Why does Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
In what kind of scenario do you ever plan on using them?
Why does Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
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>Why does Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
Shit, I wish we had access to them
>In what kind of scenario do you ever plan on using them?
However I want.
its a right
I am surprised you guys don't have it since you live next to Russia
defending our freedom from goblinas
They were part of the USSR for decades. Can't let the proletariat have guns.
I have no problems with pistols. But why Americans need these crazy automatic weapons made for mass murder?
We don't have easy access to military grade weapons. We don't even have easy access to hunting rifles. Guns are incredibly regulated, and that's just the civilian weapons. Getting a assault rifle is so difficult, there is a reason why there hasn't been a mass shooting with one. Which just goes to show how people who push for a gun ban on assault rifles are so ignorant and shouldn't have their opinion taken seriously.
when a bunch of niggers
The only ways to get full auto is to spend a shit ton of money and about 6 months worth of background checks and psych evaluations through fbi and local sheriff or if we wanna be criminals, by illegally purchasing some from local gangs.
Oh look it's slide thread number 4,500,123 why am I even replying to this
Pistols make up 80% of gun murders in the US you clinical retard
Fuck off please
The one where an angry mob of Communist come to take them, slavshit
>kas ir 2A
Tā ir daļa no viņu kultūras tu debīliķi
Vismaz Amerikāņiem ir kautkādas tiesības un iespēja pašaizstāvēties, kamēr mēs tiekam drāzti dirsā katru reizi kad sākas kārtējais karš.
Why should Americans not be allowed such weapons? they are all law abiding citizens, who want to use them for collecting, shooting targets, and hunting purposes.
Why should your rights cease to exist because of peoples feelings?
Why should the government control and dictate your every move?
>I have no problems with the most concleaclable and criminals favorite type of weapon. But why Americans need these anti-government capable weapons made for possible military conflict?
They're fun.
It’s called fun. Also it helps the government from getting to overbearing.
Vot daunis, Tie ieroči jau nu tiešām tev palīdzēs pret tankiem, droniem, raķetēm un kodolieročiem.
If you gave a military man that weapon they would beat you with it and then throw it in the garbage.
Man, I would really like a M249, but gee its banned in Cuckifornia. Oh I can get permits? That should be easy then to get Military Grade Weapons, and it costs money I don't even make in a year! That sure is easy!
Cik debīlam ir jābūt lai domātu ka valsts mēģinātu iznīcināt savu tautu? Uz vēsturi paskaties, tā vietā visus civilos mēģina apspiest ar policiju on diktatūrām. tāpēc viņiem arī tagad mēģina atņemt ieročus, lai viņus varētu pakļaut augstākai varai pret kuru viņi nebūs spēkīgi cīnīties, kā mēs tagad.
military grade?
my guns are much better than military grade
I don’t know what state you live in but I can buy all the AR’s and SKS rifles I want anytime.
in full auto?
Shooting rats and rabbits, lol.
Yanks like weapons and they are a violent people.
""zombie apocalypse""
All those stupid videos and retardation came back and bit this country in the ass.
Kādā bedrē jādzīvo, lai domātu, ka Latvijā ir iespējams apvērsums un atgriešanās diktatūrā?
They've convinced themselves that they need access to them because its ridiculously engrained in their culture.
Really makes you think when countries that enforce gun control have MUCH lower crime/homicide rates on average.
>inb4 m-m-m-muh second amendment
No. Full auto was banned years ago however you can buy full auto wepons made before the year of the ban. AR’s were made later. There is a license for purchasing full auto and I hear it’s not hard to get. Also they are easy to convert.
Take a page from Ice-T, it is the last defence against tyranny.
Authorities are always afraid of an armed populace.
Also, here is his wife
>Why does Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
>In what kind of scenario do you ever plan on using them?
An AR15 pattern rifle shoots a .22 caliber bullet. It's the same caliber that little kids learn with, .22lr. The AR15 round just has more speed behind it. It's not some super killer bullet that is more lethal than other rifles. In fact it's best for killing smaller animals in the varmint size range. Prairie dogs, foxes, coyotes. It's also pretty good on 2 legged varmints.
If people are concerned about super lethal rounds they would go after grandpa's .30-06. Most hunting rifles designed for shooting animals deer sized and up are far more lethal than the round fired from an AR15.
The AR15 is a great gun for hunting medium sized game and applications like home defense and for use as a truck gun. This is mostly due to the modular nature of the firearm and ability to equip it for specific uses.
>Kādā bedrē jādzīvo, lai domātu, ka Latvijā ir iespējams Padomju apvērsums un atgriešanās Krievijas sastāvā?
Mēs jau esam Briseles diktatūrai pakļauti, paskat uz kā mēs iestājāmies eirozonā pat kad lielākā daļa valsts nepiekrita šādam lēmumam.
Vai tu vari iedomāties veidu kā mēs varētu atkal atgriezt neatkarību? Ko tu saskati Latvijas tālākajā nākotnē? Ja tev ir acis pierē un galva strādā tad neko labu.
> In what kind of scenario do you ever plan on using them?
The very purpose the 2nd amendment was made for
> Why does Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
Do you think the people will stand a chance using a pistol or hunting rifle against the military?
>In what kind of scenario do you ever plan on using them?
When the powers that be inevitably come to take them away.
Oh my what's this?
My country and Mexico have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world, and the highest murder rates in the world? How do you figure that?
And why are you so disrespectful of other peoples cultural values?
One more thing. It's also a great gun for defeating soft body armor. It would be very useful in a fight against police. See the example of the Dallas shooting where one BLM faggot unloaded a single magazine and killed a bunch of cops. I believe he was using an AK74 pattern rifle.
1/10 made me reply
>Really makes you think when countries that enforce gun control have MUCH lower crime/homicide rates on average.
Those countries don't have a population of 300+ million, as many gangs, or as big of a gang problem. You absolute dumb cunt.
>Do Americans need easy access to military grade weapons?
Yes! To shoot faggots that question the wisdom of the men who establish America.
>comparing the US to third-world shitholes like brazil
haha ok bud
even when you account for population, the US is way ahead of other first world countries
To be more precise, to protect yourself from any action from a totalitarian government
You either don't know what the 2nd amendment is for, or you're being paid to shill like this
I'm no gun expert but I wouldn't consider a semi auto AR "military grade"
Chimp outs and leftist violence.
All my guns are way better quality than "military grade".
Fucking pleb.
>US is not a third-world shithole
Thanks, you guys are alright yourselves.
I never said it was. The AR’s the military uses can fire single shots for accuracy, burst of three, and automatic.
OP doesn't care about amendments, I suspect him/her to be from one of our liberal(Sorosite) orgs like Re:Baltica.
They also support the Istanbul Convetion even when it is directly at odds with our national constitution too.
>Mēs jau esam Briseles diktatūrai pakļauti
top kek
Bet nu par latu runājot, atšķirība nekāda. Tāpat neviens te nejēdza izmantot priekšrocības, ko sniedz centralizēta valūta.
What is a military-grade weapon? If the Namibian army uses bolt-action rifles, does that make hunting rifles military-grade weapons?
Who meeds full auto anyway? Just a waste of ammo.
Answer: When the mob comes to run us over, we can at least scare some off
>gays are not real people and should be stoned to death
Not much different ideology from Muslims.
It always looks so fun though
because fuck you
Small penis
>even when you account for population
Yes, when you account for such things you'd notice majority of the gun related crime is because of the niggers / Spics, and the general gang related problem which use stolen / black market guns.
M4 and AR15 are similar, wheres the AR15 is designed specifically for the civilian market and only comes in semi-automatic. But it's still not in anyway shape or form considered an "Assault Rifle".
It's your basic semi-automatic rifle that lefty faggots think look scary.
Some similarities between an M4 and AR15, keep in mind the M4 is select fire.
>The internals of the upper and lower receivers are very similar in both weapons.
>The bolt and bolt carrier group of the two are the same.
>The charging handle is the same.
>The trigger and trigger assembly are the same.
>Externally, the handguards and rail systems can be the same, dependent on which one you have on your AR-15.
The primary differences are the barrel, gas tube, feed ramps, and fully automatic functioning
All law abiding citizens should have the right to bear arms.
someone has penis on the brain
One does begin to wonder at what point do foreign gummint start asking our gun grabbers to knock. It off. The whole fucking world is becoming obsessed with our 2nd Amendment. How long until their people wonder why THEY don’t have a second amendment?
What's up with this nazi poster?
>bet nu par Latvijas suverenitāti, atšķirība nekāda
Valdība, valūta, armija - trīs valstiskuma kolonnas.
Valdība sen in pārdevusies, valūtas mums vairs nav, un armija arī ar laiku tiks norakstīta apvienotas Eiropas vārdā.
Un tad tu teiksi: "But about the Latvian language, there is no difference"
being american means never having to justify your rights
The point isn't "having to use them" you dumb fuck inbred russhit shill.
Micro penis confirmed
> whole fucking world is becoming obsessed with our 2nd Amendment
It just that every week on the news they tell us about another mass shooting in US.
As proud as I am of that flag, the painters tape is a shameful display.
Since when are we stoning gays here? This ain't the middle east, their standards don't apply.
But of course they will if you plan to import them here, which I'm sure you do.
We got it kid you like nazi stuff