what is a good language to learn? i already know english obviously, and i plan to learn basque after i have learned another language or two. its a rare language, so there probably arent a lot of learning resources. i want to learn it though because i have basque blood and i dont want the language to die out.
right now im looking at german, french, and spanish. maybe japanese just for the weeb factor. italian might be good too, would help me understand the italy general threads
which would be easiest to learn starting from english? probably spanish, but spanish is kind of lame in the us. i want to learn something cool first.
Learning languages
>what is a good language to learn?
English, Russian, German. None of the others are worth even attempting, chinese people think they are millions of years ahead of you and will 100% of the time try to reply in english. They don't want you to improve so they can keep ripping you off. You might not like to hear it but ALL non-english speakers are assholes who believe they have absolute privacy in their views, talking about you in front of your face or even how to best rip you off or hurt you while you stand there in the room. For these reasons it is useful to have passive understanding of spanish and swahili, but it's not totally necessary.
> English, Russian, German
Total normie pleb languages , you need to learn Classical Latin, Phonecian cytomatic power shouting , and esoteric Babylonian pig Latin , it's the patricians choice of speak
Learn Middle English, then Old English.
>pleb languages
You should learn Ikpeng.
I've taught myself emu and have broadcast a message to the emu khanate to attack your position , prepare for immediate destruction. click kg clik awk
Russian and Japanese are the second and third biggest languages on the internet.
They also have a much lower number of english speakers than German, so are actually kinda usefull.
none,only euro cucks bother to learn other languages,anglos just force johnny foreigners to learn ours instead,what was the point on dominating the world if we speak someone else's language?
if you dont speak english you are not human imo.
no one gives a shit about those laungages outside of their native lands,maybe a few weebs will learn japanese but thats it.
the future is english and chinese.
A European could learn French, German and Italian in the time it would take them to learn Japanese. Going for a language like Japanese, unless you are really young, is retarded.
Turkic and Arabic will be secondary and terciary language in yurop in a few years, luckily by then it will spoken by most "natives".
English is a shitty merchant language, completely mutilated and barbarised by international usage. Anyone who speaks english and only english is a worthless pleb.
Wow I wonder what job dead languages will get me in fucking archeology.
Absolutely fucking BASED
italian ofc
fuck off lad most of the world cant even point to you on the map
This desu. That's why I'm learning Arabic desu
Agreed desu. I'm deeply ashamed being monolingual.
The language that is related to your ethnicity so you have a real culture to identify with rahter than these vague term of "white" that's meaningless
learn chinese to get connections and better deals
there are a fuckton of really good cheap, trustworthy chinese websites that sells chinese goods if you know what you're looking for, also less likely that you'll get scammed by fucking jokers that's not even from China but has the website in fucking broken chinese
china is going to be the future leading world market, so it's best to invest in that right now and get the best out of it
>muh what the masses of the world know and care about is what matters
Thanks for proving my point. As I said, people like you have the mentality of plebs--all that matters in your minds is mass, quantity. As if anyone with a bit of quality to them gives a shit what the dregs of the world think and know.
Japanese is the memiest language, it is absolutely useless unless you are a weeb wasting his life looking at anime or actually planning to have a career there.
The most useful to learn are in this order spanish > french > chinese.
(Basically the 2 other colonial superpower and the dominant asian language).
Not being fluent in spanish when you are a burger makes you a pleb anyway.
Unironically the best answer.
>what is a good language to learn?
If you're looking for a practical language that's close to English? Your instincts have already told you what to look for, but: German, Spanish, and French are all fantastic languages to learn. You should, though, prioritize Spanish; once you learn Spanish you'll be able to communicate with the anyone in the Americas worth talking to- there's an immense amount of utility to learning Spanish.
If you want to associate with Europe then I'd lean a little more towards German- if only because the French are fucking unbearable.
If you're interested in a foreign language then Russian would be the best pick. Japanese and Korean are also good choices, but know that learning an oriental language IS going to be an uphill battle: they're fucking weird, nothing makes sense, they have too many letters, everything sounds the fucking same. But, back to the point: Russia has need for English speakers & translators and the market is much more untapped compared to other nations.
Do NOT learn Chinese.
People -people even right now- will tell you to learn Chinese. Do not listen to them, they're fucking ignorant.
The Chinese are scum. They are in every way a deplorable, hideous, morally bankrupt, evil, pathetic, people who you should under no circumstance associate with and if you do- it should only be to take advantage of them.
Working with the Chinese, associating with the Chinese, occupying the same habitat as them will do nothing but to siphon away your health and humanity.
you speak my language yet i don't know a word of yours,you are a conquered people you have no culture only anglo culture
since you have no language skills i'd recomend spanish it's easy and designed for idiots so you americans can fit right in
i speak
and Japanese is on a good way
kill yourself desu if you haven't learned a diffrent language until now
French, if spanish is too lame for you.
It's the easiest for english speakers discounting dutch, but dutch is absolutely useless outside of Belgium and the Netherlands and even there you don't need it since most dutch people know english anyway.
Beyond that go for german because more german-speakers in the world is always a plus and if you really want to challenge yourself go for arabic, the foreign service rates it among japanese, korean and chinese in terms of most difficult languages for english-speakers to learn and then you can rek mudshits on their own turf by knowing what they are saying when they think no one understands them alongside reading arabic news, the Koran, Hadith and Tafsir without them giving you shit about translation errors
>Japanese is the memiest language, it is absolutely useless unless you are a weeb wasting his life looking at anime or actually planning to have a career there.
he doesn't want to go to anime island to bang a 20y/o that looks like a 12y/o
are you gay or something?
Learn chinese and your primary function for the rest of your life will be being that one guy in the company who gets sent off to China to do business deals with people who try to snub, cheat and bullshit you at every opportunity
Imagine thinking that everyone knowing your language is a good thing. I don't want low-class street-shitters from all over the world speaking my language, thanks. All this does is devalue it. I think you Anglos take solace in your language being owned by the whole planet simply because you're too stupid and poorly educated to learn another one.
And honestly, Austria has far more independence, and is much less of a "conquered" country today than the UK is, which is effectively an American outpost and nothing more at this point. And culture? Are you kidding? Anglo culture today is nothing but Americanised trash.
No one is going out of their way to learn turkish for the sake of a few roaches and arabic is difficult as shit to learn and provides no use beyond conversing with arabic refugees, which most europeans frankly don't.
spanish and chinese, but don't tell anyone you know chinese.
I wanna learn spanish so I can go to colombia and fuck qt's.
Spanish, Arab, French and German. In this order.
German because of literature mostly.
Just learn German
Also fuck off this is not politics
to add to this: I've been studying spanish for a few months, and there are times when I feel like it has lowered my english abilities. Like I look at a paragraph of english and have to really "think" about what it says, as if I'm learning english from scratch. I
I speak French, Spanish and Arabic. Found German to be difficult but I'll keep trying desu. What do you think?
Pretty impressive. I could never learn German cause I find it so fucking ugly. But it's no doubt a useful language.
After I learn Spanish, I'll try French.
Gurmukhi is based
Guruji is based
Really, Sikhism is pretty sweet; I was preferrential to the new testament when I was a Christian (And, aside from what some dogma-driven minds would have you believe, Christ was a well-meaning and compassionate figure) but GurSikhi truly spoke to me.
In Sikhi, our teacher is a man of divine soul, of which we all are imparted with and of which pervades everything, living and inanimate.
Gurmukhs worship this ever-pertanent, all loving power, and cultivate this power within themselves by chanting the divine naam, a name, one of many, for this eternal oneness, of which is called in all languages as the Truth, or what is True.
Like a flower, atop the water of even the harshest sea, a Gursikh's mind forever floats atop the wave, crest to slope, never sinking under the hardships of daily life.
All men are good men when they know what it means to be.
Sovereignty must never be allowed to vanish.
Vahiguru Dev Ji Khi Khalsa
Vahiguru Dev Ji Khi Fateh
would recomment chinese since they are becoming an economic superpower in the next 20 years.
Why not Hindi then? Superpower by 2020 baby
Gursikh will lead the charge and defeat the Red Menace. Indus Valley and the Khalsastan Will be Great Again
Learn the nigger
Be the nigger
Latin: get to the roots of our civilization, understand all Latinate vocabulary natively, understand grammar. Much of high style English is based on grammatical calques from Latin, and you will gain mastery of that.
Japanese: it's very different, very interesting.
Danish because closest language to English
Most arabic countries speak either french or english, at least the people worthy there worthy to discuss with.
Castillan Spanish, Euskera, French, Italian... There are a lot of beautiful languages in Europe to learn.
Like me frero. The Algerian Chateaubriand
t. chink
Did you learn japanese from anime?
>plan to learn basque
of you're already into some obscure language, try sanskrit, latin, russian
>i have basque blood
>mingled in with about 70% nigger blood and some Olestra, Coca-Cola, and garbage juice
*hand clap*
*hand clap*
*hand clap*
*hand clap*
*hand clap*
every inch of land that the anglo casts his eyes on belongs to him
Learning a language is not an easy task.
You should pick a language that you will actually stick with and learn properly.
learn hebrew and learn the merchent ancient tounge, also you could read the old testament how it ment to read
best post
Bereshit and all that jazz
Russian and Spanish are most useful. Spanish so you can understand spics, russians so you can talk to cyka blyats on the internet who cannot speak english.
French and German are worthless. They all speak english or are a turd world loke Haiti. Japan has weeb factor and chinese could be useful.
thats the only one i know tho, not a good merchent :/
Hey Mordechai : how is Jewish pussy? How many chosen pussies have you had?
italian is worthless,don't waste time
The Jewish pussy is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a hairy, loose, rotten, dark, it all runs off it like water off a raincoat. But call it a shiktse and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>be me
>learn Italian until I speak it fluently
>fuck three beautiful Italian girls and in 6 year relationship with one
>Kikes are ba-
dumb frogposter
Don't learn Basque
try to learn one or two major european languages like German, French, Russian or Spanish first
Latin would be useful to learn to look at languages in a more structural way, that's something english natives have a hard time with due to the total lack of structured grammar in the english language
mashallah brother, one truck is not enough, kill those british people, for their ruining of the world
Thank you
Hungarian: Speaking it grants you the ass pass of the ages, folks. Budapest becomes booty-pest. Good waifu-able girls who would be happy to have you stay in their homelands await. Plus, a Hungarian friend is a bro-tier real friend, not a fickle faggy fuckface fake.
Learn Faroese, then you can move to the 'whitest' place on the planet. Almost everybody are Nordic, and the few are not, are 'yellow brides' (white women don't want to live in a white ethnostate where you are openly shamed for making immoral choices, so they move away, oh, and for the same reason, so does the faggots)
Bet you can't learn Finnish. Or how to shut the fuck up!
Spanish seems to be an ideal second language for an american, it's really easy and once you're done with it you can learn french or italian much more easily.
Ill have your nose mounted on my wall for this
I would very much like for Denmark to get angry again and unite the nordic homelands.