Identity Politics are only possible when people are pro-actively being forced into self-identification with these designated "identities" by the Political Apparatus.
Jordan Peterson Joins The Fray: My Comments on his "On The So-Called Jewish Question"
Distinction between "Left" and "Right" is becoming increasingly more meaningless. All that is left is Nationalist VS Internationalist. Differences of Opinion. Series of Arguments. Atomized Groups of everyone being "Different" Identities. Cannot come to any "National" Conscensus
Etymology: Beef VS Cow. Latin VS Anglo Saxon, Ancient Class De-Marcation.
is that you?
No. I just came across this on the chute and thought it was poignant. I'm not even sure who this is.
>Identity Politics are only possible when people are pro-actively being forced into self-identification with these designated "identities" by the Political Apparatus.
"Identification" is a language trap of the Left.
For example, one does not "identify" as White, you either recognize you are White and part of a greater whole, or you do not. The Left allows people to "identify" as women when they are men (and vice versa), which is actually just men refusing to recognize that they are men. They even allow and encourage people to identify as different races, and sometimes species.
Politics revolve around what you are calling identity, but which would better be called perhaps group politics. Canadian politics are a group people recognizing that they are Canadian, working to create a border between Canada and the rest of the world, and working together as Canadians to protect their own interests as Canadians. Jordan Peterson accuses Whites of "wanting to play toxic identity politics" simply because we recognize that we are part of a greater whole and we want to work together to protect our unique group's interests (such as stopping the Marxists from exterminating us). He falsely equivocates Whites wanting to do so with Leftists engaging in class warfare in which they pit the "oppressed" (e.g. nonwhites) versus the "oppressor" (e.g. Whites) with the intent of destabilizing society and fomenting a revolution. Whereas the Left has no interest in the well-being of the "identity" groups that they either find or create, and simply use them as a means to an end, Whites on the right are not "identifying" as being White with the intent of destabilizing society simply to destroy it, we are simply recognizing we are White and acting to protect ourselves and our group form destruction.
I'll check out your video right now.
Pretty good video so far.
Bumping so I can comment on his commentary about Peterson's essay.
Look at this sole comment on the BitChute video.
>National vs internationalism... and yet these discussions are being held on the Internet! On the World Wide Web! Friends and enemies crossing the boundaries of nations. The culture is international now. Unless you have a separate language. But it's still liable to be machine translated.
Wow, we have the Internet now, I guess physical borders no longer exist and the physical world no longer exists. This is this Leftist argument: "The Internet exists therefore national borders no longer exist". Incredible.
>You talk about South Africa with concern... but you're not South African! Let them handle their own nation. Right? Since you're a nationalist.
Wow, having your own nation now means that you aren't allowed to engage in international politics and diplomacy or even have an opinion about genocide and torture of other human beings unless they're inside your borders. The leftist's actual argument: "If you want borders and discrete nations to exist you are not permitted to exercise empathy for human beings outside of your border, nor engage in diplomacy with other nations."
>Black actors cast as Hamlet. That's nothing new. Orson Welles directed an all-black Macbeth in 1936:
"Noticing your ongoing replacement by third world foreigners in your own country's cultural institutions is not allowed since someone once directed an all-black Shakespeare play in the 1930s."
Whiteness means nothing. Christianity is what is being forgotten. The European Commonwealth needs to reclaim its Mantle of "Israel", White people are Jews.
>Jews are "White"
is the current meme but it's backwards....because ALL White people are part of the Original Ancient Tribes of Israel, all descended from Adam and Noah and so Forth....
Jesus Christ: "those of you who say you are "Jews" but are not", Jesus is the Christ, Christian, from the line of Jacob of Isaac and Abraham,
The modern "Tribe" known colloquially as "Jews" is not "Jewish", they are a fragment of the Whole, the Whole was the Old Testament, The Torah, Hebrew, this is Christian...Christanity and Orthodox Jews (Modern Orthodox Jews who follow the Torah) and NOT the Talmud, are real Jews. All Christians are JEWS, all white people are JEWS, Y-EWS, Y(ou)s, we are all You's. The Modern "jews" spun off AWAY fromthe OLD teachings of Moses and the Written Law, the Old Testament, this is 100% ALL modern Christianity is part of the original WHOLE, of ISRAEL, the NATION of ISRAEL, and the Common Wealth of Nations, who were given the Birth Right and the Sceptre Promises of Jacob and Isaac etc.
Modern "Jews" are a separate Religion, who may or may NOT follow the Old WRITTEN LAW, the Torah or Old Testamant, they do however ALL follow the ORAL TEACHINGS of their own post Babylonian Rabbis, who rejected the OLD WRITTEN TEACHINGS, and broke off to create their OWN practice which employed specializations in LAW and MONETARY SYSTEMS.....essentially monopolizing the TRADE systems of the Late Roman Empire, and thus the Wars between "Judaia", (really Talmud Religious Sect) and State of Rome. Yet they had mutual inteerests of the "State" and the ADminisitratoin of the STate, but ultimately, CHRIST happened, and so here we are 2000 years later.
Where we have misplaced the term "Jew" onto this Talmudic Religion, of Babylon. Christ: You are not JEWS, but you are the Synagog of Sata
Watching the video, this is pretty amazing. This guy is describing how he went from being a moderate leftist, to a civic nationalist centrist, to now being a "pragmatic ethno-nationalist". He says it's "because he recognizes the problem".
The center really cannot hold.
>"The reason I've had to become an identitarian, is because everyone is defining me as White."
Exactly, though see the distinction here that I like to make between "identifying" and "recognizing": It's worth noting that the Left is defining you as White solely so that they can punish you for being an "oppressor", and that involves disenfranchising you of your civil rights in the name of "social justice", which is actually nothing more than them doing socialist redistribution of the power and wealth of Whites. The Left has redefined everything owned by Whites as obtained by theft ("privilege"), and thus socialist redistribution is demanded, including of our entire nations (which is being achieved by mass nonwhite immigration).
>Whiteness means nothing.
The White race is a genetic reality, this can not be disputed. You can swab you cheek and mail it in to a company and they can tell you what percent of your genes belong to the European haplogroups.
I agree that Jews are the Synagogue of Satan and are not "God's chosen" as they like to claim (Israel's blessing was passed to Joseph, not Judah).
Until "Whites" start to reclaim their rightful Title of Jews, as in the followes of both the Old and New Testament, and Christianity is brought back to the Supremity it had within the Houselhold and the Community---there will be no "Nation", because "Whiteness" is not system of Morals....Whiteness is residual, you just say "look, that's what White People do, and it's good, so it's good", wrong. That's what a strong CHRISTIAN, JEWISH (not TALMUDIC) people do, that is good. The entire "Jews are not white/white" is just a red herring. ALL JEWS are WHITE....there is no such thing as a NON-WHITE Jew, in the Correct Biblical understanding. ALL WHITES are descended from the Tribes of Israel, and Adam, and Japeth, Cain, etc. It is some of that original WHOLE of people who were taken captive in Babylon and then created their own spin off Religion which contradicts the OLD WRITTEN LAWS of Moses. Instead today, we are mislead to believe that "Moses" and the "Jews" are these Talmudic modern "Jews" that were captive in Egypt, and were given the Laws by Moses, NO, those are all modern CHRISTIANS, and those who have spun off of that are AGNOSTICS and ATHEISTS, which are basically just tools of the Devil.
>Watching the video, this is pretty amazing. This guy is describing how he went from being a moderate leftist, to a civic nationalist centrist, to now being a "pragmatic ethno-nationalist". He says it's "because he recognizes the problem".
>The center really cannot hold.
>>"The reason I've had to become an identitarian, is because everyone is defining me as White.
yea those were some of the reasons I posted this video. those quotes exactly, it is something I haven't heard yet.
>Until "Whites" start to reclaim their rightful Title of Jews
We are not Jews... Jew = descended from the tribe of Judah.
It's a good example of how Peterson's intelligent followers will inevitably end up on our side.
>It is some of that original WHOLE of people who were taken captive in Babylon and then created their own spin off Religion which contradicts the OLD WRITTEN LAWS of Moses. Instead today, we are mislead to believe that "Moses" and the "Jews" are these Talmudic modern "Jews" that were captive in Egypt, and were given the Laws by Moses, NO,
sorry I am being confusing here below
> those are all modern CHRISTIANS, and those who have spun off of that are AGNOSTICS and ATHEISTS, which are basically just tools of the Devil.
what I am saying is the "jews" who were captive in Egypt and who were given laws by Moses are Us, modern Christians.....they are NOT "Modern Jews"
it's confusing if You do not understand a lot of small idiosyncracies in this....but this precisely WHY it is so confusing and always confused me as a small child, because I couldn't process how all this stuff about "jews" "Moses" Egypt" "Romans" then somehow falsely connecting that to Babylonian Talmudic (Modern) "Jews"....this is the faulty connection, and it is why it is so confusing and never fully adds up unless you accept that ALL modern Europeans (White People) ARE "JEWS", and are the True original Nation of ISrael.....
why else do "Christians" all follow the Old Testament? why did Jesus say "you who are Jews but are not" it only makes sense and adds up if you TURN IT AROUND, and stop looking at it backwards
yet from WW2, we are all conditioned to think "JEWS" (modern Talmudic Religion) is the Captives of Egypt who were given the Written Law by MOses----NO NO NO NO NO! That is completely backwards.
This is why "anti-semitism" meme works so well, because you have modern "White" people (Europeans who were historically all actually ETHNICALLY CHRISTIAN~JEWS) thinking that "Jews" are the modern Tribe of Babylonian Talmudic Law Practicers. NO NO NO....all "White Europeans" are Jews.....all are "part of the Flock", whether they were from Japeth, and living up North as a "Religion-less" Viking, or not, they are GENETICALLY/ETHNICALLY JEWS>..."Whiteness is a red herring"
This is not accurate. Only you can discover for yourself what I know. I can't attempt to bring you to my understanding on here.
>what I am saying is the "jews" who were captive in Egypt and who were given laws by Moses are Us, modern Christians.....they are NOT "Modern Jews"
I actually agree with you, I don't think Ashkenazi Jews have any genetic lineage going to the people in the bible.
>all are "part of the Flock", whether they were from Japeth, and living up North as a "Religion-less" Viking, or not, they are GENETICALLY/ETHNICALLY JEWS>
B the word "Jew" means descended from the tribe of Judah. The word "Jew" isn't even actually in the bible, it was created over a thousand years after Christ came, and it means Judean, or a descendant of the tribe of Judah specifically.
>B the word "Jew" means descended from the tribe of Judah. The word "Jew" isn't even actually in the bible, it was created over a thousand years after Christ came, and it means Judean, or a descendant of the tribe of Judah specifically.
"Judea" was a "Nation" proper, like the USA, so people were citizens of "Judea", in the Time of Rome, just like Jesus was from "Galilea", Jesus was Galilean........Judea can mean multiple different things, it's not just being a member of the "Tribe" of "Judah", although it can be. You have think it in both a Biblical Context and Historical, Because the "Bible" is not just Canonical, it can also be used "Historically", and Geographically.
Contextually, and geogrpahically, "Galilea" was a "Country" directly above "Judea" (the Country), and Jesus was from the Tribe of paradoxically, Jesus was "judean" in your usage of the term, yet in his actual Time, he would not be referred to as "Judean", and if you referred to him as that, you would be inaccurate.
>"Judea" was a "Nation" proper, like the USA, so people were citizens of "Judea"
Yes, like a province (or whatever) in the kingdom of Israel, that was given to the tribe of Judah.
So why are you saying that all Europeans are "Jews", when it's a word that isn't even in the bible, and is used to describe only the people from one tribe (or region) of Israel the kingdom of Israel?
Pic related, kingdom of Israel.
>So why are you saying that all Europeans are "Jews"
Because all Europeans came from Adam. And bothe the Tribe of Judah and all other Tribes of Israel, came from Adam.
>Because all Europeans came from Adam. And bothe the Tribe of Judah and all other Tribes of Israel, came from Adam.
That's not a very good answer. Why not just call us Israelites, since it would cover all of the twelve tribes?
It doesn't make sense to refer to all of the 12 tribes' descendants as "Jews", when that word does not even appear in the bible, and was invented a millennia afterwards to refer specifically to those from the tribe of Judah (or at least from the Judean province in the kingdom of Israel).
but today we associate all "Jews" with this "Judea" that you are showing a Pic of......why? What does that have to do with this Pre Roman layout. Romans.....and Babylon came after. Talmud came after! All of that came after all of this Old Testament pedagogy. So why do we associate "jews" with this completely un-connected meaning.
Because I use the term pro-actively, I propagate the term in the way I want it to destroy the paradigms that you are used to associating to it. THat's why. It's not meant to be Historically or (some esoteric way) accurate, it's meant to be a simplification and a new usage of the Term. WE live now. And this happening NOW.
The meanings and cultural associations to words change over time and over changes in culture. You can either hang on to certain meanings or change them
>On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
>Psalm 62:7 ESV
none of what I say matters ultimately. I can only try and develop my Faith. Faith is not logical, it is not typographical or historical, or part of some FootNote in some Encyclopedia or Atlas.
>So why do we associate "jews" with this completely un-connected meaning.
Because the Synagogue of Satan adopted the term to deceive Christians:
>“When the word ‘Jew’ was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was ‘Judean’. However, during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international ‘pressure group’ created a so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ among the English-speaking peoples of the world. This so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word ‘Jew’. It is a misrepresentation.
>“The present generally accepted secondary meaning of the word ‘Jew’ is fundamentally responsible for the confusion in the minds of Christians regarding elementary tenets of the Christian faith. It is likewise responsible today to a very great extent for the dilution of the devotion of countless Christians for their Christian faith.
So, again, why are you interested in using a word that:
A. Only referred to the descendants of one tribe of Israel.
B. Was hijacked by the Synagogue of Satan to deceive Christians.
It doesn't' make any sense, and Whites are not going to start calling themselves "Jews", you are never going to be able to convince us to call ourselves what our enemies call themselves. Think about it.
>Because I use the term pro-actively, I propagate the term in the way I want it to destroy the paradigms that you are used to associating to it. THat's why. It's not meant to be Historically or (some esoteric way) accurate, it's meant to be a simplification and a new usage of the Term.
Alright, well this actually makes a lot more sense, you're trying to destroy the meme that our enemies created. I wish you luck, not sure how successful this will be, because I would not personally ever call myself a Jew, not even in the name of meme warfare, but I respect your effort nonetheless.
>I can only try and develop my Faith. Faith is not logical
Psalm 46:10
>He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
>I will be exalted among the nations,
>I will be exalted in the earth.”
he effectively embraces racial IQ premises to say that Jews are the natural overlords of the world, and that intelligence is linked biologically to egalitarian ideas, and that's a good thing. he gave away the game to ingratiate himself to the Jews, and accidentally ceded nearly every point the far-right makes about Jews.
In other words, it's not a conspiracy, they're just naturally smarter and more creative and don't like the type of societies that gentiles create without them, and gentile societies are better with their guidance and illumination. That he said all this completely unaware of what he did marks him out as a complete fucking retard.
We need to destroy identitarianism and start talking about race.
You're right, Peterson literally wrote that all of our problems with the Jews are because of their genetics, even their proclivity for far-left political involvement.
Sounds terrifying.
All white people 10 tribes, that fiction breh, it never happened, original jew are palestine-type semites, and whites come from the caucassus where there are no jews, at least in 5000BC, drop the fairytale already.
A diasporic condition leads one to seek to minimize the sovereignty, power, assertiveness... of the host majority within which one resides, as they're an existential threat.
Jewry is a movement based on a dogmatized extremization of said Diasporism, and has evolved into it ever more.
Most people simply dont understad the difference between Nation, Country, and Government.
Mainly because there has been a concerted effort to muddle these terms by multiple actors across the political spectrum.
>For example, one does not "identify" as White, you either recognize you are White and part of a greater whole, or you do not. The Left allows people to "identify" as women when they are men (and vice versa), which is actually just men refusing to recognize that they are men. They even allow and encourage people to identify as different races, and sometimes species.
good point
oy vey Jordan, who do you think is behind this?
he is authentic BUT (((they))) chose who gets promoted and lifted up into the media spotlight.
his following on YT is authentic, but if his position on the JQ was wrong: NO BOOK DEAL FOR BAD GOYIM
eh, weird. Usually when the MSM attacks Peterson with strawmans he wants to debate them 1v1, and calls them cowards if they refuse or ignore him, but if he does it to the right of him it's okay?
kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Why doesn't he just man up and debate Spencer or MacDonald if he is so sure of himself? What's he afraid of?
but it's nice that he finally revealed that he's a randian ancap and a race realist! thumbs up from me for at least that much of redpilledness.
how long is it?
They used to be referred to as Judeans (Someone who lived in Judea) and Judahites (Someone from the tribe of Judah, like Jesus and David).
Judea at the time fo Christ was an Edomite nation. King Herod was and Edomite and Judea had been Edomite since the time of Kings II in the bible.
Listening to this now. Man this guy is fantastic.
Thanks for posting this.