Not posting your shitty links. Honestly took one glance at them and thought "nope, I'm not that fucking stupid."
State of you virgins. Get some real links if you want me to take you seriously.
Not posting your shitty links. Honestly took one glance at them and thought "nope, I'm not that fucking stupid."
State of you virgins. Get some real links if you want me to take you seriously.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why didn't you take a picture if you actually went to the boatyard?
MY BOYFRIEND* went to the boatyard.
What the fuck? Is she ill?
*ends cymru/pol/, destroys the m*ntenegrin, chases off all the other tripmongs and returns to shit/pol/ as a conquering hero*
I'm a man, not a God.
Why didn't your boyfriend take a picture?
He did. He was honestly wondering how the mongs on Shit/pol/ are going to twist this one into making it look like he didn't go.
Fuck you
Some blokes watch for the sport
Others watch to see the latest
the only thing I'm watching for
Is to prove I'm not a racist
See my vest, see my vest
Has 'Ngubu' across the chest
Feel this kit, I've bought every bit
Some of it doesn't even fit
See this poster, it is signed
Ngubu said he didn't mind
Racism has to be kicked out
Blacks are our freinds, foe is the Kraut
Beers here, beers there
Ethnic nationalism I don't care
Race has no basis in science
I learnt that from the Football Lads Alliance
Try my norf fc shirt
It comes, extra and extra extra large
Se my vest see my vest,
Oh please wont you see my vest.
I'm hardly fucking surprised.
>Israel sold weapons to Argentina at height of Falklands War, declassified files show
Fackin beautiful beautiful mate proppa brought a tear to my eye that did
Words don't fit the tune that well
I know, It was more difficult than I had thought it was going to be so I gave up.
>Jezzas taste in cartoons from the times today
Coming up next a cracking story about the religion of peace.
>at no point is the actual story said to be false
At no point is there a denial this is happening
>how dare you give people a legitimate reason to dislike Islam
>bad dhimmi bad
>tommy robinson
He's just another egalitarian liberal who isn't terribly fond of Islam because it isn't liberal enough.
Based Yanks
Remember when i used to subscribe to The Times, what a absolute bastard it was unsubscribing!
the guy in the truck could've been blocking their convoy which is a surefire tactic for an ambush.
It's worth it but I do wish it as easier to share articles - I know it's paywalled and our poorer anons screech about that but the journalism is good.
>until you mention (((them))) in which case every other page is hand wringing
I think it was a known supply truck. Unless they had special dispensation, it probably was against ROI. Based Yanks dgaf though and slot the cunt.
If only they'd codified the ROE
I'll slot you cunt
>Tony Blair says he wouldn’t want a left-wing Labour party to win an election
>“Let me make my position clear: I wouldn’t want to win on an old-fashioned leftist platform. Even if I thought it was the route to victory, I wouldn’t take it.”
>“Even if you did [win] it wouldn’t be right because it wouldn’t take the country forward, it would take it backwards. That’s why it’s not the right thing to do.”
>Breaking News : Vince Cable suprisignly resigns, Tony blair appointed leader of the lib dems
I can feel your fear user
Why have you never used NI as an arguement against codifying?
They have:
>No gay marriage
>No abortion
NI is ultimate proof that codifying doesn't mean shit when you've got a cucked population like Ireland. If people in the US actually wanted to get rid of guns then it would happen, but there's no popular support for it so it wouldn't happen in any system.
Good financial pieces sometimes, Anatole Kaletsky sometimes lets us know how his (((globalist))) friends and Soros plan on inflating the dollar or pound. Decent Rugby section too. The might as well call it The Jew though.
He was probably on drugs.
>tripfags everywhere
The Chad New Labour
>wins wars
>ripped af
>speaks directly to God, doesn't care
>even his Christmas cards are intimidating
>never even heard of a labour manifesto
>Tony blair appointed leader of the lib dems
>even his Christmas cards are intimidating
I remember that ugly thing
I'm a bit ignorant on NI to be honest. I suppose it's proof that they're the last true British due to a very real existential threat on their door step.
Another reason to vote Labour and burn it all.
>even his Christmas cards are intimidating
fuck me the state of this place
Easy come easy go. The American constitution had to have a war fought in order for it to exist. If we had, theoretically just a referendum, even a binding one, demanding a constitution in the American style, it could just as easily be taken away by another referendum.
Look at Ireland giving everything up via referendum
>the phone call that saved the center left
Thanks to the Belfast agreement if NI had a referendum, or rather to say, if at any point in their long union with us more than 50 percent of people wanted to leave the union then they would be gone and likely never come back. It's really hard to state just how much Blair fucked this country over, Hitchens in AoB did a good job though.
For some tiny proportion of the population the The (((Them))) sure has a lot of them.
Well done Edward this may actually be the first time you've ever been funny.
I always try and avoid the "genuinely evil" explanation to people's actions, but I struggle with are Tone
Almost like there was some malevolent force guiding the government.
>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair
>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', (((Lord Mandelson))) admits
>Immigration Minister (((Barbara Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a "holistic way" she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.
>The programme's producer (((Martin Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary (((Jack Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."
>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend (((Michael (now Lord) Levy))). It has been estimated that £2.5 million was raised. This allowed Mr Blair to run the biggest Opposition office in history.
Have you read any of his books/diaries? Wondering how he comes across in those.
>Saturday nights few months back. Meet with a group of friends. Includes someone's new German boyfriend
>3 drinks later
>Look Hans so you've annexed Greece and Ireland. What next?
>I know I know we're sorry... we just can't help it.
He's always just come across as a very earnest but slightly dim lad doing his best.
I don't know if he is dim though, I've sort of seen that same vibe you talk about, but it just seems hard to buy that it's not a front.
I'm being hypocritical as I do say to others not to blame conspiracy where incompetence will do, but there is something really unsettling about Tony.
Suck off any dogs this morning?
Which mong are you?
Ah, 13yo meme lord who makes up things I've said to argue against. Carry on faggot.
Oh. My apologies I thought we were talking about are Tommy.
If you mean Tony "666" Blair then no he's just satanic.
>which mong are you
Probably one not living in a car Lord Edward of Vauxhall (Astra).
How's the studies?
Without a doubt, we'll never know the horrific things he has been upto.
tuhrie tossas
I'm Captain Eddie of the Grand Sloop Kia.
Close enough.
Based Eddie
Getting shit faced today
Got any multivitamins yet?
Stop drinking to excess. It's just as, if not more degenerate than weed.
Is ethanol a vitamin?
Is Corbyn /ourguy/ ?
the actual state of you
Fucking plane been delayed stuck in Edinburgh
Beef and tomato pot noodle eating cunt lol
If /ourguy/ had sex with Diane Abbott and wants to import niggers and remove immigration checks than yes.
>is a commie our idol
Is he not the new Führer or something like that
Yes, he's based
There's literally nothing wrong with Pot Noodles.
>rothschilds bow to the Coalition of Wealth
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control Shit/pol/ with an iron but fair fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Wealthgrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Wealthy Babies.
>both memberssaid to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>This is the Coalition of Wealth
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Wealthbots inside you right now
>The Coalition of Wealth are in regular communication with Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon, forwarding the word of Protestantism to protect British interests
>They learned fluent French, German and Italian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Wealthknox
>The twins are 100 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In relity, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Coalition of Wealth will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>Rumoured to be the masterminds behind 'Russian' poison attacks
>Forced Gordon Brown to sell the gold
>Influence Diane Abbott to bring down the Labour party
>Persuaded David Cameron to call the referendum
>Own the UDA and UVF with plans to create an Ulster superstate
>Use Tommy Robinson merely as puppet to gain the influence of the right
what happened to the leicester shop fire?
it was all over the news then it just vanished.
Chicken and mushroom.
Don't think you're a gucci cunt just because you eat Posh Noodle cunt
Posh noodle.
Why can't you stop orbiting me? Go protect your daughter from the paki rape gangs.
State of fat pathetic LARPers in cars.
Have you ever considered that your fragile ego is only held together by your wearing of a nametag on a discussion board for knitting dog hair into attractive scarves?
>forced Gordon Brown to sell the gold
Forgot about that. So when the whole system collapses and everyone moves back to the gold standard when the next Carrington event happens we'll have GB to thank for being the new Europoors.
>thinks using boiled evian makes him rich
Pot noodle eating cunt
My best friend and drinking buddy is leaving for America today. I feel sad about it.
You're absolutely fucking petrified of me and it really shows.
Fucking state of p**rcunts and their coping mechanisms.
And they all cower away.
Saw it coming tbqh. You're all a pitiful sight.
You forget, we're in the Brexit / Trump timeline. Nothing is surprising.
>t. 300 IQ and in contact with aliens
>no links
fuck you op
Lads I'm having such a fucking stress out right now. What happened was that I had virgin media come round and put a cable in for t'internet but they damaged the piece of metal that goes over it on the wall outside and my building manager (I live in a 3rd floor flat) got really pissed about it and wants me to get it fixed. This was like 5 weeks ago now and I've been on the phone for over an hour every day talking to call centers and work men and it's STILL not fixed - the cunts keep fucking delaying or cancelling and now the building manager is threatening to get his own men in to take the cable out and fucking bill me for it. I'm losing my mind lads it's just a bit of bent metal but I feel under siege in my own house.
Kek. You aren't even attempting to cope.