Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

I asked my parents about interesting books and my mother gave me something that her mother used to read. I've looked into it, and it seems interesting.
What does Sup Forums know/think of the book, and is Marcus based?

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>something that her mother used to read.

I have a hard time believing this.

>What does Sup Forums know/think of the book, and is Marcus based?

Yes. Read it. And let it guide your life. After this, read Epictetus and Seneca.

Trust me. The granny was a Machiavellian bitch. Very overprotective, probably one of the reasons my Mother is a very shy and apologetic person. When my older sister was born, apparently she crossed her arms on her chest and stated "yes, now I can live forever". She also called my sister "child maker" Affectionately in front of the whole family. She was plain creepy.

Self bump.

It’s not that kind of book; and you need to read up on history if you think Marcus Aurelius would in any way be considered Machiavellian.

Based granma is based.

I wasn't associating him being machiavellian, I'm just using that term very loosely to describe that she was serious about things in general.
I understand that there is little to no association. Wrong word, wrong time.

It's on Sup Forumss must read books list. Haven't read it yet, but I hear he's pretty based. I do think stoicism is a meme philosophy though, I'm more of an absurdist.

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