Anti-white games are poisoning our youth and destroying their determination, we need to clamp down on this shit hard
Honestly, this is too much
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we did that in 2014 and it sorta backfired on us
I'm not that worried OP, antiwhite games like that new Wolfenstein are consistently flopping and getting terrible player reviews on Steam, either game developers are going to have to stop trying to shove their propaganda down everybody's throats or go bankrupt
If you actually played the fucking game, you’d realize that the “villain” was actually right all along about doomsday coming, and the game ends with you sitting in a bunker with him going “bet you wished you fucking listened, right?”
Seriously, look it up retard
what did we do, again?
its got an 87% as of now
doesnt change shit, same shit they pulled in every far cry, yet the villain is still the villain and the bad guy
Yeah like that makes up for the entire game of shooting white christians to get to that point.
>what did we do, again?
>being this much of a newfag
I wish Sup Forums had red texting to properly make fun of this shit
and they went so lazy they didnt even bother with other factions, the cucks
as long as they can yasss queen they can shit all over gameplay
Actually according to Polygon the plot is fairly evenhanded and paints both sides of the conflict in an unflattering light. The "good" end has the cult leader offering you mercy despite the massacres you do through the game, and you and your friends run off. "Bad" end he offers himself up for arrest b
Best end he was right and nukes go off and kill everyone.
Needless to say, Ben Cucknera fucking hated it because you don't get to slaughter trump supporters with narrative impunity.
if that's gamergate I dont see how it backfired, it only redpilled normies
it's not anti-white though. (((video game journalists))) were angry that it wasn't.
It's the movieblob approach. Guns are bad unless you're killing "nazis"
who the fuck is this faggot?
The last ubi game I thought was good was For Honor. I still play it, but I’m sure the derv team will fuck it up too, as one of their members making fun of Knights loyalists being mad at the inclusion of Roman stuff into the faction, mentioned adding mohammadian warriors to the Knights as well.
Why the French feel the need to ruine everything, I’ll never know.
Did you even play the game faggot?
There are blacks in the eden army, not to mention the "good guys" are gun toting conservatives.
If you’re gonna post at least post the real game
The good guys are conservative whites who want to be free from the government
The bad guys are cultists that want to replace the government with a cult theocracy
What the difference between this and killing browns in iraq
the (((feds))) are conservatives, topkek
You liberate captured people, who are conservatives
play the game before you get butthurt faggot
nothing wrong here my fellow white TM
why do shills want us to attack this game so bad we aren't like SJWs
fuck off ubisoft
Loved every minute of this game. Took it as practice for when we genocide all drumpfkins
You're retarded.
I've a serious question, and don't take this the wrong way, but are you perhaps the biggest retard on the planet?
Not an argument
>yet the villain is still the villain and the bad guy
You obviously did not play Far Cry 2 AKA Nigger Hunting Safari
Just don't buy
>Shilling for (((Ubisoft)))
Absolutely not, asshole - fuck Ubi, can't you read
DON'T BUY. In Far Cry 2 the villain was the good guy, just made sure niggerskeep killing each other
Sure thing fellow goy
>shooting white christians
thats the only thing that should be shot
An inept retard with technology.
Did you play Far Cry 2 back then at least before posting?
was meant for my bad
>entire game of shooting white christians
if it was full of non-whites you stormfags would be crying about MUH DIVERSITY. the game is set in rural america of course its full of white you fucktard
Is it worth buying??
You are pathetic OP.
Grow the fuck up.
Wew, who knew such a shit game would trigger Sup Forums this much. Don't you manchildren have anything better to do?
spread the word it contains sjw propaganda and bullet point it,that will harm its sales
you're the person ubisoft shills troll into an autistic fit that make them seem sensible in comparison. Just don't buy or just pirate it and realize it's gonna be as generic as the other recent far cry games.
why do you still play video games?
Exactly, It's as retarded as complaining about no black people in a game set in 1400s Bohemia.
Liberals hate it because the David Koresh doppelgänger turns out to be unironically right and the world blows up exactly like how he predicted.
Actually if you watch the intro scene you alrdy see a shit ton of blackies among the cultists