Theory: This kid will be framed for deep state psy op

They will frame him as the perpetrator of a mass shooting so as to take away American guns and implement deeper surveillance. This poor bastard is setting himself up to be targeted by the deep state. Sad, but he deserves it. I mean...
Elliot Rodgers, here. Ffs white people.

Attached: 61EC3CA5-647D-40D1-BDD3-9FF24F2FF1F8.png (640x1136, 1.02M)

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It's Crispin Glovers kid and Sam's cousin.

Pls go away

Don't they realize that nobody buys their fucking bullshit anymore? No amount of false flags will change the fact that the people telling us what's going on aren't to be trusted.

who the fuck is that

Bitch I’m here to tell the truth.

Damn Dan, that's a big peener. Mind if I give it a lick? ;)


Your new muddy buddy. Better get used to him.

Attached: IMG_9222.gif (360x240, 861K)

>canadian flag
>dude is in Toronto
>600 subs

Stop shilling your shit channel here