So last thursday the namefag known as ‘anti-christ’ predicted a big happening for this past saturday, related to dan ‘hold her tighter shes a fighter’ schneider. And now today news of him being fired from nickelodeon came out.
Is that it? Still strange this guy predicted this but its hardly a happening.
So last thursday the namefag known as ‘anti-christ’ predicted a big happening for this past saturday...
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe he knew it was coming out.....I wonder if those explosive boxes sent to military bases were inteded to bury the dan schneider story
Checked. I didnt even hear about that u got a link?
Ill rub your feet if you quit making these threads about Dan, OP
You mean Dan "old enough to read, old enough to breed" Schneider?
Or was it Dan "the big dick at Nick" Schneider?
Maybe Dan "the man with a plan in a van" Schneider?
Oh wait, is it Dan "foot tickler, hymen divider, cunny destroyer" Schneider?
No, it's actually Dan "I like my child actress with my dick in her" Schneider. My bad
Sounds good bb. This is the only one ive made, but i read the other one and nobody was talking about how this was predicted last thursday, along with a big happening over the weekend. Either way hope you dont mind ive been in work boots all day
He didnt predict it, he helped plan it and layed out the pawns and what needs to be done to get the queen. It was infirmative and instrumental and i have been looking for updates since then, he said Saturday shits going down and kept looking for threads to check out and support, and, Walaaaah!!! This late afternoon, Shazam! Mission accomplished, Round 1. Next!!!! Geffen?
Image is from Jurassic Park and the guy on the left in the red is a pedophile.
So what happened saturday? Dan getting fired was today but nothing over the weekend. This was supposed to be a big deal but who tf cares about scheider
Looks like jack bauer desu
shut the fuck up with this shit, its tedious
Here's my manifesto....
Let's look at this rationally.
Amanda Bynes went nuts and said all kinds of shit about her dad allegedly abusing her and lots of other stuff.
Not once did she mention Dan Schneider.
Conclusion - Dan did nothing wrong.
There he is. So what happened faggot? You promised me a happening.
>dan did nothing wrong - to amanda bynes
Doesnt mean he did nothing wrong to anyone else
Hey. I like your work.
I’ve seen you lurking in threads all day, anything you’d like to share with us?
Thank you, that means a lot that you can say that
Was not expecting all that..
what about using meme magic to bypass all that thing and make a simpler "guide"?
A lot. Im limited right now since I'm on a mobile. But ill try to make an update by tomorrow
Sooon lol
>another LARPing boomer predicts something
Rog. Be safe and thanks for the excellent work so far.
Yea a basic gestalt would do a lot of good. I skimmed through it but no way anyones gonna read 52 pages
You think there’s oh I don’t know... but maybe a JUST A FUCKING CHANCE that he just simply enjoys being around kids and making them stars? Jesus... the guy doesn’t even look like a pedo.
>but maybe a just a fucking chance
Thanks a lot, and will do
there's people who red hundred of Aleister Crowley's pages, like me. Then, i stopped to a crossroad. Are those a pile of bullshit or a codified testament?
I'll try to get it down too a single page by tomorrow hopefully
Crowley was right, but he never disclosed his knowledge to its apex complexity which I attempt with my manifesto
a single page? is it possible?
i maybe know he's probably right, but write so many books in so different manners doesn't help
>Doesnt mean he did nothing wrong to anyone else
He may have done, but where's the actual evidence
> news of him being fired from nickelodeon came out
there were much better ones last night, you've reached the bottom
Dunno. His guilt wasnt the point of this thread, only that it was talked about ahead of time and in connection to a happening, which ive yet to see.
Just google it man. It happened today
I'll attempt lol
Voila, fucking mutt
Game over kike
fuck, it's true
I remember the thread you mentioned in OP, is it still in the archive?
So what was the bug happening saturday? Still havent gotten an answer here
Yea he linked it here
That is not the thread about Dan "hymen collider" Schneider.
why is this thread being slid?
Long story short, I triggered a massive spiritual awakening on Saturday and everything I wrote in my manifesto is being played out. Check it out
>52 pages of quantum quackery
>>>/sci - no wait
>puffy eyerings
is this schizophrenia?
what does that mean?
CBS is owned by Viacom, not NBC. Comcast owns NBC. "Anti-Christ" needs to study the details before it can go full domination and subjugation anti-Christ mode
Far from it. I know what im talking about
tldr sparknotes?
What did you find that finally convinced the studio after all these years? It had to be beyond Weinstein level for a high level exec with near 30 years to be cut over night
I don't find the infograph about it anymore. These puffy eyerings usually coming from heavy and multiple time anal sex.
In my defense I was off by two letters lol
One lone shitposter with quantum quackery did more for the cause then you and your entire bloodline will
Are you tripping on adrenochrome?
Sounds like delusions of grandeur to me
Intentions seem valid though; exposing evil and lies.
What blackmail does Dan have against the Disney CEOs? Disney knew who and what he was for decades...
What did Johnathon Butler, author of The Cuckold, mean by his show Bella and the Bulldogs?
So you're the next school shooter?
I can't say so easily publicly cause I could comprise my self.
You can read my shitposting in the archives.
My posts tend to predate the news cycle
Q predicted you
No, he predicted Q
Well this read like the scriblings of a 15yr old Tim Rifat. My advice, take it easy on the drugs, do some exercise and channel your creativity into an art form, music, painting, whatever. Stay away from the occult until you're at least 25 and your brain has fully matured senpai
bruce "the emus are on the loose" boganlover
The first 17 pages were written like that for a reason. Btw I don't, nor does anyone care about your useless opinions
>hes a phone poster
The quantum stuff was a good read though.
Thanks a lot for your kind words
Rifat makes me laugh, how the mad man can get away with what he does is beyond me. (((They))) leave him well alone which i always found curious
>all the prime cunny he fucked and got away with
>meanwhile I'm never getting a loli waifu
Shit's unfair
He knows too many state secrets. Rifat is similar to David Icke. Whereas Icke went through the fire by accident and came out the out side, Rifat did so as part of his job at MI6 and he hasn't made it out the other side yet. The fire can and will consume decades of your life if you force it.
How do you open your third eye? Why is it when i play certain games i think certain things, and in some games my head gets a mark?
Where are the links to Dan's home video collection?
Drink more tap water
You're having a laugh right? I thought tap water was full of crap?
I think your talking more about flow more so then the third eye, when your movements and actions are seamless and in sync with the best actions without paying too much heavy thought. You can always be in that state if you don't induce anything that causes the stress chemical called cortisol, which eats away at your brain synapses and your overall performance.
Find it for the good of this thread. That's your mission today
Ahh! So avoiding playing games then if they cause you stress? I getcha.
But i actually have a problem with a red mark right in the center of my forehead,sometimes it buzzes, if it continues sometimes i get a red mark, right in the center.
I believed!
But being redpilled puts an autonomous layer of cortisol on you, which is hurting your ability to be at your best possible state. The same way it is with me.
So it's even more imperative that we succeed as fast as we can.
Well, if you find that then holy shit, Scoob, we've got a mystery to solve.
A few anons myself included pounded the hell out of twitter as small meme op around October.
We reached out with compassion to his victims.
I held debates on his Twitter about all the evidence against him.
All shills were BTFOd.
Dan probably came to pol.
We need badges for this OP pol.
Pol succeeded where TV failed.
Because pol is always right!
Will the 'bad guys' die? They will deserve it right? You're not one of those 'All lives matter' types are you? Not after what they have done.
Makes me angry thinking of the potential they denied, just so they can cover themselves with titles, and sit at the head of the table.
Avoid playing games to take off stress because then you will associate playing games with stress without realizing it. Play to enjoy it and not to take your mind off of anything and you'll reach your state of flow every time.
You're using a hypersigil aren't you? You're a Chaos Magician? Never thought I'd see one of you fucks actually do something worthwhile. Praise Kek..
They have to die. If it isn't by my hands it'll be in the hands of someone on our behalf.
Realistically, they'll be excommunicated from society because they're sheltered by wealth. But law enforcement will turn a blind eye to vigilante justice if there's enough compelling evidence that overrides all sense of normalcy.
Crowley is codified evil. Very very easy to discern what he's doing with the trite word play be utilizes. "Love under will" is the LOGICAL form of evil, dressed up with bad philosophy to deceive for public consumption. Grossly obvious game there. Words matter. He wasn't a deep thinker, he wasn't a poet-- what he was was a simple servant of evil, which is a thing, no matter the bad-philosophy dressing you will try to wrap it in.
Just saying "anti Christ". All for drops on pedos, but get your garbage manifesto and your Crowley out of here. That is what gives us pedophilia, without question.