To defeat the Jew, reject the Jewish influence. This includes encouraging white women to embrace their natural and superior beauty, and to stop looking like weirdos.
Pic related: Christina Aguillera de-niggered
To defeat the Jew, reject the Jewish influence. This includes encouraging white women to embrace their natural and superior beauty, and to stop looking like weirdos.
Pic related: Christina Aguillera de-niggered
Other urls found in this thread:
Ha! She is 38 and looks like 20 in the pic
Maybe no makeup but still ps
I've always found attractive women without makeup much more appealing. In my perfect world, women would not be allowed to wear makeup.
Time for your black pill. Women love to be whores, they also don't give a shit about race or men.
>if you're not ready to remove their rights they will as a voting majority continue to rape over the West
Tradcucks are beta male feminists as well, so there's no stopping UN Agenda 2030
White women look good only with white men
But actual statistics user.
This is a white couple thread now .
>pretending that white guys want a used up coalburner
Why does she even bother?
I didn't ask for nor do I want these feels.
Have ALMOST successfully killed them off entirely; but not quite. False hope dies hard.
Lol i bet these white girls slept with a dozen black guys before settling down with a black guy.
nice try, merchant
Before settling down with a white guy
Im sure there are still good white girls out there.
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.
de-niggered is best niggered
protip: that chick aint white
overall, the others are better than most of the /pol-RT-vlad bullshit
>white women
pick one
Try digging for white couples when google gives you mixed racial shit
That girl looks fucking nuts
Not at my age, unfortunately.
haha id break her fucking jaw
show flag
95% of the couples in my town are white
but come on here and its like everyone is racemixing
Those are two men...
That's a thicc woman .
It is not the white female who needs defended
Lads around here seem depressed cause of some coal burning whores and blacked threads. Thought these might motivate them a bit.
She's a Jew, leaf.
This is now a Sup Forumss worst nightmare thread.
Hajajajajajajaja that boy is Not his kid
These are some great pictures of white couples. It's up to all of us to make a future for white children.
Do I have to be the one to say it...can we stop glorifying these fucking people? Yes, I love white people. No, I do not love idolizing very SPECIFIC looking white people, who are almost all so identical in our quest to define beauty that the natural beauty of MOST PEOPLE we didn't HAVE A PROBLEM SEEING before we decided to erect this shit-show of a modern world, becomes literally invisible.
Most of the people I've met that look like this cannot even keep up with me on conversations about ethics, morals, philosophy, socioeconomics, the psychology of marketing - they are pretty, stupid people who are becoming increasingly irrelevant in a technology oriented world other than literally "pretty cavepeople that belong in a simpler world"
As for "Chads" alpha status - anyone with a mind and balls that challenges him in a civilized modern society will win.
The women are all fucking whores too. Whorish cave-woman principles.
Stop idolizing hyper-sexualized underevolved people.
she kiiiiind of reminds me of kesha
It's literally your sex drive tricking you. The "ideal" man and the "ideal" woman evolved their morphogenetic traits specifically for breeding, and downplayed everything else.
Why would you want this? Why would anyone want this who cares about actually building a technologically advanced utopia?
Sorry, I'll stop ranting. I'm just sick that our society bred an entire fucking generation - no, SEVERAL generations that have an extremely narrow, artificially imposed concept of beauty thanks to culture like this.
Other than body/facial symmetry, beauty is actually not an objective anchored down thing. These model-esque couples in these pictures are literally a simulacrum - a simulation of a simulation, with no basis in nature any more.
It's purpose is to make people miserable, and breed less. Pro-tip: It's working. Goodnight white folks.
>tfw life in Southern California and girls like ones ITT do NOT EXIST
This thread is triggering a lot of Jews to lash out with their subversive complaints. Great work is being done here
Not idolizing .Just posting some beautiful photos.
Then how you'd be able to change this way of thinking? I talked before to attractive people and tried to talk some sense into but if you say something of the looks and brains they will automatically think that you have something against them or you are jealous.
Brown eyed, brown haired whites are superior to blonde haired, blue eyed whites.
>Brown hair, brown eyed whites
Real world accomplishment
>Albino snowniggers
Try orange county and parts of inland empire. There are enclaves.
Dude, I am literally, literally a white nationalist, racist, scientist, technically Texas-certified state-genius who doesn't think a nation idolizing a morphogenetic type typically associated with low skills in everything other than FUCKING can survive the Jew and his plans in the long run.
I know our concept of beauty, for WHITE PEOPLE, used to be wider than this. A greater variety of white people were considered handsome, attractive, etc. The truly unfortunate...well. Mutants will always be mutants, but this's weird - this algorhythm of beauty models use today is not entirely based in nature, it's based in repetition, and organized memes. (the pictures modeling agencies use)
White people need to begin sexually valuing the morphogenetic traits (and more importantly, the invisible character traits) of intelligence, wisdom, if at all possible extra-sensory perception, and of course health.
I've never met people who championed those traits, that look like models. Male or Female.
That is my whole point. It's time to stop being obsessed with the shape of sexual organs, or the sexual di-morphism of humans...that is, of course, if we want white people to evolve, at all.
I guess y'all are content for us not to.
Nevermind them, they don't matter. Just rise against your lower base nature and avoid them. Do not define them as beautiful any more. Help to change the definition of beauty back to what nature intended, not this artificial plastic shit.
brown hair and green eyes are highly desirable.
the ideal man and the ideal woman did not evolve to breed, but to raise children. you only need to sire one child at a time. it takes five minutes. wife or husband less fertile? fuck a couple more times. you can see this in the masculine women and hypermasculine men of hunter-gatherer societies.
but after that five minutes, there comes nine months when the woman is too weak to do much work, and the man must be strong and driven to provide. and after that nine months, a child must be raised, and the man must provide even more. we are not rats. we are not meant to breed. breeding is a job that has to be done, but at the end of the day, we are not a people put on earth to sow seeds, but to tend them and harvest their fruits. for each great advancement of man was not pulled out of thin air, but harvested from the natural world, and refined by hand, as are all crops and game.
I understand you. But i don't know how we could convince others to follow this too since many worship the models in this time and age. I tried before too to talk about traits to people that are important but i have been shamed and insulted for saying it.Other way unless we find a strategy to dry the brainwash from them and make them seek traits instead,I don't know.
You can't even shitpost right, you're baaad
>tfw exactly that
Fantastic. We don't live in a hunter-gatherer society any more and physical strength is insanely less helpful now than it was then.
By the way - I literally meant everything you just said summed up in the word "fucking" that I used. Yes, there is a list of reasons why each trait was chosen for. You did a good job listing the major ones.
Tell me how any of that makes any sense in a futuristic, robot/AI driven world where science is exceeding faster than the mind can imagine, because I don't see it. What I see is a terrible, and I mean TERRIBLE hindrance.
i don't like her music career "style", but i find this photoshoot style just gorgeous, very natural... even with this type of make up (not so intrusive) she looks delicious.
How to spot a Jew: "I love white people too, but..."
You, well, you don't. You don't force them to do anything, you ignore them and let what is technically, what is *actually* genetic trash drift by you ignored, which is the exact opposite of what we're doing in this thread.
It would be beautiful, I suppose, if, like the above poster mentioned, we were returning to a hunter-gatherer society. Of specifically shallow minded stupid people, whose religion consists of bowing down before chiselled trees..if your prefer the Asatru variety of ancient European paganism...fantastic.
Go find yourself a healthy, but perhaps "awkward" looking nerd girl who is intelligent and breed with her. Define her essence, her being, as the beautiful woman and let us begin the evolution that leads away from the shell. We will perhaps retain bodies, but our bodies will no longer be the focus of our existence..they will instead be as forgotten as higher traits are ignored now. This will lead to evolution, a positive evolution, and I promise you it scares the Jew more than Chad and Buffy getting married, because it means his evolutionary niche is literally being over-written. It also means space exploration. It also means dumbass chad has trouble finding dates because he is, technically, a stupid asshole and finally - finally, nobody actually likes that. It means paradise - a paradise we could actually achieve.
Anyway, sorry for derailing your thread. Please resume posting pictures of under-evolved cave people suited to living in 3000 BC and insinuating that we should attempt to breed with them and raise children dumber than we are. I need sleep.
How to spot the actual Jew: "I love objectifying stupid white people, let's get more dumb whites that don't threaten me at all."
Fantastic. Kill yourself.
Thanks for your words user. Im glad to have talked to someone who thinks about these as well .It brought me back the motivation to work on stuff than be upset of the replacement.Thanks again.
You have alot to learn about the Jew. They are never that direct, and instead they are filled with double speak and subversive lies. The Jew smiles at you while driving a knife in your back.
She's actually really cute. Would be 8/10 if she didn't dye her hair. Ugh. Hollywood.
This ever notices how Jews promote all this shit but they themselves want to look as white as possible?
Ashkenazi Jews wish they were white. They are the most neurotic race walking this Earth. They are compulsive, insecure, obsessive, have a weak work erhic and are generally afraid to take real risk. They've evolved to use others for their purposes and are naturally a parasitic people.