I want to ban guns and that's my reasoning, believe it.
You know what, ill agree with you.
We should get rid of all guns. Im down for that. All police, all military, all bodyguards. Yeah, it will be great in fact. All guns go poof, ALL guns, and I will accept that. Deal?
Disarming the police is a part of The Agenda.
good graphic but really excluding handguns is a bit cheap
No, you dont understand. ALL guns, all over the world everyone, every last one all at the same time must go *poof*
Then I will accept it. Anything less is, well unacceptable.
Handguns are just above rifles but still fewer than any thing else on the list. I guess whoever made it felt it would be redundant. Especially since handguns are never in the news, its always the scary assault rifles.
there can only be one
I believe you people call them murdercubes. We'll be making much more of those. One in every museum to remember the lost lives. And we'll also be remembering what it's like to have cars, fuel for the cars, when we had anything at all, everything's gone. No nuclear power, nothing dangerous will be allowed. Don't think we aren't aware of the dangers of objects besides guns. Big changes soon, not sure even the liberals will like it but that won't matter.
the thing is that if nobody has guns it's not reasonable to find yourself attacked by gun.
I'm european and am talking from my perspective, I know it's in your constitution and everybody gots em, I'm purely pointing out that your reasoning is not valid argument against them.
on a side note, despite guns being very much regulated, there's still murder here, they just use other accessible methods, fists, pipes, knives... it takes somewhat more guts and effort to kill that way as opposed to just pulling the trigger, so it diminishes the problem, but still it's not solving it. nothing can. maybe eradicating poverty would
Sounds rad. We'll go back to a slave police force like the greeks
>state owned slaves
>guard public meetings, handling prisoners, making arrests
>armed with whips
>you riot, you get a whipping
you dense fuck, watch the video again and look at the cop car. Cop mag dumps the perp and finally catches a shot on him after he'd already spent his revolver and turned to walk away. This video should be archived as a lesson for how a nigger moment can get so extreme, a nigger won't even realize he's being shot at.
well, checking the fbi crime stats link in the graphic says there were 7105 handgun kills that year which yeah ok is still a lot fewer than 50k+ but its still nearly 20 times the rifle kills
Not true. This is a more useful list.
Did you notice the other cop at the intersection that just casually turns left?
That always makes me chuckle, either a VERY unobservant cop, or he just nopes it.
But again, no one gives a shit about hanguns, yet anyway. The rifles are far more effective in combat, and (((they))) know This. So, they focus on that first. Then comes the handguns.
That will not happen tho. Oh, And a good portion of those deaths are justifiable homicides, people defending themselves.
Yeah. Probably had to respond to the same exact situation re-occuring one block over. Just another night in gun-free chicago
yeah I know, just playing devil's advocate. This fag infested land of mine could do with a fair few more guns than it has already