70% of the people in the Netherlands want immigrants.
50% of the people in the Netherlands want economic immigrants.
It was on the (((news))) this morning.
70% of the people in the Netherlands want immigrants.
50% of the people in the Netherlands want economic immigrants.
It was on the (((news))) this morning.
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It wus on the news this mrong, peple in NLD whu want mor migrats, i am truly sorry for their lots
Have you learned nothing
They spew propaganda here too on tv for immigrants
Chang here
Personally I don't think immigration is totally bad. You just need to pick your immigration. Take in high-tech labors and 10/10 qts and deport all the rest scums.
Post source nigger. Fuck these slidethreads and the cancerous incels that monitor this shithole of a board
Let's not forget that only "males and people with only lower education" are opposed to immigration. And "women and highly educated" don't see any harm, both in terms of national and cultural security.
Now women being retarded I can understand, but I guess the "highly educated" may just not have had enough exposure to our lovely population with a migration background... right? What else could this be?
I just saw an article that said White Nationalism is sweeping the Netherlands.
How could both be true?
Pretty much a translation of the article. Its always the same I wonder why?
I've actually seen more of them popping up in international media.
Really makes me think
The article about white nationalism was concerning the rise of merely a right wing party. this number... I have absolutley no idea how/where this poll was done. It's incongruent with the share of people I see every day.
Probably interviewed in the Amsterdam or some lefty neighborhood.
Don't believe any of it, NOS is state propaganda.
it's a horde of dangerous men. consider the fact that women fantasize about rape and put 2 and 2 together..
imagine the opposite: a horde of sweet, cute, exotic Japanese girls. would you be pro-immigration? 90% of white guys would be for this, too.
these guys in Europe are getting fucking cucked hard by their women. gave women power and now they're running them over with it.
then their white women all suck Allah's dick and make up buzzwords like "Islamophobia" despite being the very Patriarchy they'd claimed to despise for the past 100 years.
They want to demoralize us. MSM is pure propaganda right now. We’re at war.
Where will they fit them all?
By the time you build 20,000 new homes for them you will need 40,000 new homes for them, by the time you have built 40,000 you now need 80,000 new homes.
Why? I think you have as many gibs to give as us. Who is gonna come and stay there anyways?
Why, deport the natives, of course.
I'm pretty sure those numbers are inflated. Either way there's no fucking way you could continuously support them as most of them don't even get jobs.
I don't know. I know that we will receive savages for 2 years. They already were talking of "sucesfull immigrants"here. I fear this train hits us now too and i don't know if there will be survivors left. From what i heard niggers and roaches tend to stay here, and unfortunately we got coal burning whores that make themselves sure of mixing with them. I seen some articles of some that paid the toll but i don't know the rest since here whores tend to go with even gypsies and after they break up they hide their past to the next partner. And some idiots now convert to the kiddy-fucker religion too.
The MSM in the Netherlands is pure propaganda and should be ignored, only braindead people watch MSM.
Well our news say the same exact thing. Not too long time ago I read something like: ‘attitudes towards immigrantion have changed into more positive one’, ‘people are starting to see benefits of immigrant workers’, ‘most Finns welcome more – etc. The way they write about this hasn’t changed at all and won’t.
well they did not ask me. and i am pretty sure they did not ask you. and they certainly did not ask so who did they ask?! polls are so easy to manipulate ((% of the people who watch the NOS are hopelessly lost anyway
this is why we can't have the eu
This is why we cant have woman, (((high educated))) and smart people. Also immigrants want immigrants.
They probably polled a bunch of shitskins though
because they asked question in stupid way.
ofc people are always "Supporting everything good, opposing everything bad".
So asking people on streets "Are you ok with immigrants that run from war and horrible people-killing shitholes" - ofc they will answer "yes".
But if you ask them "Are you ok with radical muslim, rapist and voodoo believers migration" they definitely will say "no".
So proper way of asking would be something like "Is migrating from sub-saharan region should be easy process or hard process", something more "average".
>niet fake news
kies er 1 en slechts 1
Netherlands was the original country of EU based on based economic trade. More niggers = more GDP = more economic growth, because private bank growth of customers means higher GDP.
>The Inner Six, or simply "the Six", were the six founding member states of the European Communities.
Belgium(monarchy), France(occupied land by Anglo), Italy(occupied land by Anglo), Luxembourg(monarchy), Netherlands(monarchy), West Germany(occupied land by Anglo)
>EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC)
>1951 by the Treaty of Paris, signed by Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
>among its six founding members: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.
>The Treaty of Amsterdam transferred responsibility for free movement of persons (e.g., visas, illegal immigration, asylum) from the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) pillar to the European Community
So really, no matter who you elect, they don't decide migration, since your country doesn't decides.
>picture related best economic growth
What news? Get lost with your kanker.
Majority in netherlands want less migrants and a lower hardcap.
We 30 million people now.
And in '89, everything in the GDR was peachy because the media said so.
Education equals a degree of indoctrination, even here. It's all about the framing and "feeling" of "consensus" among "intellectuals" that these people pick up on. It has nothing to do with the strength of their convictions, it is simply what their environment deems a "desirable" opinion.
But yes, for the most part it's just being sheltered and naive about the world.
>>Liever Turks dan Paaps
You're getting What you've allways wanted lutheran heretic. Have fun~
And that's why I have stopped working and I now have comfortable welfare, I hope this country crashes and burns as fast as possible. Until then all the idiots can continue to work till they are 90 for a government that wants to replace them. Just keep working and pay taxes goy.
Those were the results among the ((CPB)) (vvd) panel and just 3300 people replied. Fake news.
Hell,(((they))) even put that shit on the mainstream in here too (fucking brazil),and we got the Venezuela thing just in time
Good jon user. But I will advise you to do some clandestine black money work. One needs to arm himself for the coming race war. And guns dont come cheap here.
(AIVD: Dit is satire)
You should always be skeptical of those types of polls.
The questions could be:
>Do you want all immigrants deported from your country?
70% No
>Do you want to murder every economic migrant that steps foot within your borders?
50% No
They are what is known as "educated fools", user. Sheltered comfortable Ivory tower libshits who mistaken their Marxist indoctrination...err education for actual smarts. They have seen nothing and experienced nothing outside of their safe little bubble.
Educated =/= intelligent.
>Dutch want more Africans and Arabs but they still hate Poles whenever the opportunity arises
>same in the rest of western Europe
As a Pole abroad, I never understood this desu
I thought they fantasized about being raped by attractive men etc etc. How can anyone fantasize about those mongrelized beasts? Unless those fantasies involve gassing the vile creatures.
don't listen to the porn addicted NEETsocs and their sordid nightmares/fantasies.
Not just Poles. They hate Slavs in general desu senpai. Slavs get out, but shitskins are welcome. Makes it so hard to sympathize when they inevitably get BTFO by the shitskins they love so much.
The irony is that in a former poll 3% of the Dutch population wants more Moroccans. Which is about the size of our Moroccan population (2,3%).
Yet if you are an arab who isn't a Moroccan 70% changes his mind.
Thanks for the tip, I'm already doing that and staying educated too.
(haha is maar een grapje hoor AIVD)
Who are bigger asholes in Netherlands - turks or moroccans?
You were better with us, admit it
Wolla kanker op
desu they chose this path
Our conflicts with Turks are mostly of ideological nature.
Moroccans are pretty much the worst migrants in all respects.
Is het NOS fake news CNN?
You know how polls work in media? They will simply interview the group of people who are the most likely to give them the answer they want, I bet they asked around in arts campuses.
Ideological nature?
Like they steal and commit crime and terrorize neighborhoods?
I think that's not ideology. It's a lower ape acting the way he does naturally.
You would have to be retarded to believe the (((polling))). They likely questioned a pack of morrocans in Rotterdam and some college students and called it a day.
But that's not the reason why people hate them.
Turks are bad but moroccans are far worse.
Wow. 47%
I expected worse for the leftist center of the world tbqh.
(There is nothing wrong with legalizing cannabis though.)
I watched a documentary about Poles living in worker camps in the Netherlands - as if it wasn't enough that they get ripped off at work they also live 10-men in one small room.
Is this just my bias or are Poles treated worse than the refugees? Even niggers and Arabs aren't this mistreated - sure, they chose to go there and probably some are happy with the money, but they have no means of help, the interviewed Pole said he didn't know a single place where he could turn to. In case of shitskins they get help from every side.
Lemme tell you, I worked legally in Germany and after I was done with my 1st job I wanted to get another one, went to the Jobcentre and they told me they couldn't help me, they handled only the people on the dole.
They signed up for it themselves. If you don't like it get a Job in Poland. Most poles want to have as low as possible living expenses anyway because they want to spend the money in Poland.
I like poles. But lets be real here, They can quit whenever they want.
>Even niggers and Arabs aren't this mistreated - sure, they chose to go there and probably some are happy with the money, but they have no means of help, the interviewed Pole said he didn't know a single place where he could turn to. In case of shitskins they get help from every side.
Yup, shits fucked up. If it where up to me we'd use that money for the eastern Europeans that work here too. But what can I do? I'm poor as shit as well and I worked with poles doing jobs nobody in this country wanted to do and I love you bunch of crazy fucks.
I can't say that Poles in general are being treated badly. It's just that during the harvesting months, a lot of farmers use them as cheap labour and they tend to shack up to save costs.
It's a job that the farmer offers and they take it, it's just capitalism and free movement at work. They still must make more than in Poland, else they wouldn't be here in the first place.
good to see this country get destroyed
They often read a job offer and when they get to the Netherlands it's nothing like it was written. Since they've spent money on the trip they cannot just double back - they have to work in the shitty conditions to survive or at best to get money for getting back.
I know a reasonable person would have money saved for getting back, but most normies don't think like that.
Biggest part of the problem is that Poles hate each other and cannot unite, so they act like beat up dogs and won't say anything if they or anyone else is being mistreated. That's why they partially deserve what they get for having no honour.
> This
Dutch state news frequently uses sources like MSNBC too, to cover events from the US.
Polls cant be trusted.
Well, lots of these Poles return every year for the same job, so I can't agree with you on the "they didn't know what they signed up for".
>>they have to work in the shitty conditions to survive
You almost make it sound apocalyptic. Trust me, it's not THAT bad. I'm sure that at the same job in Poland they're far worse off.
Considering it is a sample size of 3000 people IN AND AROUND AMSTERDAM these statistics are bullshit they also state they asked DUTCH PEOPLE WITH A NON EUROPEAN BACKGROUND.
Move along Sup Forums not but disinformation to see here.
That's probably because the Dutch government is the EU's puppet, and the EU doesn't care about Poles.
The reason Poles got a bad rep in the Netherlands is because a lot of them used to come here, get dual-citizenship, and collect welfare while they actually live in Poland. Tho, this hasn't been the case for years and I don't know many people who even remember this.
That poll must have been conducted just around the Amsterdam area.
They are conducted in and around Amsterdam and the sample size is 3000 they also asked ''dutch' people with non european background
Absolute state of the nos.
Who cares about plebs honestly. Most poles here are subhuman for the most part, not much better than beast of the field, while in poland i find the lot quite agreeable.
T. Halfpole aristocrat
Yugo ak's gaan voor 1.3-1.5k, valt wel mee toch?
(haha grapje aivd)
Statistically turks are less represented in ape like behaviour such as fighting and petty crime than morrocans and blacks. They work and pay taxes, their ideological fanaticism and ultranationalism is the real problem.
I recommend you check out some CBS statistics if you want to know more about what groups are most violent and criminal etc.
This whole research is a bit, well, shit. After having looked into it.
Hmmm... yeah not very surprising right? It's the NOS were talking about here.
>Less than moroccans and blax.
Yes but still 10 times more crime than whites.
It's not really the NOS, they just copied whatever the CBS 'concluded'.
Look, when you get 20%-30% of your country being immigrants or the children of immigrants, of course they support more of their own coming in. Add that to the Leftist core every western country has, about 20%-25%, you are already approaching 50% who will want more immigration.
The one thing immigrants from other cultures always want is more immigration.
more like 70% op people are okay with actual war refugees
lefties are already spinning it to
>hey look, 70% of the Dutch are totally okay with EVERYONE coming here! :) right wing parties don't have ANY support and are fighting for NO ONE hahaha :)
People like my mom get their info from the 8 o clock news exclusively.
>and pay taxes
This is where you're wrong.
The problem is, it isnt only your mom.
That's why I said people like my mom. She's 63 years old with a hbo diploma living in a village far enough from any 'probleemwijk' and there are many people like her.
Het zijn de Hollanders
The Dutch people are the most blue pilled people ever
Yes they need Viagra to get their gigantic 30cm dix hard.
This. There's a reason they don't publish the poll itself, which by all rights they should.
They didnt ask me if i wanted them.
Its a shame we'd have to kill have of our white population to stop this madness
What is this god damn it it's fucking disgusting.
So around 25-30% of non-european origin. Really not so bad for the diversity capital of Europe.
You genocided 10k whites you fucking mutt.