Are muslims becoming more degenerate?

Are muslims becoming more degenerate?

>Does Allah hate me because I'm queer?

>Saara identifies as trans or gender non-conforming, and is queer in their orientation. (Saara uses the pronoun "they.")

>To some, this combination — queer and Muslim — can't exist. They might ask, doesn't Islam hate gays? Doesn't the queer community hate religion? Saara once thought the same thing, but they've become a leader in a Seattle queer, Muslim community.

>Saara was raised in a homophobic environment. Being queer wasn’t presented as an option in the white, Christian school they attended during the day, or in the Pakistani Muslim household they returned to in the afternoon.

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fuck off kike

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Also a Islamic lesbian wedding

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Not a jew, mr 56%

I think everyone knows how we deal with gays

The west should adapt.

No, you fuck off. I am sick and tired of you needle dick, Nazi, motherfuckers. Shareblue warriors are taking over each and every thread until atonement.

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The brave new world is destroying you guys too.

You're not shareblue. You're Stop being stupid you dumb jew.

nice flag faggot
the only religion out there who's willing to stand up against degeneracy

property isn't allowed to name itself

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we need to either ensure islam becomes cucked or make the lgbt community fight islam


t. chrisiain

Buildings shouldn't be tall for nothing.

muslim-americans arent real muslims, they are the same liberal commies who just put another label on themselves

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y not both?

I work for a telecoms giant in the UK where a large minority I speak to are muslim. The majority are far more concerned with the comforts of technology and other tenets of modernity and liberalism than their faith. It's very sad actually, to see how all consuming it it is

Welcome to the machine.

Is there a "Muslim Womyn Worship White Cock" movement? I MUST know.

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also see

but you embrace trannies, though

>Also a Islamic lesbian wedding

the cancer is spreading .

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This is not new. In Afghanistan and Pakistan male-on-male sodomy is normal. It is not considered a religious breach. The bottoms walk around wearing makeup and nail polish etc. It's disgusting.

Soon brother, soon.

Our old way is better.

Christians ignore anything in the Bible they want. I think Muslims can do it too with the Koran. Why not it’s all made up anyway?

trans/homos are not degenerate, they just have an abnormality that they did not choose.


Pregnant lesbian marrying her midget girlfriend, presided over by a gay imam from South Africa in Sweden


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