Future city planning in the Netherlands: New China, New India and of course New Africa
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Your country is full now, where you going to put all these wogs?
Full? No my dear Nigel our government plans to go from 17 million to 30 million people by 2050.
>New china
Enjoy a 300% increase in pollution, child slavery, and animal cruelty.
>New India
Enjoy a 300BC ghetto with shitty vehicles. But hey, you'll save tons on plumbing!
>New Africa
Wall it off just from the fear of this happening alone. We are talking an actual fucking wall that would take military action to get through. Also need guards and everything escorting anyone that goes in or out, ala the "District 9" movie. Except District 9 didn't have a wall, just apartheld.
Don't care about the names but that's some scary shit user. Especially given the powers behind it (VNO-NCW) are literally running this country.
>Literally carving up slices of your cities to give to immigrants
A new level of bending-over
With 17 million people and a population density of 488 people per km2, the Netherlands is the most densely populated country of the European Union and one of the mostly densely populated countries in the world. The total size of the Netherlands is 41,500 km2.
Imagine the smell in a few years time, all the immigrants urine and faeces.
brings in 13 million new non-whites
has 2 million non-whites
in the end has 30 million people with 15 million non-whites
15/30 = 50%
hello le future 50% face
better idea. Wall off the whites and let the minorities kill each other
Bet the Africans in these plans aren't the ones they should be bringing home.
It will be especially cool if the niggers are from SA, running from starvation which will start when they finish mopping up the boers.
I thought anti immigration parties won some elections there last week?
Those look like corporate logos
>"We want the EU to be the USA of Europe"
I guess they weren't joking, enjoy your life as a knockoff burger I guess.
Is this where all the new immigrants will go? ingroup preferences etcs
Dutch gov is owned by big companies.
wow wtf
i don't care though cause you hate us all so I guess it's a case of "Ha, fuck you"
We need more lebensraum
But Dutch people love the UK, we consider ourselves crypto brits. We look at you as our cousin.
Oh shit, I feel bad now. Well, just on Sup Forums then, of course. My great grandmother was Dutch so it was just memes bro
Why though?
You surely do, you are Germans afterall, just of another kind and all Germans are obsessed with lebensraum. If your big brother needs it too, with half of your population density, its understandable you need it as well
seems like the multinationals want to annex us and Flanders
A death of a country. That Nordic Union better be there by 2027.
HAHAHA rip in peace
tsk tsk tsk... Segregation? It's almost like these people think that they can't life next to each other.
What do you think Sup Forums? Do you want more minorities like this in media? She is the head of the marking department running this survey. Vote at the bottom of the page with a link labeled "Take our Poll"
>diversity is great goy
>immigrants will absolutely assimilate with the native culture
>meanwhile create pre-segregated areas for them to move right into
quit your laughing germafaggot. We are all in this together, especially you since your mother started all this refugee horseshit
And not a single Afrikaner will be allowed in, beautiful.
you should move to nz
Lmao at your life. Brits are so fucking weak. Changing their opinion in a millisecond because some fucking shit named 'Kees' tried to correct you... Stand your ground you cancer ridden yellow teethed subhuman.
Sup Forums is not real like you dribbling autismo
Another nation to conquer....
Kek, like Merkel even has the mental capacity to plan something enormous like this. Dense cunt is just following orders.
What nonsense. You even took a look at the map? It includes even cologne. To me this math seems to calculate the current population of Netherland, northern Belgium and western part of north west Germany.
Nice bait. Try better next time.
why don't you just destroy the damns and drown them all.
You are more anglosphere than England. You literally becoming the Canada, USA and Australia of Europe.