The Discordian Illuminati has been engaging in real memetic engineering since at least 1993. The similarities of the covers of these two books is no accident - I will post pages of it that shows it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The Discordian Illuminati's Memetic Engineering Project Revealed + Cicada's True Purpose
Other urls found in this thread:
This is where the Cicada 3301 organization gets its name. They are trying to memetically engineer a memetic singularity to cause a chain reaction of mass enlightenment.
This post from 2013 details their plan, and mentions "memetic encryption."
Here's into about MH370:
>“This Event is no where related to catastrophic events, 18 april is definitely safe, all other accounts are impersonating, reason to hold this event is to help people solve an upcoming global cicada event, reason to hold this event is to aware people with knowledge (sic).”
I have seen the Fnords
Shit taste in comics but I like them
For the Fairest One
I believe it. I have talked to a few of those guys, and they never seemed bad. But at the same time, I found it hard to believe they were "good".
They're just a bunch of trolls, I think. Elite trolls more or less. Still curious how they fit in with the Rothschild/Holy See clan, and if they're related at all.
Nice thread though.
Interesting read, do you have a pdf archived somewhere ?
i bet you don't even jam it off you faggot
Brainwashed faggot. It's always amerifucks because amerifucks are the most exposed to media poison. Always worshiping things they dont understand just to feel cool like their idols because the media tells them so
"for the fairest one" holy shit lol you're pathetic. All the illumintards and masons etc... are the same kind of retarded. Ignorant fools with money that just accept any narrative they're fed.
This timeline reminds me a great deal of the timelines in Illuminatus! and Schrodinger's Cat. It's kind of creepy sometimes.
greyface motherfucker
I need to read those already. Ordering now.
Fnord. You weakminded homo.
>stand by the jam
I always spend way too much time obsessing over this stuff.
While you're here, was this your group's doing?
Jokes on you
I’m really high and will forget what virus 23 is
You lose faggot
Amerifucks will obsess with whatever they're fed without realizing anything or understanding. Like the source material is more important than the content and as if that content couldnt be found anywhere else. You are just programmed to think that way.
you don't need to consciously remember for it to affect you. In fact being high weakens your mental immune system to it. All it needs is a little space in your unconscious mind and it will do its work.
>I always spend way too much time obsessing over this stuff
I used to, and still want to. Sadly, politics has gotten in the way of my personal time.
>While you're here, was this your group's doing?
Lol, no , no group, your not even allowed to use a group, cicada players have to go at it alone. For the most part. And I have noooooo idea what that is man.
There's a group operating near me that uses graffiti like the one I posted as pictographic maps. I'm pretty sure it's related to Alefantis kiddy diddler group. I know with 100% certainty whoever the group is, they have shills on here. In one of the threads I posted, one of the shills requested somebody paint over one of the maps, and sure enough within 24 hours it was painted over.
You sure you don't know anything about this...? Because when they quit using the pictographs, they started using something else as a marker. Something that contains 7 in the name...and would have been exposed as a result of my post. Just saying.
I just want to know wtf you guys are up to.
More weird shit
>don’t make me go to x faggot, I hate that place
That's a fun read. Adding it to my reading list.
>memetic engineering
What, the Illuminatus trilogy? Read it in my university years. It's entertaining, but a lot of bullshit ultimately. Later I heard that Wilson worte other books that were supposedly to be taken seriously. But after reading Illuminatus, I don't believe that for a second.
It has more structure than the usual insane rant, but that's all that can be said about it. Memes on the other hand need a kernel of truth. is the pimobi site that Cicada 2016 started on man. It's been updating regularly since then. A week or 2 ago it updated with a countdown. This cicada seems to be a multi-year puzzle. Im not sure what your pic is about, but I just tried to upload an old cicada pic and it stated that it woldn't let me due to am embedded file (Steg to get out). 4chang has never done that before. Looks like cicada is now kill on 4changz. Wtf? And elaborate on your pic. And, the tie to James Achilles 'Rothschild'.
If you're familiar with pizzagate stuff, it's that. They have hubs all over the country. Use maps in the form of graffiti to subtly communicate locations for certain events. Money drops, exchanges, meetings, etc.
I am VERY familiar with PG. And elaborate. You do in such a fashion that I can understand, and I promise you, I'll get vid evidence of shit going down....then post it here after sending to the feds.
>don’t make me go to x
Just want to get one thing straight if I explain it all to you, then somehow you will obtain video evidence of something you were unaware of previously? I don't see how that could happen. Unless you are involved and/or a leaker. Or shill.
Fun fact
RAW stumbled upon truths as he wrote this.
What started out as fiction only was later realized how real things were that he wrote.
If you haven't read this book, you need to.
It still holds up, and is obviously quite relevant
Are you retarded??? Or just this new???
>The Discordian Illuminati has been engaging in real memetic engineering since at least 1993
Try the late 70's, bud.
You have smooth brains my dude.
I can't tell if that's a sigil or a toddlers self portrait
Hey I remember you from the zodiac thread.
Jesus loves you, and has a plan for your life.
stop by infinity/eris/ if you’ve got the time, friends
reminds me of snow crash
Me neither. What would your best guess be, and why?
Oh yeah I remember that thread. I probably have a PDF of it saved somewhere.
>>Go away, schizo
check out Miles Mathis, he does some good debunking of RAWilson
a spook, no doubt
Have you read The Sex Magicians? Its short, an excellent book on meme magick. We basically pulled off a mgt
Only chaos itself can shake free reality.
Praise Kek!
The Discordians are the ones behind all the pedo arrests btw. Did you hear that Nickelodeon is cutting of Dan fucking Schneider, with "complaints of abusive behaviour"?. They're lighting shit on fire.