will he not be a complete, wife cheating faggot in my opinion.
Do you still support Trump after the omnibus bill not including wall funding?
will he not be a complete, wife cheating faggot in my opinion.
Do you still support Trump after the omnibus bill not including wall funding?
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It might be the only way to procure the wall. The defense budget covers defensive structures, both foreign and domestic. He will definitely try and I don't see how the Dems can stop it. If he pulls it off, I will be impressed.
He can't and he knows it. Why? The military currently costs ~$700 billion to operate, which is how much Trump got for the military. How could that also be used to modernize it as he claims AND build a wall? What he's doing is he's trying to kick your outrage down the road knowing that all that's coming is a fence.
as long as he builds a wall around germany to keep you fuckers sealed in
U mad?
>as long as he builds a wall around germany to keep you fuckers sealed in
I'd be all for it. An impenetrable wall around Germany is one of my dreams. Coupled with a shitton more deportations of illegals and guests.
Now with 40% more broomsticks
>scraps 2200 tanks
>starts buying more again
Wow its almost like the German Khazar Occupation Government is flushing your cash down their american cousin's M.I.C. toilet
I never believed in the wall, but I thought he would be very strict on immigration and give ICE more power, which I would respect.
But didn't he fuck the voters over??
Can an American (no niggers plz) tell me what you think will happen and what should happen? As I said, there will never be a wall, but you can replace the wall with stronger immigration laws.
Wall of troops or wall of concrete
take your pick
Want to guess who built the Panama Canal? Look it up.
Trump can spend or not spend the money allocated in this bill.
He tweeted about using the military to build the wall.
Trump train continues. Can't wait for the tribunals coming up soon due to the Court Marshal law changes.
it technically is the job of the military to guard the borders, i'm not sure why it shouldn't go to it, but i have a feeling it won't.
don't count chickens lads. the man is a grandmaster.
>>starts buying more again
We don't buy any more, we are just taking old Leo 2s out of storage and upgrading them.
By the way, as to modern main battlefield tanks, once we are back at 320, we will have the most of any country in Europe outside of Russia. More than the UK, more than France, more than Poland (I don't count their T-72s and equivalents), more than Greece, more than even Turkey.
>Do you still support Trump after the omnibus bill not including wall funding?
Yes, he's my president. He lost my faith when he didn't veto over the CLOUD Act, though. It's a violation of the 4th amendment, failure in his duty. Seems as if it's only a precursor of what's to come.
>Want to guess who built the Panama Canal?
France from 1881 to 1904, then 1904 to 1914 by the US. Or are you asking who actually built (as in dug the dirt out) the canal? A mix of Spaniards and other Hispanics, blacks plus West Indians - during the construction of the Panama Canal by the Americans (1904-1914), the West Indian migrations to Panama constituted a demographic tidal wave, the largest yet in Caribbean history. Officially, canal authorities brought over 31,000 West Indian men and a few women, but in fact, contemporaries estimated that between 150,000 and 200,000 men and women must have migrated during the decade 1904-1914. Most did not plan to stay in Panama. Eventually, though, tens of thousands remained on the isthmus because the islands offered few opportunities that could compete with the pay and benefits available in Panama. The West Indians settled, married, had children, and became the largest immigrant group in the sparsely populated country. The descendants of these immigrants are known today as Afro-Panamanians.
>Under the budget
>Ahead of schedule
What's better than army doing it? No need to waste time for negotiations, no need to pay more than it's worth it, no one to accuse of hiring his cronies.
Lmao I thought Mexico was going to pay for it
Once the wall is in place the funds will be extracted from Mexico.
>>Trump is stupid
What he should do is
Announce Texas to California high speed rail -- wants 20 billion from Congress
> Democrats and Liberals orgasm, hand over cash
Fills in between the support legs with steel fencing for "safety"
Always as leaks stray voltage to steel fencing so have a electrified fence that runs along the border.
They will, just not with cash. Trump already said, there's many ways Mexico can pay for it.
Mexico is already chimping out. Those stupid lazy mexicans should sort their drug cartel problems, instead of bitching on Trump, and leeching on US. If I was the President, I wouldn't be so forgiving to spics. I'd declare their drug smuglers as invaders and responded with 3 day war with Mexico (3 days would be enough to conquer those stupid lazy shitskin goatfuckers)
>our military is ever grander than that of the super powers Greece and Turkey
Europoors Kek
What if M means the McDonalds Corporation? What if McDonalds were given the franchise rights for 2000 miles of wall restaurants. Build 2000 McDonalds restaurants INSIDE the wall, every mile one McD, with signs every 100 yards denoting where to go to get a McD.
In each McD make two doors, one for Americans to go in from the North and one from Mexicans to come in from the South. Check passports and visas when people try to exit.
>our military is ever grander than that of the super powers Greece and Turkey
Those countries have a lot of tanks, yes. No joke. Turkey is using their tanks in Syria to whip Kurdish asses, American allies which are being slaughtered.
Except our army will never do it. The army is not trained for that kind of construction project, and there is no general or admiral that would ever take this tweet seriously. I would like a wall, but Trump is making all the wrong moves.
>what is the Engineer Corps
>The army is not trained for that kind of construction project
How does your army build fortifications in war zones?
"wtf we love war now!" - liberals
>tfw the "Wall" has been code-word for a military invasion and annexation of Mexico
>>tfw the "Wall" has been code-word for a military invasion and annexation of Mexico
I don't think that somehow solves the problem of Mexicans and other Latin Americans taking American jobs away in America. But well maybe...
Yeah, let's invade Mexico Trumpbros! Let's make Mexico part of the US because we need 100,000,000 more brown people to govern. Let's create a humanitarian crisis in Mexico so even more Mexicans flee into our country.
You are a total faggot.
They can't take jobs if they are dead user
You should know this better then anyone
Like seriously, if the US military were to victory march from Texas to Rio, who is going to stop them?
You should worry about your own country
It's been suggested many times and it doesn't seem like congress will ever approve funding for the wall. It would be bold if he used military funding to build border wall and then placed military along the border to protect USA.
On a side note, why aren't you burgers constantly calling your representatives and telling them to do what they fucking ran on? Put pressure on those fuckers because currently they're getting away with destroying your country.
>Inb4 fuck off Sweden mind your own buisness
You guys have a real shot at saving yourselves unlike Sweden.
>Like seriously, if the US military were to victory march from Texas to Rio, who is going to stop them?
Nobody. My guess would be Mexicans would all cheer the arriving Americans, hoping that the arrival of US troops would stop the Mexican drug gangs and provide wealth to their families.
Who said they wouldn't be displaced you fucking moron. Of course they would be sent south you fucking moron. Kys you fucking moron.
>You should worry about your own country
I am from North Carolina...
Yes I do, and no faggot foreigner and their whiny thread or post will change my mind.
Trump is a pedophile he's friend with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton and Jeffrey is a convicted pedophile.
Look: Bill, Trump and Hillary are having fun together.
Trump and Jeffrey Epstein photo'd together, note Epstein is a convicted pedophile.
youtude 'Lolita Express'
Trump banned epstein from his clubs
You are either with us or you are with the pedos.
All American more than pathetic