New gangstalking thread. Ask away.
Link to old bread.
New gangstalking thread. Ask away.
Link to old bread.
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Watch this, the first guy is insane but watch the whole thing, gay guy is on point.
Let's start using the term tactical organized harassment when reffering to goverment stalking or even character assasination operations, gang stalking does not do it justice and is a term created by them to discredit us.
Whos stalking you?
The miltary.
>term created by them to discredit us.
Seriously, your people's own term is now a fucking false flag? Can you people not fucking tell that you are a bunch of paranoid schizos?
gangstalking is for reddit
I volunteer with the homeless frequently and you can generally identify schizophrenia through simple communication. Many of my clients are diagnosed but off their meds. It's more difficult online as you only have text to go off of, rather than mannerisms, but it's still possible. Some key signs:
>disjointed communication, often but not always with poor grammar and spelling. For whatever reason I've noticed that proper capitalization is almost never present.
>recognition of clearly erroneous patterns and assigning significance to minor unrelated events
>messianic thinking, very often an obsession with impending doom (I rarely see it on the Internet but in person many use religious themes)
>narcissistic paranoia
I pretty much guarantee that all gangstalking posters are either trolling or schizophrenic as fuck. It's nothing to be ashamed of but if you even remotely suspect you may have that illness you should get help now before things really go to shit.
ITT: Larping, Sliding, Shilling, and manic paranoia/schizophrenia.
It's a shit term.
>tfw gangstalking for the sci
>tfw posting on reddit waiting for my sci cred uber
Waseda-user here.
Chinese and a bunch of SJW shills gangstalked me to try and drive me insane and destroy me.
The only one in this video who is credible is the gay guy. Reptilian stuff seems like it was just putin the video to discredit the real cases.
I'm curious about gangstalking. However, once someone brings up any occultism, then it's gone to shit. I'm more curious about realistic scenarios.
Oh user you have much to learn
My case is very unlike any of the cases described in the Vice video, since my case occurred at a school, but the gay guy's case makes sense to me.
There is a bit of occultic theme in my case simply because the people that would do it worship evil. It's like Rules for Radicals to its extreme, and of course Saul Alinsky revered Lucifer.
So what is gangstalking exactly and where does the occult (freemasonry and the likes) the into it?
I understand occultism in things like that. I'm more curious regarding anons having anything to share regarding themselves, not "There are satanic mind control waves."
Let's say, the FBI, Antifa, a local cult group, or whatever street group stalked you. I want to know about those moments. Perhaps tell a story about being blacklisted.
It's just every time there's a gangstalking thread made, some nutjob Britbong ruins them.
The cops have actually been pretty nice to me.
I gave up hope in life due in part to the GS stuff before I knew it was there.
It's now used as a motivational tool for me.
I've even been told by my 'stalkers' that I'm 'contrarian'.
So they do things to make me see bad, like a woman abusing her kid, dirty people, people acting like scum, thinking, I guess, I will wear a suit and be a perfect guy.
That's why I think in my case it's probably related to Masons, Christians, and Recovery groups.
People who think they are tapped into something powerful and universal, but have generally benevolent beliefs. But that being tapped into power, like being a Christian, makes you think your Means are justified by the Ends.
That's the way it seems to me. Otherwise I would have been arrested for a felony long ago, like running from the Cops.
I'll explain my understanding of it.
(For some,) Governance is about vigilance, control, and also secrecy. This is especially true for authoritarians, totalitarians, and communists. Government also attracts a lot of entitled people who want to wield power and think they deserve to. They want to control everything, right?
That's what the eye at the top of the pyramid represents. The ultimate power at the top of the hierarchy, vigilance and omniscience.
Well in that case, whats the ultimate expression of power? Something to set you apart from the rest of the sheep and peasants?
How about...manipulating someone so much that they go mad and kill themselves? Completely changing them into a different person? Slowly erasing someone? And with that, you come to understand evil, people, power, and how fragile people are. How we are just flesh-bags of constructed ideas that can be shaped and molded.
I'm not some illuminati guy but I started reaching into those ivy-league sort of circles. In my case, I went to one of the best schools in Asia. The Chinese gov't officials there didn't like me at all for a lot of reasons. So they gathered a bunch of shills to slowly mob me to death. Like the gay guy in the vid, I just thought it was bullying at first. But it was much worse than that and ruined my life.
That gay guy I feel pretty bad for. I wonder what his further story is.
Also, he mentioned Dealer plates, and I had that.
I'm a Far-Right Atheist degenerate. I wonder how many groups would like to gangstalk me haha
lps erxplaerb
Stop using confusing names.
I thought we were up to another right wing safety squad movement and would report on organized crime.
why would they be in a retarded cunt who posts on Sup Forums to feel unique?
get a grip, nigga.
Alright, I'll look into this further at some point. Thanks for the explanation.
Eh, I figure that if I am being watched, I'm being watched. Not much I can do about it. Sometimes, as a joke, I'll even write things like "hey, faggots, I know you're watching me." in my google searches or I'll say it out loud, just in case one of the people who I sometimes think I hear outside my window is listening.
I don't know if I get gangstalked. I hope I don't. But if I do, as long as they aren't fucking with me, I don't care too much. Hopefully one of the females among them decides she likes what she sees and wants to get a more "intimate" understanding of me.
I went to graduate school at Waseda, which is a top 4 or so school in Japan. It's like their equivalent of Yale or something.
However, at this particular graduate school, it was like 60-70% Chinese, and just as I had experience in government, many of the Chinese are literally CCP officials. Looking back, they probably immediately doxed me when I arrived and identified me as a threat to their grip on the school since I am an American and probably a lot of other Asians looked up to me. I'm half-asian btw. The tension intensified when I moved into the top research group which was almost 100% Chinese.
So they basically sucked me into a hyper zersetzung plot. Actually I walked into it by joining the top research group. They used a girl (Harvard) as bait to pretend to be my friend, then call me stalker, and turn everyone against me. Then they used this zersetzung shit kind of as a form of territory control to secretly drive me mad.
This is just the basic background of it.
once you know who you are dealing with, you can manage these cultist bureaucratic rotten cunts. fuck them, each and every one of them. and have a kek.
I believe you, or at least am open to believing you, user.
The fact is that some who claim it will have cases of Schizophrenic episodic history etc, and will genuinely be delusional. Does that mean that everyone who claims to have been or currently being gangstalked is suffering delusion? Probably not, actually, no.
Scientology use more obvious gangstalking tactics on members that leave the organization. It is all documented and filmed beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is a proven tactic in destroying one's life and one's mind and to suggest that the Government don't trial it on people, for whatever reason, is naive.
Can you go into any detail as to your experiences? Ignore the people asking why you are so important etc, even without a reason, the government selected MKULTRA victims at random, why is this different?
Ill try to explain why this "delusion" starts to appear, or was driving me insane in my case.
Here's an example.
Lets say you're being gangstalked. One guy contacts you on facebook messenger, pretends to help you by sending you a job posting. But for this occasion he changed his profile picture to a ghost like this.
Just for that message. Then he changes it back to something else afterward.
user...why are you posting in an empty thread?
Later on, another one of your stalkers posts something like this to instragram.
Nobody else understands what it's references. Only you do, because another of your gangstalkers sent you the picture of a ghost.
Essentially he is describing how he is gangstalking you, while weaponizing some piece of reality that should be neutral or positive.
Then, let's say, when you are walking around town, you just see some advertisement for pacman.
It triggers you, because it is now a reminder of gangstalking and whatever other horrible shit they did to you.
This is actually part of the process of brainwashing you by collapsing the idea structures in your head. Now lets say they gangstalk you for 2 years. Your world will be turned completely upside down if they do this shit enough.
And nobody will ever be able to understand. Everyone will call you crazy, while their families and parents are like "hehe pacman is funny!" they lie to their own families on instagram and facebook, etc. about what they are doing.
I have been gang stalked. Because I am the worlds best dancer and masturbater dozens of people would gather around my house to watch me jerk off for hours and do elaborate dance routines. Sadly for them those days are mostly behind me. I was only so good at masturbating because of the meth so they lost interest when I stopped. Who cares about a guy just dancing?
And this is just a form of trolling/bullying. And why I don't use those SM cancers.
The reason this starts to cause people to go delusional is because, since they are turning things into lies, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out what is gangstalking and what isn't.
An example, my girlfriend received a blender at her apartment. She didn't order anything and neither did I. I was getting death threats so I started to wonder if the blender was also some death threat and these CCP dudes followed me to my apartment. I was super emotionally fragile at that time so I had to calm myself down and tell myself it wasn't some mafia scare tactic.
seems first link is removed by a jewtube. old video i ran into, pretty good. not like vice shit, they having a laugh there. it was called gangstalking program explained, 1 hour length by some burger taking in detail about tactics they will use, from mind games to job blacklisting.
i saw your story month ago or so - take it as a learning experience i would say.
People won't take my story seriously
gangstalking is one of the very few subjects that triggers Sup Forums mods.
thread deleted in 3..2..1
That was just one small instance of it to explain it. They did a ton of other shit to me so it doesn't quite capture how evil it all is.
Let's say they killed your dog or something, put its head on your front porch for you to find it. Then left a note with nothing but three stars on it. ***
Then they go on instagram and everytime they post something they are like,
"Check me out I'm at the beach! ***"
You know it was them, but you can't prove it. You see the connection and it drives you mad. You try to tell people and they say you are delusional. Everyone else sees their photo and are like "haha you're so cool and happy going to the beach lol"
This also ruins the idea of stars for you.
wait for it... its like clockwork every time.
Because it's schizo shit, fuck off to /x/.
You're all equivalent to crazy bitches yelling at mailmen.
You people are fucking insane.
Get help. It will ruin your life.
Watching the second vid, it's spot on so far. The people I met were like this, elite ruling psychopaths. Basically young Hilary Clinton types. While I was more of an artist type. I understand this stuff but I was the exact opposite of them personality wise.
half of europe was being gangstalked during the cold war.
you think they just stopped doing it altogether after the 1980s?
Thank you for the insight, user.
If it was more than two events like that, it sounds like it is trying to create negative associations and triggers within your subconscious mind so that a trigger image or word such as "pacman" or related imagery will be able to psychologically damage you. It seems like a method of control or perhaps a way to create a reality where so many things have negative connections that you feel unable to leave the house.
Keep in mind that the first two examples could easily be strange coincidence, but if further examples started showing up I would be very worried.
>half of europe was being gangstalked during the cold war.
Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim's private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, such as breaking into homes and subtly manipulating the contents, in a form of gaslighting – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim's family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target's wife.
Returning items from the trash to the home, releasing mice or poisonous snakes (especially those whose poison works on contact and need not be injected) in walls or basements and alluding to topics referenced in tapped phone conversations is also popular, as is filling both the salt and pepper shakers with 'pepper'; (in a controlled or export economy, as in times of economic hardship generally, ersatz pepper is typically made of sawdust-type substitutes such as bark or for example 'winter pepper'; see especially 'witzpulver' but also 'monk's pepper'). Usually, victims had no idea that the Stasi were responsible and indeed, it is probable that they not always were. Many thought that they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. The 'dissolution' is likely at least occasionally intended to carry the same connotation as in such uses as 'dissolution of marriage,' 'breakdown of the traditional family unit,' etc. It should perhaps be noted further that no one had a monopoly on monitoring communications, whether in East Germany or anywhere else.
Yeah, I've read all that shit. Now go read some of the articles written by Western journalists in Russia actually subjected to that kind of shit by the KGB to realise how utterly puerile and unlike what you people are describing it is.
Oh wait, no, you won't do that because that would destroy your ridiculous idea that you are special or matter in any way.
In all of East Germany only 5,000 people are considered harmed enough by Zersetzung to get a pension, and the harm is directly related to actual physical damage.
You're all nuts.
wow, that's an old one. welcome back to the filter.
>In all of East Germany only 5,000 people are considered harmed enough by Zersetzung to get a pension, and the harm is directly related to actual physical damage.
those are just the times they left clear evidence (physical injuries which were undoubtedly caused by a targeted attack).
the classic australian gangstalking tactic is for a seemingly random person passing you in the street to ram a fucking bottle or glass into your face and run away.
it will be seen as a 'random attack' and the police will never get any leads.
>those are just the times they left clear evidence
They have the Stasi records, user. They can see who was subjected to Zersetzung. They don't need "evidence" from the victim because they already have the list of victims.
You want to believe that you're special and that somebody cares enough about your infantile dumb opinions. In addition, you're probably mentally ill. By these powers combined - gangstalking!
you think they kept physical records (documents) of every person who was gangstalked? LOL.
i bet you think george bush still has the 9/11 false flag plans hidden under his pillow too.
I've only barely scraped the surface of my case, and its about the holistic effect. It was truly some Orwellian mind-break hypnosis shit.
A lot of these stories, like the Vice guy going on about reptilians, are not credible. Probably designed to discredit the idea itself.
But I am completely willing to say that my case was probably just as bad or worse than any KGB shit you've read about. It was carried out by the CCP and a few EU shills who probably realized they were being blackmailed into attacking me.
Even though I am super sick because of it, I can explain any detail of it in a rational and academic manner.
>you think they kept physical records (documents) of every person who was gangstalked?
The reason we know so much about the Stasi (including about things like Zersetzung) is because they kept copious records.
They were Germans, after all.
>But I am completely willing to say that my case was probably just as bad or worse than any KGB shit you've read about.
Considering that the KGB shit I heard about was utterly fucking puerile, I'm totally unconcerned for you.
after the reunification of germany they were shredding and burning documents like hillary clinton on speed.
How about share a link then?
Also, just think about it.
CCP controlled my graduate school. They basically have their own shadow council which exists aside and outside of the Japanese administrators who are by comparison, incompetent. 60-70% Chinese. Since you can write coherently, I'll assume you know how authoritarian and fucked up China can be. You really think they wouldn't do some shit to me while I go around living a life of freedom and free speech? They fucking hated me and decided to do like they do in China, and purge me, make an example of me for challenging their country.
I'm an unperson, following my watch listing about 15 years ago for debating a chosen one too robustly. Their sickness compels them to swindle millions from anyone foolish enough to trust them, even when they could make billions in honest partnership.
This crazy woman is on kiwi farms over the years. She's currently living out of her car.
Speaking of the Israeli Supreme Court, even after Demjanjuk was emphatically cleared by them of being "Ivan the Terrible" and allowed to return to the US, his persecution continued till his death.
"Only" 5,000 out of a population of 16,000,000 were injured by targeting. So, there must have been tens of thousands at least whose targeting did not rise to the level of physical harm, and yet sceptics love to advance the "what makes you important enough to be targeted?" argument. The simple answer is that ideas are scarier than armies to those seeking power and control.
>The simple answer is that ideas are scarier than armies to those seeking power and control.
this has to be a record for the longest any gangstalking thread has existed on Sup Forums without being deleted or moved to /bant/.
Which government?
I'm not saying in doesn't happen, I actually believe I was set up by a group who tried to prosecute me for a non crime but these people clearly have delusions
most if not all of them.
australian gangstalkers are particularly vicious, they are known for ramming a glass or bottle in your face and running away into the night.
they will often blackmail meth heads or pedophiles to do their bidding.
You know your crazy, right?
too many newfaggots and shills here today.
>Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim's private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, such as breaking into homes and subtly manipulating the contents, in a form of gaslighting – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim's family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target's wife.
>Returning items from the trash to the home, releasing mice or poisonous snakes (especially those whose poison works on contact and need not be injected) in walls or basements and alluding to topics referenced in tapped phone conversations is also popular, as is filling both the salt and pepper shakers with 'pepper'; (in a controlled or export economy, as in times of economic hardship generally, ersatz pepper is typically made of sawdust-type substitutes such as bark or for example 'winter pepper'; see especially 'witzpulver' but also 'monk's pepper'). Usually, victims had no idea that the Stasi were responsible and indeed, it is probable that they not always were. Many thought that they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. The 'dissolution' is likely at least occasionally intended to carry the same connotation as in such uses as 'dissolution of marriage,' 'breakdown of the traditional family unit,' etc. It should perhaps be noted further that no one had a monopoly on monitoring communications, whether in East Germany or anywhere else.