Attached: 8saFA8tm-Fzf1WS5q_R1UAAtoggyC0PVrtBXWrQXvrM.jpg (1024x731, 91K)
How do we fix white women?
Aiden Richardson
Jacob Morris
Colton Green
It should say, abandon all hope ye who enter here
Gabriel Phillips
Man! those are some flappy! floppy! roasty! FLOP FLOPS!
Though it was a dude at frist
Jonathan Anderson
Oh my god that's so fucking hot...
Wyatt Carter
Evan Robinson
Oh my god that's so fucking hot....
Jaxon Collins
I didn't come here for this. Go back to /r9k/
Jason Gutierrez
Noah Nelson
Looks like she had at least one prolapse fixed. Gross
John Kelly
I seen more horror now.
Aaron Taylor
That looks good
Lucas Roberts
Christopher Harris
>How do we fix white women?
Negger bite
Nicholas Baker
Is her asshole ok?
Mason Campbell
Ditto, I thought that was the scrotum in the thumbnail.
Owen Reed
by reporting any thread that ask that question (who is asked 10 times a day)
Brayden Fisher
I clicked on this bracing myself for another trap thread.
Camden Gomez
Is the flower-kind-of-sybolim around the a-hole supposed to represent Sahasrara chakra?
Anthony Sanders
Nah just that shes into having her ass prolapsed
Elijah Fisher
her roastie is so saggy it looks like a ballsack
Caleb Jackson
Am I surprised a leaf said this...No i'm not.
Dylan Allen
>pawprint tattoos
Ian Long
I wonder how many bugs that pooper has caught
Jose Jones
I see. Wouldn´t (outer) hemorrhoids also make such appearance
Daniel Walker
well at least it has a pussy i guess, see
Ian Wood
Bentley Campbell
You just have to start beating them more often. A woman who was never beaten by her man acts out like an undisciplined child.
Leo Young
Let the negroes have them. They'll be fixed up in a few weeks, both eyes.
Angel Thomas
Fix white men.
Anthony Wilson
My thoughts exactly. Yet I clicked...
Gabriel Cruz
is that what that means? she fucks dogs?
Ryan Gray
Decent chance that's a sex trafficked woman, they are often forced to get degrading sexual tats and/or the pimps name and/or $ signs. It's all about control
Anthony Jenkins
Tyler Long
why is her cunt trying to slither down the asshole ?
Logan Flores
You have that backwards.
Fixing the men is useless when the women are shite.
Camden Perry
Ops, look at that, another idoltrous whore destroying the West
>T-shits on suicide watch
Henry Roberts
We are culling the herd, user.
Those women aren't going to reproduce.
The good ones are.
Each generation will be more resistant to Jewish degeneracy.
Luke Jackson
She's got dog paws all over her, she looks like shes been fucking dogs
Josiah Parker
It can, but a lot of people also get them because they love dogs in the platonic sense
Asher Diaz
Remove Jews and find a cure for BPD. Almost every white girl nowadays, unless underaged, has BPD.
James Hernandez
More like they love dog cum.
Caleb Howard
Most likely. I don't think anyone who can read such a clear warning would put their dick in it.
Bentley Bailey
need to stick them where they belong
Connor Collins
Fixing men is the objective in itself, fixing women is not so important and will be a product of having fixed men anyway.
Eli Gonzalez
Yes, because this is a fair representation of all white women
this is your brain on /r9k/
Dominic Evans
Christian Hill
Madonnas asshole is stretched more than her pussy.
pretty nasty.
Dylan James
What am I looking at here
Justin Reed
Men are the ones who build society, women are just along for the ride. So if women are going to shit, it is no one's fault but the men who let it happen. Would you blame a child for acting out if its parents are apathetic to its bad behavior? Of course not. Same goes for women. Only a pathetic coward would blame women for his societies collapse.
Isaac Gutierrez
>fix white women
that is an uphill battle you don't want any part of friend, trust me on that..
Dominic Murphy
Chase Foster
I used to think it an absurd claim, but I think birth control pill use should be regulated or banned and is a big cause of
> Falling birth rates
> Women and Men not getting married and dying alone
> Mental changes short and long term
Brandon Lee
>people actually think this way
Brody Jackson
you don't need to do anything if you're a man.
Women behaving badly is strictly a women's issue for women to solve.
Women have a shelf life. Their eggs rot on the vine. If they haven't settled down and reproduced in their twenties, in their thirties their rotten eggs are at higher risk to produce tards and other health risks, and this threat exponentially rises as they get on in year.
Meanwhile, my 95 year old grandfather can still shoot a wad like he could when he was 20.
In addition to reproductive value, women lose their meal tickets as they age as well. When women are young and attractive, they are coddled. Men will do anything for their attention. However, this is a double-edged sword. If a woman doesn't play her cards right and cash out while she still has a hand to play, she is doomed in all aspects of life- Romantic, financial, health. Having everything handed to her when she was young will sabotage her ability to develop into a functional adult to survive.
Meanwhile, men are shit on when they are young and have nothing. Our ambition is our gift. Its the innate hardship of young maleness that drives you to achieve and create, and as you mature, so to do the means for you to attract ideal partners.
You're in your 20s now and you just think these roasties get everything. By the time you're 30 and you have a real job and can see a comfortable road in life unfolding before you, you'll realize these sluts were selling themselves for peanuts.
Then, you are in control. You can sift through the herd to find the ones that meet your requirements. It is a buyer's market.
This isn't a phenomenon that only applies to rich men. Any man who is capable of the merest financial aptitude and can stay out of debt has this option. I'm 33 and I date a 24 year old with an amazing body, and I fucked up in life and got a useless art degree. Thankfully, through hard work and financial responsibility I recovered. You can do it too.
Ayden Foster
Her roast beef looks like a deflated ball sack
Ayden Harris
That ass looks like it has been fisted. Nyone got video
Grayson Cruz
when she poops it runs down into her pussy, that must be a god awful stank
Zachary Allen
there's nothing to fix. what you see now is the female natural state. you can't fix that. all you can do is control them so they don't degenerate to their natural state. that's what patriarchy is for. but oh well ... we listened to the democrats and gave women voting rights.
Jonathan Green
*cough* *cough*
Logan Walker
old sperm is more likely to produce autists kids
Ryder Morris
Adam Gomez
I believe that's what the tattoo roughly translates too, although not an exact translation.
Dominic Flores
High functioning autism is preferable to normalcy, which is just degeneracy renamed
David Torres
you don't "fix" white women.
you enslave them.