Questions I would pose to you:
Will the U.K. be saved on cultural, ethnic, and/or political levels?
If yes, how? If no, why not?
Vid related:
What is the future of the U.K.?
Decreasing to Pakistan/India level shithole. I cant wait to die desu.
At the same tile you turn into Brazil.
Can you elaborate as to why the British people are so cucked, so... housebroken?
People all around the west are the same.
I disagree. At least to the extent that northern/western Europeans and Canadians are cucked.
t. esclavo de israel
t. question dodger. I have no illusions about my country. I am aware of Israel's influence over it. I wasn't asking about my country, however.
You elected Obama, what are you even talking about, we are all cucked. Much based Eastern Europe is only based because brown people dont want to live there as it is poor.
We elected Obama prior to the migrant crisis and many other issues that did not exist 10 years ago. Germany just recently re-elected Merkel. France rejected Le Pen. Holland rejected Wilders. I don't even need to mention Scandinavia, I'm sure. Scotland just imprisoned a man for teaching a dog to raise his paw because a Jewish advocacy group lobbied the government. In fact, 8 U.K. citizens are arrested every day, on average, for posting tweets that are offensive to religious, ethnic and/or racial minorities. Us having done cuckworthy things in the past does not mean that we are operating on the same level of cuckoldry as you are. I could literally say anything I want, in any forum, and as long as it wasn't a direct threat of violence, libel, or yelling fire in a crowded theater, absolutely nothing legal would or could happen to me. But we digress. What I'd really like to know is what specific to the nature of the British people(s) do you think is the cause of your specific predicament.
Athiesm as a result of the demise of the institutions, ww1 sealed deep resentment of church after they sent our best to die for a phony cause the the collapse of the empire and finally the cultural revolution of the 60s, the education system and all institutions have been literally infiltrated as a result no one knows history, we don't know who we really are which lets propagandists fill the void with any self serving horseshit which in this case is the tolerance and diversity drivel.
Quite a good explanation actually. One question though: you say WWI caused resentment for the church because "they" sent our best to die for a phony cause, but I thought one of WWI's keystone facets was the predominately secular side of government overburdening their foreign policy with alliances, rather than religious fervor.
>I cant wait to die desu.
Like, in your bed? In a Muslim staffed care home?
Top meme my friend, I am saving that one.
Polite reminder that "Tasmanian Aboriginals" is a merchant scam and those people never existed
there is nothing wrong with Britain
when compared with you guys.
>What is the future of the U.K.?
Your country will become a muslim caliphate that will have to be cleansed with nuclear fire.
>gays vs muslims
whoever loses I win
I’m thinking you should side with the gays on that one. You obviously haven’t thought it through.
Lack of funds will be the thing that breaks us.
We can barely afford to fix potholes in our roads, they turn the street lights off here at night to save money.
The town couldnt afford to put up xmas tree last year, then we have more and more freeloaders coming here every week in the name of diversity.
Things will change as the cash runs out.
As an American being in Europe that’s the first thing I noticed. I didn’t realize how rich we are until I saw how frugal you guys have to be. We light everything up like day.