Romanian meltdown is imminent
I thought the moldives were disappearing due to global warming?
tfw Romanians are such treacherous cunts they even backstab their own.
The fact that Moldova is not already part of Romania is, for a non-gypsy human, fucking baffling.
These are the same faggots who religiously hold on to stolen land (Transylvania) but turn their backs on their very own, all because there is no gibs to be had.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The gist of it is - what's stopping the union is Russia and their 4000 km^2 military stash in Transnistria, the ethnic Russians in Moldova that Russia brought in to replace entire villages over the past two centuries, and the brainwashed russophile Moldovans that are being fed Kremlin propaganda daily about how union would be an invasion of the evil imperialist Romanians.
If Moldova was rich Austrian or Hungarian territory you can bet your ass Romania would be tripping over itself trying to attach said territory to Romania. However, since Moldova is poor as fuck, Romanians don't give a flying fuck about it. That's just fact.
Romanians are driven by free gibs, and not unconditional love for its people. This has been made painfully obvious.
Moldova's current president is Igor (which hint, is definitely not a Romanian name) Dodon is probably the biggest suckup foreign head of state to Putin and he regularly talks about the evil Romanians and their plans to annex proud independent Moldova who speaks the Moldovan language and was part of Romania only when the fascists brought tanks over the border. Here he is with a gift from Putin showing "Greater Moldova" (i.e. half of which is modern Moldova which was annexed by Russia in 1812 and endured two centuries of russification and half part of Romania)
forgot picture
>Romania would be tripping over itself trying to attach said territory to Romania
I live in the former capital of "Greater Moldova" and you see shit like "Moldova is Romania" all over the city. We have a shitton of Moldovans coming here to study either in secondary school or university because we give them free Romanian passports. But then again, the issue is not Romanians not wanting it, it's having this giant turd to the east called FUCKING RUSSIA along with their fucking policies of brainwashing the entire country.
and here is the situation from the other side
show your flag bogor.
here is a poster in Moldova saying "Love your language [i.e. """Moldovan""", not Romanian]; Love your country [i.e. "proud independent Moldova", not Romania]
wew lad
this one, again in Moldova, says "we want union with Romania", with "Russia" painted over Romania
What do you expect? That Russia makes propaganda to convince Moldavians that they are Romanians?
Russia owns that territory for centuries and you will only get it if you win a war against Russia.
Good luck with that. I doubt Romanians have the internal organisation to even start an invasion. They only hope to beg the West to give them free territory, which they wont do.
The West would take it for themselves if they could take it.
romasharts are the niggers of europe. They should all be hanged desu.
>The fact that Moldova is not already part of Romania is, for a non-gypsy human, fucking baffling.
Moldova has Transnistria, which has nothing to do with Moldavia or Romania. It was never part of Principality of Moldova or Bessarabia. It was added to Moldova by the soviets.
If they would let it go, there would be no problem in reunification.
> there would be no problem in reunification
Except for all the russophiles, ethnic russians and russia itself. Fuck off with your fake hohol country.
>what's stopping the union is Russia and their 4000 km^2 military stash in Transnistria
What does Transnistria have to do with Moldova/Romania?
Write a letter to Putin and ask him to remove all the russophiles from Moldavia.
That's honestly the best chance you've got, LOL.
Romanians don't care about Transistria, they do see it as an issue. But Moldovans do care about it, at least because the soviets decided to build all of Moldova's industry in that tiny strip of land that never belonged to Romania/Moldova, for this very fucking purpose you fucking muppet.
How ebil that Russians didn't build industry in Romania/Moldavia but only where Slavs live.
Most ethnic Russians and russophiles live in Transnistria, you dum-dum. And it's not because >MUH RUSSIANS REPLACED MOLDAVIAN VILLAGES. Transnistria was never Moldavian/Romanian.
As I said, if Moldavians want to reunify with Romania so much, then letting Transnistria go is the only way. Some old shitty soviet industry shouldn't be such an issue.
They are greedy fucks, they can't build it themselves so they must steal.
Bunch of gypsy merchants.
>if Moldavians want to reunify with Romania so much
They don't , because of [reasons I've been enumerating]
Yes, most, but that doesn't mean all, hence why they have a guy called fucking IGOR as their head of state
Again, what do you want Slavs to do? To go and brainwash Moldavians that they should be united with Romania?
To deport Russians from lands where their ancestors lived for centuries?
What exactly to you think can realistically happen?
Also you keep bringing up Transnistria, because it' supposedly your rightful territory and the ebil Romanain gypsy imperialists don't want to give it back. You can go ahead and give back Budjak and Northern Bukovina while you're at it, thanks.
>your rightful territory and the ebil Romanain gypsy imperialists don't want to give it back.
You've got something wrong here mate. We already own it. For centuries. And you are not getting it unless you beat our military somehow.
A war with Romania would actually be a good chance to conquer all land between Russia and the Carpathian mountain range, which is a good natural barrier against Western invasions.
Greater Gipsyland
Fuck off h*ngarian traitor
The Donald'd got Don'd.
Creepy photo of Obama.
Trump's comment on his daughter.
learn to change proxies not just flags you mentally challenged jew.
will BASED PUTIN send the guns to BTFO NATOcuckers???
>break-up of ussr
>every little piece of shit tribe like estonia is given a "country"
> fast forward 30 years
Here we go again....