Is something happening?
Sup Forums's getting weird tonight
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hark for you will see the cianigger in the dead of night for they will glow in the dark
Just seems like there's more shills than normal is all to me. Ebbs and flows. Probably because they're trying to push for gun control.
Fbi and Cia, look how bright you glow today.
Seen at night from miles away, we know your game plan, play by play.
nah bro its cool dude
>someone didn't echo my cringe beliefs all night like a robot, mommy!
>trying to push for gun control.
massive shill raid on all media for the past week about it
here we go
Nuke in twenty minutes
Nothing is going on, Joshua. Go back to the slep.
Wtf is the matter with you!?!?!
Nothing my friend
It's literally morning you fucking retard.
When you wake up tomorrow all the guns will be gone.
It's going to hit in California.
It's going to hit Israel
here's the problem
>legitimising opposition to 2a.
youre all stupid fucks.
It's going to hit Detroit or Chicongo
california gets nuked tonight
Here we go baby
It's going to hit to East Coast
Israel is planning on launching a schoolbus sized chinese satellite at detroit?
wouldnt be the craziest thing theyve ever done
Germany will be wiped off the map. Merkel will burn alive.
Meme responsibly, user.
It will then spark WW3. Australia becomed world power and takes over South Africa and Rhodesia.
>10 minutes ago
Wew lad! I'm just about to run a bath, give me at least half a hour!
A virus will wipe out all niggers.
Jews will all be gassed.
shills getting paid for overtime it seems. or the reddit kids are allowed to stay up late for being good bois.
That's just wishful thinking on your behalf.
Calm your aut, leaf.
National Socialist uprising in Europe
Catalog is full of shill threads. Almost every thread.
Hitler is still alive
T-minus 5 minutes and counting, goyim.
Hitler will be brought back.
I heard he's gonna be speaking at the upcoming tribunals
George Lincoln Rockwell staged his own death.
David Duke will be President.
oh okay
Are you spacing these out so you can cheese out some digits? cause it's not gonna happen like that. This is how you do it kid.
all CIAniggers are getting v& by midterms
n33t we'll take all of the pacific too and good parts left of south east asia, fingers crossed the filo's survive so we still have deportable qts mfw
False flag canceled.
and now the ides of march have not long past
the glowing ones hoist a petard on their mast
Nice fail.
>What are time zones
Fail nigger. You must now serve me forever.
Check out these diggies nigget
Give me digits if Hitler will be reborn
why are you such a giant faggot?
Give me the digits if he already has been
Do you need to talk about something, user?
Kek enjoyed the twenty minutes of emotional chaos this gave some
>another false flag
Accelerationists in their ranks, I see.
anyone remember this guy? weirdest thing ive grabbed from pol
This is genius.
what happened?
he had a movie called SCYTHE it's probably easy to find. most potent redpills ive come across
That shit is brain washing propaganda son. Don't spread that shit to just anyone.
We're getting outmemed by CBS and their insignificant bait about using some psychotic kid who snapped and tried to larp as a gonzo journalist after a bunch of his friends were shot.
I think I've seen something similar to this years ago because I remember the username. I don't really get much out of it besides it being a slideshow of tragedy to irreverence.
OP, that's a dude. dafuq?
SES scandal, shills are in full damage control over it.
Shiggy Dig, trump kills the nigs
Do not go gently into that dark night,
Glow like a nigger, CIA bright.
my ban wore off
Podesta at Gitmo, hammers coming down, buckle up pol...the storm is here.
I haven't been banned all month. that's a record I haven't broken in years.
the fuck
>share some of the videos with someone
>they suddenly disappear from YouTube
>tfw mall fires are the new truck of peace
No nigger, you did it wrong. The Boss Hogg is in charge now. Checkem!
SOOOO. WAS HOGG THE ZOG AT THE SCHOOL? Or was HE NOT AT THE SCHOOL? Pls HELP, I could have sworn I saw his little closet interviews, actually 3 of them interviewing the same girl, States ATLEAST 2 different times of day in both vids, and now he says he rode his bike to the school 3 miles as fast as he could to interview people? WTF HOGG. YOUR IN TROUBLE MISTER. SPANKING TIME. NOONE LIKES LIARS. SOME1 PLS POST VIDS OF HOGG INTERVIEWING THAT GIRL IN THE CLOSET!!! WE GOT EM!!
Boss Hoggin
It's been like this for a couple days now. Sometimes I get the feeling this place gets flooded by twelve year old retards. I miss the days when no one knew what this shithole was.
>Podesta at Gitmo, hammers coming down, buckle up pol...the storm is here.
Let it be so.
All day it has been anti JF and anti IBS threads.
Shills have been given a new influx of Soros buxs.
>when you find this shit hillarious
>you can't explain why you're laughing to anyone else
Niggers tongue my anus
that would appear to be bohemian grove... but i don't know who those faggots are.
85% of all posters on /pol are feds, journalists or lefties looking for material. It’s hard to keep up the facade every moment so sometimes their weirdness leaks out.
I feel fortunate that I’m able to easily detect the deceit so I generally ignore or otherwise refuse to engage them.
Stay vigilant.
>Is something happening?
Bruises from gas mask?
This is going on right now. Sorry for potato quality.
I think we're on the cusp of a change.
A change that we may not understand.
But a change nonetheless that we'll ride.
Like a plague of frogs, benign but portentious.
Did someone say Taco Bell?!
>that would appear to be bohemian grove
exactly, I'm wondering the context