>So Stormy says she and Trump had sex only once. I guess if you want the guy to screw you repeatedly, you have to be one of his voters.
Does she have a point?
>So Stormy says she and Trump had sex only once. I guess if you want the guy to screw you repeatedly, you have to be one of his voters.
Does she have a point?
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What the fuck is wrong with Ann Coulter. This cunt has a fucking stick up her ass and a desert in her snatch.
>Why is Ann Coulter mad that someone she took the risk of promoting has repeatedly went back on his word and makes everyone who supported him look like an idiot
Hmm.. I wonder..
>trusting Trump in the first place
>Listening to Ann "Controlled Opposition" Coulter
No. She's only making herself look stupid and killing her brand by being this emotionally reactive to something inconsequential.
She's a whiny cunt.
>something inconsequential.
Mexico paying for a wall and less warmongering was his entire campaign, brainlet. What did we get? Neocon warhawks and a fence we're paying for.
>Don't agree with shitty budget bill
Is there even any room left for rational thought or is it all extremist sensationalized table flipping one liners for attention?
We were also all planned a repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and after multiple attempts with a massive GOP majority nothing has fucking happened