What in the flying fuck

What is this autismal cringe shit

I just tuned in to this chat between JF and Andy where they get into a huge fight and then JF literally starts crying.

We OFFICIALLY need to leave this “alt-right/identitarian” group of retards behind and starta new movement.

All of these people are fucking WEIRDOS. Why can’t these people go like 5 months without doing something completely fucking weird?

Seriously 90% of right-wing e-celebs are weirdos

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Other urls found in this thread:



I’m seriously starting to wonder this

Not that the e-celebs themselves are shills or something but I do wonder if our opposition gives them money to keep doing dumb shit like bread and circus shit to keep people entertained and distracted

They want to focus on identity politics and (((race realism)))
I wonder why.

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jfc wtf is it with the alt-right always supporting the biggest fucking degenerates and faggots out there? first he rapes a mentally ill girl the mental function of a 10 year old and now this.

how fucking pathetic must one be to still consider himself (((alt-right)))?

Replace E-celebs with Jim, he glows in the dark

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JF Was crying with joy you fucking idiot. Was a sentimental moment, Andy was bettering himself it made him happy. It literally wasn't even that big of a fight. JF Said a dumb joke, Andy got all insecure about his role in /ibs/ JF told him to value himself that entire stream. Watch it you fucking idiot, Andy wasn't even on the stream he was just in the chat.

Holy shit the shills are out in force.

wheres the link you faggot

JF has set himself up to be taken down now, there's a mountain of shit that can be used against him if someone competent knows how to use it. JF is going to get BTFO and Warski will fade into irrelevance.

>not enjoying the shitshow and normalization of right-wing ideas

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>actually believing this

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Mentally ill? She had Autism, as far as I'm aware that's not serious mental retardation. Or ILLEGAL. She was very high functioning, I would argue she has a higher IQ than you boer cunt. Now sit down and support the white-race or don't fucking flee to my country you PoS.

>JF Was crying with joy
lmao, do you seriously believe this?

Did you watch the stream at all?


>Race doesn't matter unless you're a jew
Keep thinking that while niggers and other shitskins form voting blocks in western countries, voting in their own interests while not giving a fuck about the country they live in. They'll vote for gibs every time but hey, at least you're not some dirty redneck who cares right?

Someone needs to Photoshop Andy to Opie's face and JF to Anthony to really emphasize what value they give to the show.

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I don't think ideas being pushed by a psychotic Frenchman is very normalising

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>it was a joke Andy lel
>no on second thought I stand by what I said it needed to be done
>day later says Andy is part cuck who needs to grow a brain

Jim will spend the rest of his life trolling and shilling for cash on Patreon. Not much of a leader. Atleast Sargoy will be send to jail for wrongthink and martyr himself, paving the way for the ethnostate. The goal is political power, not shitposting all day.



it's just a try hard aussie trying to live up to the shitposting meme. give the thread a sage and move on.

Did you? The guy was was using the same language and isolation tactics he did with his autistic ex

>Jim will spend the rest of his life trolling and shilling for cash on Patreon
If Jim ruins this pretty much no one will give him an opportunity to do this again.

ah 'le destiny fan boy south african'

< why?

Because alt right debates are stale?

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Jim is sociopath that infiltrates communities in order to destroy them for a laugh. He's an anti-social mad dog.

It quite obviously wasn't a joke, but there was Instant regret on his part because he knows on some level they need each-other to keep pushing out the numbers they currently have.

Andy is quite a cuck, he's acting insecure making bad decisions. Pretty much an all-round whiny bitch atmo. Andy needs to stop letting people tell him what to do put people in their place and keep doing whatever the fuck he wants with JF. All he is doing now is crying about how the "Alt-right" tainted his channel and no one wants to go on the show. That's absolutely fucking false, numbers and money will trump every time all he has to do is keep his momentum up.

Yeah I saw that shit it was fucking weird and awkward to watch

That is not how men talk to each other. ESPECIALLY not in public.

If a man ever cries in public (Alex jones exempt) you can assume they are either mentally damaged or complete pussies. ESPECIALLY an adult male? Can you even fucking imagine? Holy shit

This is not mature adult stuff here. This is weird unhinged lunatic stuff. Why are they even talking about this shit in front of people? Completely inappropriate

You’re not supposed to show people your weakness, that is like war strategy 101 common sense shit. I can’t believe I’m even typing this shit

No shit they're wierdos.
Only autists watch this for political comentary, the rest of us watches this as a telenovela.

I think JF knows a lot of people are against him and was trying to build sympathy. That's all I have. It's still wrong because this isn't how men think.

Everyone is fucked up in some way is all I'm coming away with from this whole debacle

>"alt right alt right alt right!"
Neither of them are Alt-Right, and you would know that if you actually listened to them. They state that themselves repeatedly.

I watched the whole thing. From him saying him snapping at Andy because Andy's retardation was unbearable in the midst of a debate was "performance" art, to him calling out Andy for being a lazy degenerate, to him essentially begging to stay on the show, to him crying like a faggot, etc. Keep in mind this is a "moral nihilist", aka, someone who wants justification to do anything they want, crying like an idiot because he feels morally crossed. Like I said, JF is going to get wrecked, he's done too much goofy shit for the internet not to wreck him. Him being his own lawyer, him trying to sue people over insulting him, him saying that commie faggot Dankula getting locked up is a good thing (even though he's joking xD (but not really)), to him fucking a retarded autistic shitskin, etc. I really don't want to see it because he does a good job representing WN, but it's going to happen, it's absolutely going to happen.

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kek nice psychobabble talking points pussy

Saved. This is the soy-filled future we live in.

No i openly support right wing e-celebs with good optics

Even though I fucking hate Laura Southern, she’s a good propagandist. Normie friendly. Doesn’t do any weird shit too often, same with Goldy as well. I support them both

I even support Paul Joseph Watson. Never does any weird shit. Extremely normie friendly with buzzfeed-tier videos for normie retards to enjoy and be pulled further right

But when you start crying like a weirdo in front of thousands of people, how the fuck does that look? It’s creepy

I partially agree, they are both displaying signs of weakness. However I think JF"s was tactical and Andies is just him sperging out over his insecurities and need to blow a load.

JF does strike me as a very dominant personality though, I can only assume the sensitive bullshit was staged emotional tactics at Andy's level so he can feel a sense of empowerment and confidence in their newfound relationship. The bond between men though it can widely vary, I don't think it should all be boiled down to stoic indifference.

Your fight for nationalism is lost already. This control is embedded in all facets of the societal structure. Unfortunately we have no choice but to bow to our rulers and hope to God they have mercy on us.

that's only a 70 sub drop for a 280k channel though

>Pretty much an all-round whiny bitch atmo
It's literally just his no fap bullshit. disgusting but true.

Yea it's outrageous that people act outside norms wtf

fuck off kike


Shut up you dumb fucking fag. The only one who is a freak show is you here.

>"I don't like what you have to say, therefore I will call you a kike and shut it down"

how many wannabe eceleb threads do you shill faggots need, really?

Quality post

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you sound more autistic than JF and the retard he fucked combined, seek help.

Nigga please. I don't agree with these faggots in that "men shouldn't cry in public because you look weak". But at least acknowledge that it was because he felt betrayed and saddened that he fucked shit up for being an asshole and doubling down afterwards.

Knee-jerk reactions from JF are to be expected at this point, but I agree in the sense he is the best openly mainstream representative of the WN. Unless you factor in people like Pewdiepie who are quite obviously closeted representatives for publicity sake.

Seeing him sperg out over Dankula was quite jarring he could have handled that with finesse from the "I don't like this person, but free-speech is an important issue. I do support the freedom of Dankula" angle just for some positive publicity, but it's apparent to me that he is learning very quick from his social interactions with the chat and honing his public identity now that he has an increased following.

lmao more like you just got played by your own gov to blindly support it retard

niggers gonna nig and you and your shitty gov allow them to nig fucking retard. your race is so cucked that you think getting rid of minorities will solve your race being spineless. white genocide is a problem created by us whites who cucked out to the jews and shitskins instead of speaking out against this shit. it's as sam hyde said "my race is done. you are going to inherit the earth along with some other undesirables and that's cool bro."

i hope the asians can handle this earth and don't cuck out like we did. shits fucking over.

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More, MUCH MORE!!!

Take your meds


Andy is a retard. He could have been the normie straight man that gateways normies into these debates. JF argues with whoever and Andy simply looks like your average aloof minllenial which is disarming and attracts people, maintain a instagram and other social aspects and they are set for years. But no, baby wants the attention and baby wants the show to be about what he wants even though what he wants never grabbed attention. Something I learned in life is if you fall into a good opportunity shut the fuck up and don't ruin it even if it's questionable in any way.

It was absolutely staged, there's no doubt about that. Maybe exaggerated but definitely there was a sympathy angle he was working.

>But when you start crying like a weirdo in front of thousands of people, how the fuck does that look?
It's a right wing thing, soyim wouldn't understand.

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in the 1960's right wing conservative movements were all controlled opposition led by (((them))), where they get free donations from unsuspecting nationalists, richard spencer is a russian dupe

It's funny that what it is. Even if you considered it weird, which I don't, I don't see how that extends to "bad".

Sad, you are just figuring the controlled opposition out at this time.
Stay in your chairs goyim.

Nice argument there faggot, best one in this thread yet.

How about you show us your real flag?

I'd say it's more like a comedy.

>oy vey ive been found out!

it's israel, nigger.


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>reddit spacing.
>group of shills all replying to each other
>'just give up your platforms and don't support anyone spreading a good message goy..err guys!'
>South African Desticuck appears
Hi r/destiny!

Then why the fuck would anybody be happy for him to be anywhere near us? Jim needs to be doxxed and dealt with ASAP.

Andy was heamorraging his old subscribers but it was being covered up by TRS listeners ect. That pool's drying up. I wish there was a way to see subs gained and subs lost instead of just a net total.

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That's dumb, embracing a faux emotional side to men is a JP tactic couldn't you agree it garners sympathy and legitimacy on wide-spread audiences who reject the traditional male narrative forced upon us?

>optics fag

Guess im team neocon now thanks Avi subversiveberg

JF has always been just a lolcow, so this really doesn't change anything. You have to see it this way: at least half of the stuff people talk about on Andys and Tonkas shows used to be fringe neo-nazi topics.

e celebs are just opportunistic con artists


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>he is the best openly mainstream representative of the WN. Unless you factor in people like Pewdiepie who are quite obviously closeted representatives

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JF strikes me like a creepy beta weirdo and Andy just seems like a low IQ slacker

JF looks like he thinks he’s playing Machiavellian mind games but he looks like he’s playing emotional 13 year old girl games but doesn’t think anyone notices

He’s fuckin creepy


"my nose is sneezing because I've been crying"

Everyone who does anything publicly is.

Subs shouldn't be dropping... most active channels have a decent growth rate, since YT and internet video generally, is growing.

I think it's a sign that debating ethnonationalism got stale. Or the dynamic of a weak host in Andy, and a strong-biased host in JF, got stale.

I prefer JF but no one can deny there's a weird energy mismatch in Andy being mute and collecting superchats, while rightwing people talk among themselves.



They wish they could be O&A. There a morning zoo show

>Even though I fucking hate Laura Southern, she’s a good propagandist.
>I even support Paul Joseph Watson.
Just showed your nose kike.

>Cries when somebody yells at him
>tries to hook up with vunerable weak autistic girls.

This is everything BUT a dominant personality, it reeks of soy.


e-celebs are the closest thing you'll get to Sup Forums TV that can convert normies while managing to cling on to a popular platform at the moment unless we manage to get everyone off jewtube and onto something less kiked.

>Then why the fuck would anybody be happy for him to be anywhere near us? Jim needs to be doxxed and dealt with ASAP.
because hes fucking funny and this whole thing is a joke anyways. you know it and i know it. do you really think a fucking random youtuber will get in the way of a potential ethnostate compared to an actual political interest from multiple giants to push it down?

Exactly, he's blaming everyone but himself for his lack of voice, that's his fundamental issue. He needs to sit up tell someone to shut the fuck and take the time to get informed as the debate is happening. If he is dumb, he just needs to own it and approach from that angle.
"Ok, I've got not idea what you fuckers are talking about right now, dumb it down for me and the audience thanks" "All-right shut the fuck up you fucking nazi's let's read some super-chats". The only reason he gets shit for it is because you can tell he is insecure about it, he feels like a child and subsequently projects his child-like feelings onto the chat. The blood-hounds smell weakness and perpetuate it to the point where he can't handle it. He needs to grow a fucking spine.

>Why can’t these people go like 5 months without doing something completely fucking weird?

Cuz they were talking for three or four hours a day about people, essentially. people describe bloodsports as debate about controversial issues, but it's more like high school where people talk about other people

Any new movement will also be overrun by WEIRDOS. You are doomed.

well fuck you and your weimerica then

:( sorry bout him

>We OFFICIALLY need to leave this “alt-right/identitarian” group of retards behind and starta new movement.

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Andy and Tonka's streams are now seen as fringe Neo-nazi streams, and their failings are being associated with neo-nazis. Nobody was actually converted to the far right by this stuff. In fact a lot of people have been swayed left by characters like Tiny.

Jews are known for using comedy to subvert, it's their plan A

Good advice and perspective here

I thought Andy was just purposely sitting back and acting like a normie retard while big brain autists argue about political philosophy. I thought that was the schtick, he was bringing in tons of money doing it too

Suddenly he is like having emotional problems with it or something?

Why are these people so FUCKING WEIRD. Every time they have something good going for like 3 months, someone does something completely weird and then they fall off the map

it's okay i'm from brazil what can i say, fuck me

Or they're French.

>ecelebs are going to redpill normies
LMAO good fucking luck. closest normies ever got to redpill is probably 2016 elections, and that shit is over and trump got kiked into being a neocon. Bannon and Tillerson both gone too. even MDE:WP only played a small part in redpilling normalfags

how embarrassing

>He’s fuckin creepy
t. soyboy

When you don’t care about optics you end up with Spencer speeches speaking to 10 people in the university’s cuck shed and literal neo-Nazis putting on a clown show for the media and getting sent to jail for 10 years

The lack of optics is why we’re not winning right now