Death of US dollar? China launches petro-yuan to challenge greenback’s dominance
Crude surging to multi-year highs as China launches new oil benchmark
Death of US dollar? China launches petro-yuan to challenge greenback’s dominance
Crude surging to multi-year highs as China launches new oil benchmark
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Chyna is globally known to manipulate currency. Nobody will trust them. Especially the Jews.
>Chyna is globally known to manipulate currency. Nobody will trust them.
You could have just described us. We print like crazy.
China main oil importer in the world.
Russia main oil exporter to China.
Russia and China trust each other and don't trust USA.
cyka blyat
I wouldn't trust a nigger rapper either.
greenbacks were legitimate government issued money, dollars are issued by private party and loaned to government. they are very very different
Russia is not anywhere near ready to overtake the Gulf as China's main oil supplier.
All the major oil manufacturers, except maybe Venezuela, are all heavily invested in dolalrs and would see their currency reserves plummet if this every took off. Of course they would never allow this, so this will likely fail quite badly.
Russia in February remained the largest oil supplier to China for the twelfth month in a row. Supplies increased last month by 17.8% year-on-year to 5.052 million tonnes, according to the China Customs Administration.
Russia rejects European market and sends more oil to China.
This is just a small step towards replacing the dollar and even if the market accepts this new benchmark you still have a long way to go. Most debt worldwide is in Dollar, most countries have their books full with Dollar.
I'm curious how this plays out but I would not worry about the Dollar right now. You can't kill the Dollar with just two players (China/Russia) and it will take decades, small changes ovr time to avoid a WW3.
Putin's spent the last 10-20 years bulking up their domestic production. This deal between the two of them has been a long time in the works.
I want to add that the timing for this new benchmark is pretty good. The oil price is heading towards a bull cycle, the next years oil price will increase (according to history, we will see becaus nowadays markets changed a lot and not all prices follow the same patterns like they used to do).
The whole commodities sector looks promising. Better times ahead of Russia if they manage the change right.
this. Dont use terms if you have no idea what they mean.
>this is why we study them
Why woild you be bullish on oil. OPEC isnt rolling back, it’s the same overproduction, and years of stored glut. No demand spikes. Futures are holding steady thru 2020 ( Brent @ $59-60 a barrel). There’s nothing on the banding that shows huge speculative pressures like before the crash....
Jews will win in the end. Maybe some poorfag liberal non caucasian jews will get fucked but not khazarians and ashkenazi jews.
First of all you have the historic data. Look at a long term graph of the oil price or for example commodity valuations relative to stocks.
You have an infrastructure bill comming, growth worldwide, increasing expansionary policies in India, we are going to see higher inflation rates.
I assume a steady price increase over the next years, no sudden spikes or speculative pressure.
So this Is how chinks plan to fight the global warming. Buying more Russian oil
There is no medium or,longtime worldwide demand growth for oil, and reserves more than compensate for any short term spikes. Look at the long term historic graph, and $100+ oil is an outlier, an aberration, created by market speculation and not any natural All the futures say you’re on the wrong side of the hedge.
I have to disagree. All my research says otherwise.
We will see in a few years. I'm pretty confident with my bet and it looks good (in since 4Q 2017).
I have to say you are not the only one who is opposed to my prediction. Maybe I'm wrong.
wasnt china got their oil recently from myanmar? and then the rohingya attacked
Jews never win in the end.
oh no! the rest of the world will eventually figure it out in 60~100 yrs, we better stop now
The American economy doesn't depend on petrodollar as much as the Russian one depends on the oil export. I like how Putin trolls the west but it doesn't make the quality of life better.
Who's oil can you buy with yuan?
People/countries that don’t want to exchange for usd. If I’m Russia, or Nigeria I want lots of Chinese manufactured goods. I sell them oil, they pay me in yuan. I want goods I lay them back in yuan. And pegged currency with exchange largely set by chinas central bank, I won’t lose on exchange fluctuations or costs.
That international liquidity, ubiquity of USD currency is one main reason why America is so powerful economically. Shifts off USD is a potential hit to US hegemony.
Does the petrodollar really matter that much? The USD isn't really that strong anyway. Based on fundamentals it would be as strong as it is. The borrowing rate and value of the USD isn't exceptional. I think politicians bought by Saudi pushed the idea it was more important then it actually is.
i see no other option, but WW3 started by the US and A. no way big macs will step down. trump could actually be the one to start it - he will then be easily replaced
isnt that strong? the national debt is a good example of how stronk it is. USD is the main product of the US - to buy oil you first need to buy Dollars. Also you need to understand that national debt is not American money - its the money invested by other countries in US bonds.
Chinese already rolled the Tribe (Mongol Empire at the time) out of east and even central Asia. Used women and intrigue. Nearly exterminated it.
Пyтин isnt taht bad tbf. he trolls the west but plays in the long-term. over time it will balance out. we can already see pensions and wages rise.
ofc its impossible to bring up standarts of living over night. 10-15 years in my prespective. take it from someone that works in investement sector
Looks like a bitcoin future will be the most prosperous future.
Time to buy bitcoins.
kys faggot
actually no, sell everything you got and buy bitcoins. then kys
t. I tried my luck at bitcoin and lost
Should have invested during the dip,Lmfao@u losers
exactly - "luck"
its not even a currency m8 - it doesnt store value, has no resources backed behind it, you cant put it in a bank, its not a unit of measurement by creditors or auditors. it is simply a medium of exchange - thats it
**all the sudden green technology and solar become viable options to America**
Ww3 nah
North south korean unification yes,then american corporation and firms get taxed to death,followed by massive rent hike for US military bases in worst korea.
They dont have to, all they need to do is sell theirs to china and take the Yuan, not the dollar
Gaddafi died because he tried to sell his oil for his own designer currency backed by gold
Saddam died because he did the same but for Euros
Lets see China and Russia get liberated like Libya and Iraq. Guess what? they cant because they have at least ONE working nuke, its all it takes to not get attacked and liberated.
Meanwhile, the inflation will hit the US harder than the planes hit the twin towers
Add to that the mutt population that was pacified for the last 60 years into believing their propaganda, add to that their spending habits, their racial tensions, the amount of oppression they ignore right now, the infrastructure and the goblins going around demanding law abiding gun owners to give up their constitutional rights.
Sure, the government will attempt to deal with it as it always did in the past, a war.
Who will they attack this time, they can only attack Iran and possibly North Korea. Doesnt matter which one, it will take more than 130 american lives thats for sure. It will be worse than what Chechnia was for the Russians in the 1st war, but they wont have a chance for a round 2 like the Russians did.
USA and the west as i personally see it as one will dissolve just like the Soviet Union.
It will never be the same again. The world will be flooded with american jets, weapons and armor at discounts, just like the former soviet republics got rid of their stockpiles, and there will be many eager to buy because the balance has shifted now.
It wont be over night by any means, but when your town starts to riot, when you and everyone you know becomes a millionaire but cant buy a box of matches for 100 000 dollars, then you will have no doubt that its habbening.
Buy ammo until then and canned whole chicken. Buy antibiotics that last, buy shit you use every day but dont think about, essentials.
Keep dreaming vatnik
lol poor user. When WW3 breaks out, you'll be speaking Russian soon after. But your gene pool could use some base in it.
The Sino-Russian alliance will colonize space while western cucks will be stuck with their mutts.
I'm scared of the future I just want to live a comfy life thats all.
cool forecast david
idk, we will know in the coming weeks. trump is "to meet kim jong un" - dont tknow if it will happen and how it and if it does, how will it turn out.
Kim jong un visited beijing few days earlier - his first visit after coming to power.
Trade war that trump started has only one logical explanation - internalization of production. preparation for (((something)))
Meanwhile, in reality, China and Russia haven't left low earth orbit for the past 30 years
And the mutts are already out of the solar system. Sad! You can't even catch up to mutts!
el oh el
I've been praying for a Great Depression style crash for awhile. I'm sitting on a lot of cash and want to buy up homes and stocks cheap AF to build up true dynastic wealth.
Chinese women don't even shave their armpits, I mean, you call that a superpower?
>"jewish tricks"
Damn it, it was going so well lool.
lol eat shit nigger. your army is not ready for anything. only know how to fight sandniggers.
cyka cyka blyat.
did got enough vodka today eh buddy.
their sideways vaginas are kind of neat
lol user they're both third worlds don't stress it. Have trust in our glow in the dark CIA niggers, they've never let us down before.
Well at least we lasted longer than the retarded soviets lmao... you guys won big in ww2 and collapsed in a few decades. True retards you Russians are...
>you call the superpower?
that's great
that will finally stop the russian manipulation of the energy market in europe, and china will stop surging oil prices for the rest of the world
everybody wins
it was the jews who crashed us from within. confirmed
>has no resources backed behind it
byzantine fault tolerance is a resource
great, now the gasoline prices soar because some chinko fucks made another fraud market. ya gotta love these assholes, any move anywhere and "prices per barrel SOAR !" then they throw a god damned party
Chinese can't succeed at it because they can't blend in.
you have no idea what you talking about. go eat a bigmac or smth. dont waste your time here
It isn't that strong compared to other currencies and the borrowing rate is higher then Germany, Japan, the UK, S. Korea, France, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Italy ect. Some of those have a higher debt to GDP ratio.
borrowing rate is the sign of a healthy and confident economy
get off my internet angry russian pig
>target struck, target down
Every other country that has tried to do this has been invaded promptly by the USA
So guess what's coming
No no. It was the Americans who subverted your shithole country... don't you forget it either. We out smarted you assholes and collapsed your shit system. Have fun being China's bitch for the next 100 years.
no, user, this is actually great news
russia will get addicted to selling oil and gas to china, because they can't sell the west due to sanction
they'll become china's bitch, as china is the US' today
I wish Russia well...but aren't you loaded with Muslims and mystery meat mutts?
Why don't you attack us then, pussy?
Then what is the power of the petrodollar? In real terms if lower borrowing costs is not a feature or desirable according to you.
idiot, russia purchased the international space station from us
why does she have a china and a russia patch?
We should have sided with the Axis powers leading in to WWII.
We could have purged the commies and taken the entire Western Hemisphere.
We'd have bullied the French and British out of their bullshit.
If they had played ball, they'd still be empires today.
And 6 nations (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan) would have permanently subdued the world and through eugenics and concerted effort, forged a stronger humanity.
>Russians still haven't left LEO in 30 years
Thanks for proving my point Sergei
Its from the future. China finally takes over much of Russia the way Mexico is taking over much of the US, so the powers that be figure "fuck it" and officially merge.
The Russochinks colonize Mars with ease since theres no food there and they're used to that, whereas the Mexnited States develop a shart-based economy.
the futures gonna be great you'll love it.
and try us :^) you will end up like Hitler and Napoleon, Washigton will be renamed into Washnigtonograd
trips say the truth kek
nice trips, please invade us and kill the non whites
There is already a Carls Jr. in the middle of St. Petersburg
You already lost
You still have a dictator, get your shit together first.
Should have could have dreamer
Yeah but you didnt and now USA has turned into soviet union reincarnate and soon u will be standing in long lines for bread.
See guys now this is a Russian shill not!
>he doesn't realize thats a feature not a bug
(((Dumbocracy))) is shit.
yes, don't be afraid. russian army will not touch yu unless you go against it
You guys are so gay, talking tough on message board, about your countries going to war. Such faggits
The petrodollar used to matter a shitton. All countries had to buy oil with US dollars. Lots of power there. And the US gov or maybe the FED (idk for sure) controllled an international bank of settlements, so they could use the banking system as a weapon of war, denying other countries the right to buy oil. I hope this is correct info. It is going away thankfully. A new monetary paradigm is coming.
at least i will go to war when it begins. you will be hiding in your basement eating migmacs and crying in your pillow
China is not Libya my m8 friend
USA simpley does not have the man power to enforce their will on Beijing
Some people call them greenbacks as a slang term and because they're kind of green. Well, kind of snot colored really.
uh oh, this could be it, WW3 incoming. We killed Saddam and Gadaffi for doing this same shit.
can't deny and not against it really. open markets is key to international cooperation.
also better have a Carl's Jr than jews controlling thecountry
Check em n heed my telling.
American terrorists.
Chinks want to copy everything, even the ZOG.
Old commie zombie.