Why Sup Forums, why
Why are girls nowadays such cunts
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Because we let them get away with it
Exactly this
God I hate our society
Anyone else feel like their fighting a battle alone?
Because the United States keeps getting farther and farther away from the theocratic monarchy from whence she originated.
>muh dik
Fuck off niggers
Thank you for a rational post
i want a fucking futanari GF
Because you're not a chad.
Pretty much
Poor quality men lead to poor quality women
I'm not completely convinced of this as I dint know how many shit posts are actually true, but I'm open to it now
That's the thing
I kinda am a chad
A chad that wants a good, decent girl
Because Jews and media. Girls are very easily manipulated. Especially when they don’t have a strong female in their life along with a strong father.
Good post, thanks
Nothing wrong with having a nice ass.
They own all the porn companies user. Don't come here anymore, theres still time to go back.
Yeah but fuck yoi if that's what you want you fuckin nigger
It's your modern gayropean and american values. Defending pakis who rape British girls, niggers, Muslims, faggots, pajeets you want to look more civilised and developed as a society in comparison with bigots like Russians. Excess of money and freedom play a role in making you degenerate as well. Jews have nothing to do with the cause of your degeneracy, they just exploit your vanity in order to get shekels, anyone with brain would do the same.
I've been reading Sup Forums for 2 years
>Too late for me now
Well at least now you can see which one is cunt before even meeting her, not to mention marrying her. So its not that bad.
>what girls think guys want
a slutty creatura
>what guys actually want
a modest creatura
yeah... no
Yes, very true my good friend
wtf i hate ass now
Fuckin leaf
But yes, you are actually correct
It’s not to much to ask for a freak in the sheets and a lady in the streets. Woman demand six figures, at least 6’2” and minimum 6 inches. We just asking to act like a lady, and do a little anal at home.
Niggers love ass, whites love tits and tight pussy
Exactly this
Fuckin whores
I ran through my share of girls, whores man
Not true at all you fucking idiot.
t. nigger
Look into what happened in germany before Hitler rose to power. The media was pushing the same type of degeneracy and he realized this. The idea that he was just randomly scapegoating them is a complete smear campaign and only serves to prove how right he was about how much power they have over people when you actually open your mind to it. No, it's not "shit posting" when we say jews are behind things. In fact the idea that it is just "le trolling" is a meme spread to get you to ignore us. Watch "the greatest story never told" and you'll see what I'm talking about. Judaism is a nation within a nation, and they look out for their own (at least the most powerful ones). They understand that taking advantage of sinful, animalistic human nature is very easy to do. And they also understand that they must tame that within themselves; and they raise their kids with these ideals ingrained. Meanwhile everyone else's kids get exposed to the normalization of sluttiness and other extreme degeneracy like bdsm. The family unit is falling apart, but jews are just fine.
Porn = Degeneracy = Jews
simple as that
ThNk god
Last words in pic are words to live by
>girl on the left
Because the men are too weak. No man nowadays wants to step up to the plate and provide for a family.
Women are doing their best to find a man, but all the choices are spineless little man~babies.
t. roastie
>trying to find a man
>being a promiscuous whore.
Face it roasty. Men don't want used goods.
The reason you can't find a good man is because all the good men found good girls who understand the concepts of loyalty and personal responsibility.
Whoever told you to follow your heart was a fucking moron
This probably
Men wNr to step up if they know girl isn't shit
He's right tho
If people on this board spent as much time focusing on education or career as they do bitching about jews they'd probably be in double-digit notch count already
Agree with the other reply, nice post.
you can try being more of a man
but the hormones you have drank from diary queen already done an effect on you and its already to late
I really can't top that. Well said user.
your glorifying of free life. so called your modern thinking.
cultural rules are necessary in society.
I'm a fuckin 200 pound chad dude
The problem isn't guys
I've been most effective when I'm a complete dick
Girls reject me when I actually care
Fucked up world
Lose some weight you fat fuck
I don't think you know what being a strong men means in this context.
>give her the D
That's the problem, dipshit. That's not the solution.
Pic related can only happen when the two guys on top are both giving all 10 the D.
Notice that every woman is sharing men in this instance?
Notice those two guys on top don't have to worry what any one of those women say because there's 9 more of them?
Notice that if one of those 8 men on bottom kill those 2 guys on top, the two men directly beneath them will simply take their place?
Men, this shit was figured out thousands of years ago, and every major religion has it written into their canon. Men have to be monogamous, marry for life, or else face very dire consequences. It's the only way for peace. It's the only way for civilization to get back on track.
Not far, dad bod and good looking
Quit making this about me nigger I'm not the problem
I’d be willing to bet the majority of guys, shills included, on here would rather just have a proper wife and skip on a sea of pussy. Also, of course men are weak these days. I don’t know what it’s like in France, but over here they practically have their balls hacked off by the time they graduate high school. They’re an imasculated lot these days because that’s how they’ve been conditioned. Women holding all the cards is no help either. One false rape claim and the guys life is effectively over. Divorce? Forget about it, you’re getting your income hacked to shit, you’ll hardly ever see your kids, your home goes to her, she’ll get damn near everything. Even then, women don’t want your average guy, they want chad.
>the jews dindu nuff'
Suicide toi Moshe
You're a retard
Women today's standards are too high. Every woman who knows how to wear makeup and take a half decent selfie thinks she can get with Chad Thundercock. Men are more pragmatic. We realize not every woman is going to be the baddest bitch who can suck every drop out of our dicks and make pancakes after, but bitches are fed lies by the media so nothing is ever good enough for them.
Social media doesn't help either. Every woman feels like she's just one day away from receiving a facebook message or twitter reply from "the one"
Exactly this
Damn my thread getting actually thought out responses
Tay is so based
We all want the left bitch wtf are you on about faggot
Right now it’s the problemyeah, but notice. The picture lists fix society before giving her the D. The implication being that once society is fixed, we are to give her the D. Maybe I was too open in my interpretation of what was said, but I took it to mean user would be giving his wife the D. Since society would be fixed, marriages ought to last and there should be considerable amounts of D to be given
Daily dose of reddit, tumblr, facebook, and buzzfeed cancer
shit that's brainwashing them is literally everywhere.
THEY have an unlimited amount of money
Then stop caring
Honestly you halfwit, you think ANY successful man gives the slightest fuck about women?
Look at your president he’s fucking shores left right and centre as he has a 10/10 waiting at home and he doesn’t give the slightest fuck.
Caring about women is a recipe for failure.
Has anyone else noticed how all of these fashion and makeup trends for females tend to make them look less white? Like they're trying to make every girl look like some Latina or Arab with way too much highlight. Just by looking at them you can tell they have BPD or are into nigger culture.
This is bullshit and you know it
I will always care about my bitches
I've fucked lots of them but meaningless sex is meaningless
Just want one good non roastie intelligent girl. Is this impossible????
If I were 3' taller(6') I would be the 3rd guy on that chart instead of the 4th/5th. Sad. (& yes I am aware this post makes it sound like I missed your point but I didn't, FWIW).
I believe the few elites are making their future value skyrocket by making a reverse hive. If 99% of men can be globally eliminated via brainwashing, hormones or even final solution then the few remaining elites will have unlimited value beyond money.
It’s real Y: the last man stuff but I think that is the end game for the hyper elite
Fuck off it’s bullshit you pissweak cunt
Look at how pathetic you are right now! Crying about women on pol on Sup Forums.
Take a good hard look at yourself softcock
What are ya?
Here's a fun little hint. The elites know the value of women. They just keep the best of the best for themselves. In fact, do you know they also keep virgins for themselves, even if illegal for the goyim? There's another reason besides feminists the AoC was raised. They don't want the goys having good, young partners.
>and there should be considerable amounts of D to be given
More like "considerable amounts of moist P to accept the considerable amount of D that is always waiting to be given", but yes.
I highly doubt you are
>better looking
>more intelligent
I beat you 3/3 piss ass nigger
And I'm "crying" cause I want change
I'm the kind of guy that starts revolutions mother fucker. So I vent now and hear my brothers talk, sooner or later with guys like me talk becomes action
War is Coming soon nigger. And nobody will miss your nigger ass
That and soys are shit when it comes to protecting their kids(the few that do find a way) just look at most of Europe.
Hot (whorish looking,easy) vs beautiful (classy,feminine) . This JRE clip will explain it better than I can - youtube.com
Go back to r9k
I love jre.
I wish those types were easy. They're loose, yes, but not easy. You gotta have Instagram-level cash and status.
>worships females
This isnt about me
I’m Not the one on here crying
It’s about about (You) You weak poofter
Nothing wrong with giving a fuck about females. If nobody did, they'd end up being worse. Look at them now. That's what happens when nobody "Gives a shit."
You are worse, crying about me crying
Ball less soft cock liberal bitch
Why do you even exist
KYs and do everyone a favor
Men only in this thread stupid raghead soft cock bitch
ITT: 2/10 wud not
>outed as a slimy poofter
>best turn on the proxy and get a new ID
she about to "age out"
girl on the right is a legit whore
>me “ get fucked cunt”
>you “waaaahhh”
new paranormies logo???
Both probably are nowadays
they all are, user. they all are.
>18 year old tight thicc qt vs washed up single mother roastie
you've got it the wrong way round user
They want you to put them in their place. Trust me. It's all a game to them, and you should treat it the same way. They want a strong, cocksure man, not a beta, pushover faggot.
I started dating a black chick, my nigfu treats me like a king, dresses conservatively carries herself with dignity. The best girlfriend I've had after 7 or 8 white princesses who are spoiled beyond belief. I went to my nigfu work the other day and brought her flowers she almost cried because she's never had a man treat her like that.
Tldr get a nigfu
You're trolling is sub par
0/1 funny
0/1 clever
1/1 keeps thread going
Thanks dumb niglet
>I’ll call him a nigger
The tell all sign when a seppo is desperate.
You behave this way because your balls are full of sement and because you’re 56%
Very much the opposite.
Every guy around the corner cares about your whore
If he wasn't so susceptible to the direction of the wind on a particular day I would enjoy his podcast more but, I suspect at least, that strategy is part of his massive success as being abhorred by a 3rd of ones' potential audience might not be the ideal business scenario.
Give up man.
You are not funny or clever or edgy. Just annoying
Anyway, love you Sup Forums but night night