"people of color" strikes again to remove a chicken bucket
And he doesn't look very black nor act black most of the time. Only when it suits him.
"people of color" strikes again to remove a chicken bucket
And he doesn't look very black nor act black most of the time. Only when it suits him.
Trihex is alright. I mean he’s right. Anyone who has been on twitch knows there’s a large amount of edgy 12 year olds who at only there to giggle and spam cmonbruh and trihard anytime chicken or black or any keyword is mentioned. Trihex isn’t a problem faggot
He's crying muh people of color like all faggots do
Fuck niggers.
No, you are a faggot. Niggers are way too sensitive, get a life you nigger lover.
RIP BigNig, been like 5 years since they got rid of the best emote desu
You seem pretty sensitive about it. Tyrone been fucking your crush? Tough luck kiddo
He’s just pointing out twitch is not helping the situation with the faggy preteens and their spamming bullshit. They really are fucking braindead. Trihex is a cool dude. You spring breaking newfags don’t understand what a nigger is. Check your moms bed
inb4 twitch about to go on banning spree
they ban you now for showing nipples for males
exactly the opposite of what feminists want lmaoooo
yeah, he's been a faggot negro for years now
>entire post is literally muh dik
you must be an actual nigger or a mutt.
Madre de Dios... el Simio Norteamericano
>>>t_d with your based black man.
yeah trihex is crying about "preteens" using a bucket of chicken emote LOL what afucking snowflake
>acknowledging the existence of stream chats
Big mistake
muh people of color
Who is this shaved ape?
This is that shirtless flexing nigger that speedruns Mario shit games who got BEATEN HARD at arm wrestling by the shirtless flexing White man that speedruns Mega Man X
Yeah but we summoned the spirit of BigNig back for a while with GTChimp
Now that were in this subject. The trihard kfc watermelon troll is probably the most redpilled twitch meme
Nobody will ever make a fuss about KKona or even MingLee. But of course TriHard and cmonBruh will be at the forefront of the social justice parade.
If niggers were on par with whites in terms of IQ and crime rates, racism against them might actually die. Niggers are different, therefore they should be treated differently. That's how a functional society operates, it's as simple as that.
I actually find this whole thing funny because nobody bats an eyelid when people spam the KKona and the gun emote, or the HotPokket emote when something is "triggering" or the ANELE emote when a character in a game blows themselves up.
Niggers will milk the victim card until the end of time.
video games are degenerate. who the fuck cares
>Tough luck kiddo
>Check your moms bed
>Tyrone been fucking your crush?
There is no way in hell you are older than 16. I'd bet anything that
Niggers deserve to be slaves again
ffs just send them away do u retards ever learn
next time archive that link newfag
im not giving polygon any clickshekels
Iv actually doxxed people before and if tri nigger does stupid shit again I can swat him like i did to Ice for using live.me streams
These niggers need to get off the high horse, everything to them is considered racist.
All bark no bite, you poof.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
Trihex was an /srg/fag that turned into a virtue signaling faggot after his stream blew up from playing Mario Maker. Now he acts like a twitter libtard 24/7 for subs and donations, and he even shit on all of his old friends after selling out.
He's a nigger.
This. Caleb has proven whites are superior speedrunners with superior taste in vidya.
>bucket of chicken
to be honest it is racist. considering there is no emote that racially insults whites, if there is then yeah he is just being a snowflake
Explain why a bucket of chicken is racist?
I'm a white male, and i love KFC. How is an emblem of a bucket of KFC racist you fucking abo?
why can't they be original instead of copy-pasting things ??
because the edgy kids use it exclusively when there is a black person on stream, coincidence? i think not
>because the edgy kids use it exclusively when there is a black person on stream
I asked how the KFC emblem was racist, you dumb fucking abo cunt, now how kids use it to piss off some stupid nigger that has self esteem issues and finds everything racist.
The way you are explaining it, it seems niggers need to grow the fuck up.
>linking to polygon
jesus christ this place has gone downhill fast
Fuck off, niggers don't have a monopoly on fried chicken.
Everyone loves that shit.
>how the emblem was racist
>piss off some stupid nigger
you just answered your own question
>right now on Twitch who can’t look past that.
I think that part is important. the clip has the black dude laughing. polygon guy just used the clip to write his article and push his narrative. I don't think the balck guy is crying about it. He just seems astonished that twitch is that dumb.
Actually there’s an emote of a stereotypical southern white guy that gets spammed any time America or something like that comes up. It’s just I’m not actively looking for things to be offended at so it’s not a problem
White people dont, mutt.
No i haven't, you dumb nigger. I'm still waiting on your abo uneducated mouth to tell me and everyone else how the KFC emblem is racist when people of all colors / races love it.
>KKona is used in multiple contexts by chatters in twitch chat to comment on various things in streams. KKona may be used: 1) When someone either plays or mentions "Brotherman Bill" by Terrible Tim. 2) Whenever there's a reference to something extremely white or redneck-like.
He’s being a snowflake
obtuse kiwi
Fuck off, cunt.
>Streamer mentions incest in any context
>KKona Clap
what is your internal reaction when you see an african-american male, or watermelon, or chicken
>saying anything else other than "nigger" means you are a fucking liar
>how is the emote racist when we exclusively only use it use to associate black people?
dude, are you listening to yourself?
>no emote that racially insults whites
Explain KKool ForsenGun then
stop strawmanning him and answer the question, cunt.
Dont be naive kiwi. You know the intent behind it. If you've been on twich longer than 30 minuets you would catch on. I don't care if hes offended or not, but there is racist intent.
That's Trihard, dude.
No reason to be overtly racist to make people feel bad, is there?
Still waiting, abo cunt.
There could be racist intent behind fucking anything. Should we ban anything that could be used with racist intent because someone's feelings might get hurt? kill yourself, cunt.
hi fellow /srg/ fag
Be careful. Impotent kids are going to call you a "nigger lover". It probably wont hurt your feelings but they'll spam it anyway.
see >i only use the kfc/watermelon/trihard emote when black people is mentioned in any context
which makes it racist
>kill yourself, cunt.
how old are you? tell me before I argue with you an further
this whole thread is retarded. polygon fag and OP are both fags spinning a clip to fit their narrative.
>let minorities into white-majority space
>they start ruining shit
Just like real life!
>Has a Blonde blue eyed gf
Sup Forums BTFO yet again
>doesn't look very black
no he seems like the average "white" american
He's a mixed race mutt that doesn't talk black
>niggers are cry babies
this is not thread worthy
why, this is about double standards and anti-white bias
gonna have horrendous looking kids
don't KFC sponsor twitch and give free gift cards if you spam the emote or something, sounds like another eceleb who is losing attention and wants it back
Proof all animefags are faggots.
Goddamn black fragility.
Trihex isn't that bad. There's worse pieces of shit on Twitch; like Dankquan. He gets a lot of agenda pushers from Twitch Staff. He admitted one night that Twitch tried to get Trihex to pull a race card on ICE to get him banned for all the TriHard shit. Him and Forsen are both right about the emote. Twitch wasn't fucking thinking about anything but sheckles on this one.
who cares what some random nigger has to say about bunch of pixels on a faggot website? Seriously...
Spam this in Twitch nogg chats:
TriHard 8====D~~~ cmonBruh
trihex is a nigger, but a cool nigger
pretty much, twitch does everything to appease their kike advertiser overlords. it's hardly an overreaction from trihex, considering how kfc bucket was pretty much only combo'd with his emote - same as back when twitch added a black hand holding a chicken leg.
forsen is way too paranoid though, there's no way he'll get banned before greek, or even admiralbulldog. prepare for sub mode today because exploding churches.
ANELE :gun: KKool
what the fuck is wrong with liking chicken?
yes, any white person who actually enjoys food does.
That was BrainSlug, right?
>prepare for sub mode today because exploding churches.
well if its actually chicken then yeah, but not that disgusting dumpster trash at kfc and the like
Why didn't he just ban the kids? In fact why does he even acknowledge that he's offended? That's just what they want
Why do people take twitch seriously?
I cannot wrap my head around it, not only do they take it seriously they actively shovel money at people for literally nothing.
Bulldog doesn't even do anything.
Congoid skull structure is evolutionarily superior, it helps humans survive in a violent multicultural environment. White women caught wind of this and now started harvesting Afro sperm in hopes their kids won't get killed out on the streets. If you still white-looking 100 years from now you'll probably be murdered on sight.
White people are unathletic. You can't run, you can't jump, you can't even win street fights most of the time. In the future most of y'all are going to have to stay in your houses and shit because we are going to be running around, controlling everythang.
nigger detected. slavery was justice
Is Ice poseidon /ourguy/? I'm not sure if he's based or just edgy normie
when he has no content he just watches random videos
clips.twitch tv/CharmingSpunkyTrayKeepo
Every white has neanderthal dna in his blood. This is because whites are the product of degenerate race-mixing. You're women were whores for neanderthal dick and you're so beta and retarded you were cucked by creatures that weren't even human.
Wait what's wrong with cmonBruh?
ice is an idiot, he just doesnt care about anything and thats whats funny.
>Vidya games
No thanks.
also twitch said they didnt want people to be racist or toxic, then they add a monkey emote, a snickers emote, and a kfc emote.
what are they thinking.