Buying diseases online?

I know nu/pol/ doesn’t care about what the actual fuck.
Apparently this is Rockefellers company .
They are also selling synthetic HIV. all different types of Zika Virus, and dead babies.. what the fuck

Did any of you fucks know this existed? Can we start a mission to bring this to MSM?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is the sickest shit, I have ever seen in my life.
I can’t imagine some scumbag picking up a dead baby that died in a war and selling his parts for $500

Fucking what the fuck

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You can buy lots of stuff for labs.
Is this full visions, or just fragments? Often without the full viral genome, it won’t be infectious although you may still want to use BioSafety Level 2-3 for handling the particles. Some labs made chimeric viruses that aren’t infectious because they’re missing certain receptors to study what makes them se dangerous.
If it’s the full virus they might not sell it to just any buyer, you might have to prove identity as part of a lab.

What. The. Fuck.

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Dead White baby selling for $300 more .....

Is there anyway we can investigate this?

Forgot pic

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Honestly? I’m just not even surprised at this blatant bullshit anymore.

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Adipose-derived = they backtracked it.
Used to be an adipose (fat) cell, but they added certain transcription factors to de-differentiate it back to being a cell.
Doesn’t have to have been fetal tissue. Did they say where they collect the adipose from?

Goddamn, most of us already have yellow fever.

>pic related

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Induced you stupid nigger
Graduate highschool before posting here for fuck's sake

Visions = virions (virus particles)
You’d just have to read up on the page or even email them if you can’t tell if it’s a full virus from the included viral proteins they listed

It even says “induced pluripotent” meaning they induced or made it become a stem cell. They could have taken a tissue sample from a lot of places, doesn’t have to be a baby

Ofcourse I knew this. Everybody knows ops mom slings hiv and hep b and c.

She makes a killing, off niggers. Because op is a nigger.

I want you to buy a dead baby for 500 dollars op, buy some aids while you are at it. Oh fuck you can't, because you aren't a licensed medical facility. Oh snap, now the bullshit comes out, op is a gay retard.

That's right op, that feeling is shame, that feeling is being a retarded burger who can't think for 5 seconds.

Somebody in califonia should buy that super aids, infect some needles and put them in random places since giving somebody aids is legal.

not me ching chong


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Do it, I have 500 dollars right now on a visa. Ring me up a dead baby op. See if you can just get me half.

So far it allowed me to create an account

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>what country is your institution located in

Canada, we are called 4chubs inc. We are based out of toronto. My name is Justin Trudeau. I'm sure my mailing address is public domain. Please mail me a dead baby, I demand it. Canada's national security is at stake.

The lab I work at has researchers using viral delivery methods to get transgenes into human stem cell lines for optogenetic research.

No! I use this stuff for experiments. Go watch some tv.

You only need an institution to order a virus. The dead babies don’t need an institution, either way, I asked to raise the biosafety level status to see what Happens

you're a retard

Even if these were embryonic stem cells they are of sourced from surplus embryos from IVF rather than foetuses

You're a complete and utter dumbfuck. They aren't selling diseases nor are they selling baby parts, nor is there anything secretive or sinister about what they are selling. Try passing high school biology before you get yourself into a tizzy.

Well the YFV isn’t even complete. There’s no NS4 protein, so it likely isn’t even very infectious. They only recommend BSL 1 anyway, so it’s likely not that dangerous in this form

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Serious question for you OP
Do you listen to Alex Jones ?

Lol. They sell chlamydia. Don't see how they can make any money with half the population giving it away for free.

I only watch the opps


Do they have something we can use to exterminate the Muslims?

They are selling diseases mate. You can get kuru prions and all kinds of other level 3 biosafety shit.

when did cia niggers start using that meme flag

OK, I didn't see that part. But there is still nothing sinister about that, researchers on disease need samples of the diseases to work on, and they're not going to sell Joe Blow kuru to sprinkle on your neighbours cornflakes

Our local distributor:
In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.
7-9 Summit Road
Noble Park North, VIC 3174
Be a shame if someone told the Apex gang the building was full of cigarettes.

you cant buy dead babies in america. its probably some slavic nations knock off of a dead baby made of rotten hot dogs and wheat germ

Bugger. So I'll have to wait for Hillary Clinton to visit again.

Fucking rip-off, you could get it ten times cheaper in the source country.


Sounds like a business plan to me.

iirc mesenchymal stem cells can come from adults as well

Got a problem with that?

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