why do we never talk about the father of the alt right?
Why do we never talk about the father of the alt right?
because he isn't
because he unironically probably hates us
>literally advocates for white genodice
>father of the alt right
there is only one
because he's the puppetmaster of geopolitics and the alt-right is a minor cog in his machine
dugin has disappointed me
(((alt-right))) fags are a blight on the movement, they need to either just put their heads down like good little goyim and quit worrying about it or go all the way and quit worrying about what little bitchniggers will think about them for being muh ebil notsees
Last time I tried listening to this guy he sounded incoherent and unhinged.
should tell you about the controlled opp nature of it, desupai.
>1 hour+ video
Is it really worth watching? I know he has a really juicy and sought after geopolitical text that hasn't been translated into English yet but I couldn't care less for identity bullshit.
i have it
It's a Hungarian Jew. Whatshisname, Paul Gottfried? He dead
Basic gestalt? Anything interesting in there?
I subscribe to his Fourth Political Theory and spread his material. Katheon is a valuable resource.
he talks about a lot of things.
it's usually 2-3 pages about a subject.
for example i'm reading about his take of the demographics of russia.
he says ethnic russians are on the decline while those south to them are growing fast.
he says if things continue this way the russians will be living in some sort of rezervation, weak and without an empire.
his solution is russian nationalism. an emphasis on ethnic russian people and russian orthodoxy.
he says you are orthodox first, russian second and human third.
i watched it at 2x speed, he covers how dugin's ideas are being used as agit prop to spread russian imperialism across eurasia, he also has many quotes from dugins works in the 90s which mirror todays political discourse.
he comes to the same conclusions that adam curtis did in hypernormalisation, namely that postmodernism is being used to erode peoples sense of reality and tradition but supporting both sides of an increasingly divisive and extremist world view, possibly to create a revolution.
Stopped listening around the 3minute mark. Guy talking is a kike.
This is great news. If the Russians are aware of their demographic winter and fear the Chinese that pushes them to side with the West in the event of a major conflict, just like Carroll Quigley said in Tragedy and Hope.
My optimism: renewed.
I'll add it to my watch later list since it's late here. Sounds worth the listen.
>muh anti-americanism
Yet another anti-Dugin jew playing agitprop word games. Dugin is a unifier between west and east. For many centuries this has been a source of hysteria with British-Anglo / Jewish dividers. Particularly the case of keeping America detached from Europe. British-Israel benefits off a divided Europe.
this is a unifier to you? who is playing word games again?
I selected that word knowing specifically how much it triggers Jews. Damn, I am good.
I have him in my list of future readings.
What work of his should I read?
Here's an academic level interview with red ice from 2015.
you watched a 10 minute video in under 2 minutes?
babbys first troll job?
thank you friend
A lot of Glenn Beck trolls (mormons) in the comments hating on Dugin. This is how you know Dugin's Fourth Political Theory is great.
there is no movement you autistic fucknuckle
Is your buffer melting?
Dugin is mostly trolling in that short video clip. Particularly reversing liberal-relativism. Quite intelligent and humorous. Regarding his 'American' verbiage he is speaking directly about the British-Anglo Liberalism power faction.
You bet, friend. Also, check out his think tank katehon.com
I ordered his books. They are due to arrive within the few next weeks.
>there is no movement you autistic fucknuckle
Austria, Italy....... who's next?
This dude is a self-admitted troll.
God help the alt-right, if you consider him to be "the father" because nothing else will.
>muh respectability
>conservatives aren't supposed to use our own methods!
I mean, sure, continue to read the dude who wrote a bunch of shit to gain some irl lulz and profits, by all means, noone is stopping you.
Because Sup Forums doesn't want to admit where they come from.
As somebody who followed his work, he is a relative Occultist, who worships Negroids because they have their own special truth.
Hi Dugin is that your post. He is not father mother of alt right.
I don't think you're smart enough to be having this conversation, champ. I can tell some of the images I've posted flew way over your head.
Quoting a high level counter-liberal troll from 2002. Getting triggered by his troll like an 80 IQ brainlet. Some of you aren't cut out of this.
>nazbol pseudo gommie
>alt right
pick one you stupid fucking continentalist wannabe petrol huffing faggot
He also speaks with ghost and shoots thunder out of his ass.
Quoting a high level counter-liberal troll from 2002. Getting triggered like an 80 IQ brainlet. Some of you really aren't cut out of this.
None of you know what Duginism is if you're calling this cock sucker "alt right"
Because you read Russian right burger cunt?
Dugin doesn't sound like a russian name. Is he as russian as Stalin and (((Trotsky)))?
The al-Rite was a creation by Hillary Clinton it never existed do not talk about a fictitious organization that was meant to smear Donald Trump his followers us pretty much everybody on the right xcetera.
The people connected to the alt-right movement all had Jewish ties,
>fascist who doesn't believe in the rule of law
Chimp somewhere else Ivan
Keep LARPing richard.
Dugin is for people who already have a deep grasp of western history and how it relates to our current situation. This narrows down the pool of people who can understand Dugin by a lot. He loves trolling British-Liberals at their own game. So this makes it even more difficult for schizophrenic autist in the west to get behind him. They'll find old snippets of Dugin trolling way before some of these brainlets were born. Dugin is an intellectuals intellectual. You need to be smart, well learned on western history and socially normal to appreciate his genius.
Hey estonan go back to your baltic swamp. We can not take your shity tribe of slaves seriously. And learn Russian bitch!
now you're getting it