Whats with this kids face? It looks like he's glued together and dipped in skin colored flex seal. Is this some kind of test tube experiment or side effects of being tard..?
He has bone spurts
you forget his insanely heroin chic skinny arms and legs, rat nose etc.
he wants to be maroon 5 when he's older
That pug nose of his makes a wonderful target, wouldn’t mind punching it into his brain.
Wouldnt he get bullied by chads in school? Hes a skinny streak of piss he would get savagely bullied here because he looks like a cuck
Like wtf america, why you letting him slide, you guys invented bullying
he kind of looks like a recovered addict. this is one type of heeb though. the radish head archetype. always smooth and cool. blends in very well with Europeans. often appropriates their culture as a greaser or other counter-culture aesthetics. considers himself a poster boy and hates all other poster boy competition. lots in film industry.
u mad?
>the radish head archetype
yeah i am mad because you're fucking obnoxious, delusional, and gullible as fuck
stay mad k*ke boi
What is supposed to be wrong with his eye? His nose, mouth, eyebrows, and ears are weird, but his eyes look normal.
Botox was wearing off. He still has to play the part of a 17 year old just a little while longer.
Nothing to see here, it's just how normal people look.
I wonder what his programming dictates. I’m quite interested in how this will play out, from a neuro prog standpoint
Dutch face would be my guess.
>david hoggdanoff
poor genetics. facial asymmetry indicates mental defects.
>that DreamWorks face tho
Confirmed, David Hogg is a time traveler
hey i havent completely thrown out the possibility that they are all grown in a lab. maybe its just the specific admixture of european cro magnon genetics
He has insanely thin lips and small ears. Cuck mode genes
He is not a kid, he graduated in 2015.
Also his father is an FBI (who ignored the reports of the shooter) weapons simuation specialist
I find it funny that the guy in the #march movement has plenty of feminine features and the girl has plenty of masculine.
That is what the global establisment is trying to make the new norm - "equality" and all that.
He reminds me of a character, André, from this old Newgrounds flash series called Xin Session. It was about a bunch of schools that devolved into total violence and chaos chaos as a result of them no longer being allowed to suspend/expel students, and having to resort to corporal punishment. André was, of course, a shithead degenerate.
All that plastic surgery to make him look younger it's the only facial expression he can hold
Disarm yourselves fellow humanoids.
He's mixed. mixed people are usually ugly.
It's called the Uncanny Valley.
Man you guys have no idea what's coming, these kikes are taking you for a fucking ride, and absolutely no one is gonna save you hut yourselves.
Looks like you are quite mad as well. Skipped your meds?
cern put a microscopic black hole in his skull and it's sucking his face inward.
hes a la creatura
they got him some of that korean jaw shaving surgery shit
We already know he's a psychotic opportunist willing to exploit the deaths of his classmates in order to get rich and famous, like he said he wasn't even at school that day.
Defective reptilian that does not understand human culture
Posted this anywhere I could. Don't believe in the crooked left!
Mk ultra slave bred in an underground facility will be assassinated eventually it will be brained on altright gun nuts.
kinda reminds me of that ratty jew from recess.
>this kids face
Is definetly punchable.
What does this prove?
plastic surgery to cover up that hes in his mid 20s
Kinda looks like Judas.
hogg wear many faces
he looks like an ayyyy hybrid.
Or maybe he's an ayy wearing a human suit.
I wish I was joking.
>That pug nose of his makes a wonderful target
w-why do you want to h-hit people with a nose like min- I mean his.
hogg rumored to be an ayy
little ayy slit mouth is disturbing
CAN we confirm this is real?
>Disarm yourselves fellow humanoids.
>hogg rumored to be an ayy
I think they're softening us up for a ground invasion and occupation.
The good news is this means they aren't just going to pound us from orbit and exterminate us.
The bad news is they'll probably saddle us all with implants that control us completely like abductees.
Steady diet of cock?
Reminder to hide Hogg and Emma threads. 15 minutes is up!
Tranny that's had work done.
It's the price he had to pay for Satan granting him an Enormous Dick.
He's anorexic.
make up to make him look younger he graduated 2 years ago in cali,hes a crisis actor
dems know daca is dead cause trump called them out,so they are trying to gun grab instead now and using this pleb to raise cash for the 2018 mid terms
fuck I miss newgrounds
Keked so fucking hard
And checked massive Jesus trips
The Hogg media machine in full force again today on Sup Forums. How can we even compete.
This doesnt look like a seniors page, it looks like a general "students of x class" page, we know he was in california during this time as he appeared on local news. Who knows how long he was a student at broward, if he was not someone would have certainly said something. The school shooting really happened, if suddenly some random fuck from your class showed up representing all of you and you literally never had seen or heard of him before, it'd get out. Some of his peers are even opposed to the views he's so loudly shilling. I imagine the fact that he and all his anti-gun peers are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for all of this explains the whole debacle. If you were a left leaning teen from commiefornia and someone offered you hundreds of thousands of thousands and wrote all your talking points for you, you'd say whatever the fuck they wanted.
That mutt is in his twenties like the actors that portrayed highschoolers in 90210.
He is probably some clone or a mix that wasn't supposed to exist, like those unnerving blue eyed kike+german hybrids.
Real westworld when?
Sorry shill faggot. We already know that book was from Parkland. The eagle emblem on the kid aboves shirt is the same as the school that got shot. Fail harder faggot.
Let me just 'correct your record' his father is ex-fbi....current CIA weapons development engineer at 'Cubic'. Are you fucking clowns even trying anymore?
It's 100% fake
As if it's not already real...
What's gonna happen Shiro? Inb4 Hogg gets Zogged and they blame 4chins
>unnerving blue eyed kike+german hybrids.
Got any examples?
He's a fucking 22 year old wanker posing as an 17 year old school kid.
He missed out on being cast for a remake of 90210 so took the only acting job he could get. Crisis actor.
Now he's eyeing up the big promotion to CNN. He is yet to realise though that he will have to suck Anderson Cooper's dick multiple times. And swallow.
This presents another problem. His tiny jaw and mouth couldn't even fit a tiny Asian dick. So Cooper's going to just have to fuck him the old fashioned way....
...with a giant rubber fist in the ass.
Only then will his Padawan training be complete.