Sup Forums what are your opinions on the Russians? Love them, hate them, or don't care?
Sup Forums what are your opinions on the Russians? Love them, hate them, or don't care?
Hate, but still better then you Mutt
Having known quite a few Russians personally, I have to say they are pretty shit. Infantile and materialistic while being very arrogant.
They are like mentally stunted white people.
What shocks me the most is how they can have six months experience at something and all of a sudden consider themselves an expert in the field. They will start promoting themselves as experts on social media and among friends and disrespecting persons who have been in the field thirty and forty years. It is as if the standards are so low in Russia, as soon as a Russian learns to read and write, he thinks himself a God.
Russian women are very shallow and only care about money. The men oddly enough subject themselves to abuse by their women and sheepishly accept the attitude that they should be grateful their woman even pays attention to them.
Overall they are surprisingly childish. While having some nice parts, their culture is very shallow. As individuals they are shallow and lack a depth of experience and education about the world.
She sings katushya really well.
But I prefer the girls und panzer AMV to her video
Pre-USSR: Love it
USSR: Kill it with fire
Post-USSR: Hate it, but its not their fault. Being ruled by kikes for ~100 years takes its toll (just look at us)
>Sup Forums what are your opinions on the Russians?
>Love them,
>very much
not agressive enough for my taste.
>Tanks rolling across Ukraine all the way to Odessa
still waiting for that.
I wish they'd hurry up and nuke us ffs
I found the same thing. Very egoistic, materialistic, and shallow.
I honestly don't think or care about them. I roll my eyes at the ever constant Russia boogeyman but at the same time I don't exactly think they're some kind of underdog superhero country. They're just Euros and realistically speaking I will never meet more than the occasional Russian tourist over the course of my life.
They're the niggers of Europe.
>those roots
>those eyebrows
hate them
Russians from Russia are alright. They can recognize their country's faults and are still nationalistic. Some of them are liberals, but every country has those.
Russian diaspora are by far the absolute worst, most moronic posters on this board. Living in Western countries and constantly shilling for their downfall. Parasites. But they'll never leave their comfy EU or American town for Russia, no way siree. The NEETbux are too much for that.
I like them.
Love them. Especially lil Russian lolis lic pic related.
I don't care.
There tigers are faggots and they killed 100 million people in the gulag.
Fuck off shill. Bet your not circumsized either.
I never understood why we became arch-enemies with them at WW2...I get that we both had nuclear weapons, and were eyeing for #1.... But competition never ruined our relationship with England in the 20th century, so why did it with Russia? We had a lot in common with them, together they could have ruled the world post WW2 as one Aryan super power.....But no - now Russia's economy is in the shitter, and America is Mec
I never understood why we became arch-enemies with them after WW2...I get that we both had nuclear weapons, and were eyeing for #1.... But competition never ruined our relationship with England in the 20th century, so why did it with Russia? We had a lot in common with them, together they could have ruled the world post WW2 as one Aryan super power.....But no - now Russia's economy is in the shitter, and America is Mexico 2.0
I don’t have an issue with them. We seem to be a bunch of antagonistic cunts towards each other every now and then. It’s a shame we don’t have anywhere near the access to russian arms like we used to though. Trade sanctions suck fat nuts and we shouldn’t have all the fun stuff banned or anything for that matter. So they annexed some of Ukraine or did a thing or something, who tf cares, let the two countries fight it out themselves.
Serbia knows it
dont care
Why did you double post queer.
I rather like them.
t. Met some Russian kikes in America and judges ethnic Russians by their actions, fucking retard.
Russia exists just to provide beautiful women for the world.
Kill yourselves
They are smart and hard working. I don't think they are bad people.
I like Russia a lot
Just so you know the majority of "Russians" here are Jews, Ukrainians or from the Caucasus, only 10-20% are Slavic Christians.
Russians are way more intelligent than the average person here, based on when I visited there.
oh I am Russian my people
Indifferent. Im certainly not going to fight them for a bunch of warmongering corrupt politicians
russians are a corrupt dull headed group of alcoholics and prostitutes living under a regime which still eats its young
corrupt vile place that only sends out garbage to the world
Ten bucks says you live in Canada
Love them.
Because we both, yes both, wanted to take over the world. Do you think Russia is so huge naturally? It's a collection of nations just like Europe, the size of Europe, that all got conquered by one single nation among their ranks. All we know now is Russia and for a time they held a lot more than they do now as the USSR. They never planned to stop conquering, we never planned to stop extorting.
Ooooh Tucker Carrson. Me rike his show very much rong time
that chick does multiple penetration gangbangs at escort parties
go russia
love 'em
half German half Russian mutt myself
>Met a few Jews who started jewing and considers them Russians.
>in just a few years shell be eating cocks on doubleteamedteens
I support tension with Russia so we can start ww3.
Also T-I-G-E-R-S
Russian voters in the US have historically been Republican and conservative, iirc.
no thanks vlad
i don't have to get fucked to make a living like your fat mother
triggered fat burgers. LOL
You suck at this. Are you doing it for free?
it's belarus
I like them
russians are 77% stupid
Russian diaspora? You say it like they're as common as Mexicans. In reality they're a tiny minority.
>tfw pic is Belarusian
for diet coke and serving of low fat fries
>Are you doing this for free?
Wife’s boyfriend forced him to sleep in the garage. That’s he’s up so late.
Fix your favelas first.
fairly positive although I dont really care that much about them
kill yourself though
a fucking leaf
This. Also I like the men, no I'm not gay.
Vladimir Ivanov.
>I never understood why we became arch-enemies with them after WW2
Cuban Missile Crisis
Their men are great drinking friends, just never lend them money and you're all good.
Their women are weird in how young russian women look absolutely gorgeous but they never have a slow milf-to-granny period in their lives. Once they settle down they immediatly turn into scarfed ugly grannies. But still very kind and adorable grannies who are both good at baking and drinking vodka.
Slava Rossiya
what the fuck
watch her eyes as she looks up
what the actual fuck
we can see the two blurred out fatties behind her
Who is this qt.
Also, I love Russia very much.
I'm currently learning Russian and I want to move there one day.
Not sure how I'm going to do that since our countries' relationship is so sour. :(
Russian women were made for big polish cock, change my mind
White niggers. Primitive, destructive, arrogant, violent, unpredictable etc. How ironic that many people hate niggers and love Russians for the same reasons.
Never actually got to know one. They seem untrustworthy.
Real Russians>>>>>>>Internet Russians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Russia
My gf is Polish
The tigers meme forever ruined Russia's reputation on Sup Forums
Charred in the mart
Valeria Kurnushkina
I think they're awesome. We saved them from Communism, now they're returning the favor.
I learn Russian
Country is hilarious and also depressing at the same time
>I live in a very russian neighborhood in brooklyn.
Their women are GORGOUS.
until they hit their 40s (sometimes later) and then they turn into trolls. Its crazy.
is russia full of jews or did they all go to israel?
Poor people.
Terrorized and massacred by their rulers forever.
This is reflected well in their art and literature.
Also they didn't get one second of empathy for getting slaughtered by the nazis in the worst ways and in larger quantities than the jews.
Putin formed the first government that made things better. Personally I have not met a shitty russian yet. I'm still friends with a kid that grew up in the same street and his mom was always very caring and interested in how I am doing. The Russian girls I have met were very quiet and polite and aspired to be moms in their adult life.
Still that is just my experience and I hear lots of bad stuff too. After the muslims and Romanians, Polaks and russians are the most criminal demography here.
Thanks, friendo.
yeah, i only work 4 days a week
does ur mum do it for free? i heard she charges less for blacks
can't even afford russian whores? you must be russian
is two accounts not enough for you
you fucking 3rd world slav niggers are pathetic
but thanks for the disposable whores
>half German half Russian mutt myself
Don't care about them either way. But it's hilarious how they're always made out to be victims on the world stage even though just like the USA they've been meddling in the affairs of other countries for decades.
The common Russian is a degenerate, but so are americans. Americans are even more disgusting, however, with their gluttony and penchant for nigger culture.
Russians are still pretty based when it comes to societal norms.
>Russian """"engineering""""
>Russian """"manufacturing""""
>Russian """"quality""""
In other words, industrial spying combined with kikery. Every Russian you see in a high position in the West is probably some type of agent.
>Having known quite a few Americans personally, I have to say they are pretty shit. Infantile and materialistic while being very arrogant.
>They are like mentally stunted white people.
>What shocks me the most is how they can have six months experience at something and all of a sudden consider themselves an expert in the field. They will start promoting themselves as experts on social media and among friends and disrespecting persons who have been in the field thirty and forty years. It is as if the standards are so low in NA, as soon as an American learns to read and write, he thinks himself a God.
>American women are very shallow and only care about money. The men oddly enough subject themselves to abuse by their women and sheepishly accept the attitude that they should be grateful their woman even pays attention to them.
>Overall they are surprisingly childish. While having some nice parts, their culture is very shallow. As individuals they are shallow and lack a depth of experience and education about the world.
>NA education
>mercantile and arrogant women
>"american" culture (burgers and cola)
>childish manner of talk (Ya, like, I mean, y'kno)
Why these homeland traitors(UK), whose ancestors was widely slaves and criminals and whose country is the biggest immigrant shithole i've ever been at,
autistic monkeys living outside the civlised world (Europe) but s has even right to have a respectable opinion, /pol?
я люблю pacceюшкy cлaвa Пyтлepy
Russians are untrustworthy.