Unemployed members of Sup Forums

What the FUCK is your problem?

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Probably applied to a dozen places in the last week and not a call back. Literally not my fault

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it's called networking dude

useless sack of feces

Even barely literate Poles can get a job here.
Why is it so hard for Brits? Do they see some work as beneath them?

Funny thing about networking is all my networks are at my job that laid me and 30 others off for "downsizing"

That's exactly what's wrong with British people, they'll gladly insult foreign people but wouldn't do the very jobs they supposedly take.

>networking for a shitty part-time job
fuck off boomer kike

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This is abliest discrimination against autists

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>be me
> 26 white male living in cencal/socal
>had many jobs from sales to restaurant to mechanic
>also an actor
>live off crypto trading for 2+ years
>decide to get evening job
>applying for dishwasher job don't wanna deal with customers
>all jobs get taking by jaun

that is my problem

It's called cancer and chemo. But hey, it's cool. Life is unfair. I got my savings, and health insurance. I might not be working now, but at least I'm not leaching gibs from anyone else.

agoraphobe and schizophrenic
and jews want to kill me

Do you apply through a shite or give them a resume or what?

Do you need experience bagging someones groceries now? What in the fuck.

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>job taken by jaun
yeah, it has nothing to do with you being a loser

>and health insurance
If its medicaid you literally are leeching

>It's okay to import foreigners for cheap labour if natives won't work for below minimum wage
Fuck off, supply and demand if people won't take the job pay more it's how capitalism is supposed to work

thats a very nice rejection letter
you must look like a fat pig

Poles had trade skills and worked 100hr weeks for below minimum wage

Not anymore though, most returned to Poland as it's got better living standards than the UK.

Now the jobs go unfilled as Mohammed's are dumb and Brits were suckered by liberal arts degrees

Funding, fueling and working for the system that wants to exterminate you is not very smart.

Nope. PPO. I'm too rich and white to ever get any tax money.

literally got kiked out of my field and blacklisted

I fucking give up. kill the niggers or you get nothing from me. fuck you

>been trying to get into HVAC for like 2 months now
>atleast 2/3 interviews a week
>most of the time these guys are like 20 miles away so waste 100 miles worth of gas driving to do these useless interviews

Last interview i went to i was almost certain they were gunna hire me because they kept iterating "we are super low on people and backed up" and i call them today and supposedly they have already have all the people they need suddenly.

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Kek. Not a fatty but a manlet spic but my city is mainly spic too.

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>Now the jobs go unfilled
like what for example ?

only work in my state is the pipelines, and they want you to move around with them.
im not abandoning everything i have here for some out-of-state dickweeds that are fucking all our roads, draining all our resources, and then just gonna fucking leave when we are dried out
fuck that, i have principles

We've had this thread hundreds of times previously
300 replies incoming
Nobody will Sage
leddit migrants will continue to upboat
Welcome to nu/pol/

just got ajob at walmart lads wish me luck

you wanna see my resume nigger
LA is fucked I'm having a better time starting my own business then I do competing with Mexicans

Look at any job site brainlet
Endless listings for nurses, builders, plumbers, mechanics.

your resume must be so impressive
thats why employers are scrambling to recruit you

I got one better
>be me
>apply to a job
>get a call back 3 weeks later for phone interview
>ok did it next day well
>3 weeks later they call can you do a technical phone interview?
>ok sure next week
>do that they like me
>3 weeks later call me again
>come in for in person
>do in person which includes surprise technical, do that well answer all questions well everyone seems to like me
>manager WALKS ME TO THE ELEVATOR "you would be a great fit please stand by for your decision"
>2 weeks later get email "we are going a different way"
>next day posting is back up

Over two months for a job that didn't even pay well, every step the manager said he liked me and at the end they said no and reposted the posting. Whats odd is they told me day 1 1000 people applied so out of 1000 people they found no keepers?

>Resigned at the start of the month.
>Paid the rent the same day I walked out.
>Actually planned and saved up for my exit, so I have a cushion of cash to serve me for several months if need be.
>Taking it easy for a bit, had nonstop 50 hour weeks at the last job.
>everything is paid, no debt.

I'm good man.

I'm not a damn dindu, when I quit a job I do it like a responsible member of society.

don't you make bank working pipelines
you get to work with hiding felons and serial killers
thats cool

How much time you plan on taking off?

80% of online job postings are fake

california gets 40% more immigrants every year than its entire hs graduating class. things there are fucked

I'm too stupid to even work a minimum wage job. My mind blanks out when I'm asked to do simple tasks, so what makes you think I can work behind a cash register? I have a fear of handling money because I can't count it very fast or work out what to do when one wants different change. I cansee myself bumbling around holding up the line and making customers angry and leave. I'd be better off not being involved in the workplace.

simply not true

I'm employed but on a seasonal contract. It's a wageslave job in tourism. There are no other jobs in my country, and there is no steady job without a deep connection to a Communist party member.

Our country exists solely on EU funds, IMF debt, and tourism. If there is an oil spill on the coast, or an ISIS bombing, we can kiss everything goodbye, it would be worse than plague, war, and Croats.

If you don't have shit for experience you need to up your cover letter game. If I'm hiring entry level and someone's cover letter sticks out as coherent and having a believable statement as to why you'd want to work for me, your experience won't matter. Why would I want to hire some lazy loser piece of shit who has been bagging groceries for 15 years when I can hire a young go-getter who will learn fast and work hard, saving me more money?

Tailor your cover letter to the business you're applying for. Blow a little smoke up their ass if you have to. Sell yourself.

Those are fake, they're looking for personal information to collect and sell, apply to a couple and watch the amount of calls come in asking if you've been injured in a car accident claiming your entitled to compensation fucking sky rocket

>No enoug companies for so many unemployed
>No bank credit for man own firm a
>be ingenier and has not industry in this shit country

Croatians are lazy people by nature. They don't want to work a lot and all want to retire by 30 but get lost and into drugs along the way.

t. American with two Croatian parents and at least 4 relatives on drugs

I quit my job for university. But I was a subway team leader for a year. For a 20 year old that's an okay cv right pol?

sounds better

>be 21 yrs old
>college dropout but good grades in school
>apply for exactly one it job
>get said job
If you're searching in the right sector, it really isn't that hard.
But then again, this is Sup Forums and you faggots may have a hard time not behaving like the dumb autist you are

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For entry level yes. But I'm not hiring you for any leadership. You'd have to prove yourself and earn that $2 raise.

I wouldn't hire you, you sound like a lazy piece of shit loser.

i know some croatians -- they're just regular tho

sounds like you got fucked on optics. Happens all the time.

Had a buddy fresh out of high school that learned to weld and fabricate. Fucker's an actual redneck domestic terrorist level handyman that can build working guns out of garage parts. No shops wanna hire him, even as an errand boy, because nobody wants to see a skinny little pizza-faced punk wrenching on their shit.

Best friend had a young wife that tried to go into real estate. Licensed and everything. Everyone thought she was a secretary and she couldn't close anything, nobody wants to buy a house from someone younger than them.

My absolute favorite is the morons that don't think tattoo discrimination exists anymore. Makes me laugh all fucking day. Like how would you know if you lost a job opportunity because of discrimination? Would the fucker call you up and tell you? Of course not. Fuckin retards, don't get shit tatted on your knuckles unless you want to work at a gas station at 33.

The Jews destroyed my career because I told them to fuck off and stop worshiping Moloch.

True story.

>says he's a manager
>get CoG and reporting questions
>gets asked about specific experiences regarding decision making skills
Don't lie and say you were a manager when you were just a shift supervisor. Anyone with half a brain will know you're full of shit after 2 or 3 questions.

I don't give a fuck, I'm not living my life to "merican" expectations anymore. I'm going to school, living in my parents vacation home, investing some inheritance money, and working on various projects. Fuck this piece of shit sellout country, I'm gonna make it the spoiled white kid way, and I don't give a single flying fuck. Have fun being a slave cuck, I already put my hours into being a bus boy, working at an ice cream shop, washing dishes, cash register jobs.

I"m gonna be comfy, you will never take me out of my comfy zone. Fuck the STEM meme, fuck the wagie meme, fuck all this shit.

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Hahahaha. That's funny.

>sounds like you got fucked on optics
It's possible. I am overweight and thought that played a part potentially.

>literally got kiked out of my field and blacklisted
how'd they go after you? I still have some recourse as it was a government funding training and I'm suing.

you do make bank, but it isnt worth abandoning family and friends while helping these fuckers destroy the little that we have left

I'm black

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>t. American with two Croatian parents

Ugh, the worst kind! Diaspora faggots.

>Americans cant get a job at Target

Now thats more depressing tgan even russia.

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I volunteer, I gave up trying to get money. My chem bachelors degree is like a high school diploma since most of my peers have masters degrees. I didn't want to go back for more schooling and didn't have the money anyways.

>Diaspora faggots.
>even though I said I am American

I am not a diaspora you retard I want nothing to do with my heritage fuck off.

No really, I wouldn't hire you at all, you're rude, obnoxious, arrogant, character traits associated with lying, cheating, stealing, not trust worthy in any way, no way I'd hire you, you're pure trash.

You don't have to hire me. I've never not received an offer after an interview. Articulation and ability to answer questions directly and support your answers is all it takes to separate you from the mouth breathing masses such as yourself.

I net 8k a month. I could care less what your cucked UK opinion is. I'm giving this kid pointers that work.

idk what kind of job it is but that is 100% the reason why.
If you can't take care of yourself in your own personal time, what would make me think you would take care of the business employing you?
Fuck fat people.

Well at least I own up to it and don't blame them.

>Tailor your cover letter to the business you're applying for. Blow a little smoke up their ass if you have to. Sell yourself.
You're an idiot and don't know what other people actually want.

It's very difficult to tailor yourself into something that other people find suited for everything. If you find it easy, you're probably a sociopath and I would stay as far away from you as possible.

>be self employed and uncuck yourself from the corporate jews...it's easier than you think.

>it's easier than you think.
go on

Non-functional alcoholic.

breaking through decades of propaganda is difficult on the soul. some break irreparably.

>applying for an entry level tech job with no experience
>talk about your passion for technology
>express interest in wanting to start a career in tech
Yeah totally sociopathic, you're right.

Too bad you can't own up enough to lose weight.
If you have genetic problems i genuinely feel bad for you, if not there is no excuse. "owning up" means jack shit if you don't do something about what you're owning up to.

My people are trained to weed out your type, ultimately they lose us money, self aggrandising narcissistic sociopaths such as yourself are bad for business.
>I net 8k a month

Depression, severe anxiety and schizophrenia.

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I lost my right leg in the army.

This is life in Canada if you want a job that isn't shartmart or fastfood.

>making psychological determinations from me telling a kid to tailor his cover letter to the position he applies for and to sell himself.
You're an idiot.

If you don't actually have an interest in tech, then it will come across as shallow and manipulative and you won't get hired.

If you do have an interest in tech, then you actually are a good fit for the position and nature is working as intended.

If you succeed in pretending you're mch more likely to be a sociopath.

>USA#1!!! MAGA brah. I have no respect for my ancestors who spilled blood and sweat to guarantee my existence.

You are the worst kind of beta.

I'm going to take a guess and say they are feeling very entitled to mommy and daddies money and everything else mommy or daddy take into the house.
They think everything their parents work for and take into the house is theirs. They are lazy, have no skills aside from shit posting and playing games.

And for that, i feel bad for you. Genuinely.
Here's the other side of that coin:
There's plenty of dudes who have lost both legs in combat and are not a tub of lard. im sure you could find 3 with a simple google search since shit like that is inspirational.
What's your excuse again?

did the same user. took five month off to help my dad refit his boat. things got skinny so a mate gave me 50 hrs a week for a couple of months. found another job on the other side of the country and took it, lasted 4 months then got poached by another mob. sucks being good

Anytime I talk to a Croat about interest in my heritage I get called diaspora faggot. Tell me why I should respect them?

>be white male mech engineer
>top ten school
>have high profile internships and tech jobs
>can't get engineer job
>go to grad school
>still can't get job

I mean, IDK what the fuck else to do at this point. I bet I've filled out 200 entry level job apps and not one call back. I'm 27 and can't even start my professional career :(

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>Basic ass kissing to get your foot in the door = sociopath

Crippling PTSD. Happened in an IED explosion. Out of 4 I was the only one who lived but barely. Other parts of my body are slightly fucked up too but the leg is the major one.

Two people have called you out as a sociopath in this thread, pure coincidence ?

Please tell me more about how you can't lose weight by eating less food.

He has no experience. He needs a foot in the door, he has to sell himself to get in and prove his worth and move upward and onward. What should he say, I'm not really interested in working here, I just really need a job? That'll go over well.

fucking hopscotch nigger

>white male mech engineer
How are the gundams progressing?

Yeah I'm 100% sure I'm not a sociopath. I'm married to a clinical psychologist. Coincidence or two fools on Sup Forums reading too far into things? Occam's razor.

Because I get by with very little money provided by the government and from when I served so I have to think in terms of calorie content to keep me going. Also I have crippling depression occasionally which I self medicate with alcohol.

they're not, because I can't get a job

>What should he say, I'm not really interested in working here, I just really need a job? That'll go over well.
He should only say things that are true. People have a good sense for truth, and don't like being lied too. Everyone lies a little to some degree and everyone tells nice white lies (the most common being "I'm doing well today, thanks for asking, how are you?").

Obvious lying and flattery "to get your foot in the door" will backfire unless you're a sociopath

ITT: Faggots who consider themselves the pinnacle of evolution, but can't get a job at a fast food chain or super market.
Absolute fucking kek

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12 years experience in oil gas, construction, engineering. My country has a shit economy and no jobs. What do I do? Been applying since December.

bro i seriously feel bad for you, i know that's what you want. Pity. so here you go, wallow in it because you clearly don't have the character to rise up.
To be clear, i am not insinuating that i DO have the character to live through what you did and not have that same problems. I'm just trying to point out what you're doing to yourself. m8 pls get help.
You have enough self insight to understand your situation but not enough resolve to rise above it. People in worse shoes than yours have done so time and time again.
I am sorry if i made you feel bad, but you need tough love; not for someone to just tell you what you want to hear.

I have a final stage interview today after a long while off work. Looked at their Glassdoor and it's terrible.
Wat do

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keep an eye on port lincoln