White men vs asian gook "men"

white men vs asian gook "men"

>are less manly
>women have flat asses and no hips
>unoriginal and uninspired
>immoral and weak squeeky voices
>they all look the fucking same
>they will never do anything special in their fucking lives.
>loyal wives at least
>repetitive lives

>whites will and have constructed the most original and enlightened cultures
>absolute moral standard
>taller, manlier. propper beards
>less genetic diseases
>original white masterminds: newton,planck,hawking, mozart, higgs, sagan, bethoven, keppler, tesla, edison, frankling, davinci, shcrodinger, feynman,galileo, fermi, hooke, pascal, archimides, pythagoras, fucking euler, fermat, alan turing,gauss,shakespeare, marie curie,mark twain ,poe, dickens, alexander the great, hemmingway, vivaldi, my boy schubert, bach, darwin, coppernicus, rodin, bernini, bill gates, steve jobs, freud, edward bernays, dante alighieri, homer, euclid, aristoteles, plato,orwell, lovecraft,grahambell,pavlov, faraday, tim berners lee, archimides, alfred nobel,braille,helen keller,nash, flemming, pasteur, marcus aurelius,epicurus,charlemagne, dali, picasso, degas, henry ford, hertz, klimt, michelangelo, donatello, raphael, matisse,rembrandt, wozniak,james maxwell, the wright brothers,benajmin frankling, mendelev, hypocrates, nietzsche,sartre, hume, I could go on and on

>name me 10 enlightened slit eyed cunts

back to your factories gooks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Chinese use L and cannot use R and the Japanese use R and not L. Your picture is contradictory.

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Elaborate why you hate east Asians

A Jew made this thread.

Probably because he met some, that'll do the trick.

Aye, most are shitcunts, slimy like a Jew but with less tact.

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No. The chinks are the biggest threat to the west sincd the mongols

kys swedecuck Mongols were based

Asians are okay, but the chinese/korean tourists/students are a sight to see, they literally ALL look the same

The men all have slicked back hair and ridiculous looking harry potter glasses, and they're all about 5'6. The women all have ghost white faces and really red lips.

It looks retarded, they probably have no self awareness

t. Ching Shueng, chinese "immigrant"

Is this an asian?

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lol, insecure much?

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You mean are you an asian?

You look like a mutt slav fag

Die, dirty Jihadi narvhut,

Don't be mad OP, just go with the flow.

Asia was the past: the 2 richest countries the majority of the past 2,000 years were China and India (China the wealthiest country even in the early 1800's). China was also the most advanced and creative country on earth during that time.

Asia is also the future, I think that is pretty clear now.

You guys had your time, you could have been on top much longer than a mere 200 years or so but your egotistic and selfish nature ruined those chances.

East Asians are literally our closest ally.
They respect and like western culture.
They are civilized and industrialized.
Fuck off.

Don’t worry they have 17 cities that are empty waiting for you.

I only met like two chinese people and they were alright. I met one a long time ago and he was the nicest person I've seen.

How are they a threat?

It was strange since China wanted few things from the outside world and wanted to keep to themselves. Whites forced them open and corrected their negative trading deficit through exporting drugs into China. They were considered the Jews of the time. Now the situation is flipped to some ironic degree.

>You guys had your time, you could have been on top much longer than a mere 200 years or so but your egotistic and selfish nature ruined those chances.

Cultural Marxist ruined the western world. It's sad that if you went to London or Berlin the natives are a minority. You want to see people from that place not immigrants. The culture of the old days (60-70 years or so) are gone and replaced with a copied version of Hollywood culture.

So this pic is about shitting asians because they're smart, collectively stick together as a people and show it proudly? I bet some amerimutt kike who's butthurt about asians resisting racemixing made this.

Sorry about Anne, Ill put her to good use breeding my Asian children

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Wtf are these 'books'? Narnia dan brown what the fuck? AHAHAHA

the absolute state of asian intellectuals

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't like whites for being mean to me but oh well. I find peace in that the good wypipo generally hide their racism and don't really think about "race" that much. Only degenerates go on Sup Forums so there's that.

You look 12 go away

if that is you you are a complete retard gook, she will eventually see this and use it as an excuse to divorce your little dick gook ass

>I don't like whites for being mean to me but oh well. I find peace in that the good wypipo generally hide their racism and don't really think about "race" that much.
A lot of people are mean to me but I don't need to find no 'peace' in anything. You need this 'peace' because deep down you know these so called racists are right, you're genetically inferior to white people.

a chink made this thread and is replying to himself, sage

yep. Asians are alright

>Niel Gaiman
REEEEEEEE Stop ruining muh ancestry you god damn kikes!

read the post

salty riceball

Don't feel sad user. Not all people are bad

Well. He wrote vague stuff. I meant more like if he has a story.

yeah, it's my balls in your mouth.

Asian "men" are our enemies. They hate us as much as niggers and jews do

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Asian "men" talking about White males

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China has been long one of the richest, that is, one of the most fertile, best cultivated, most industrious and most populous countries in the world. It seems, however, to have long been stationary. Marco Polo, who visited it more than five hundred years ago, describes its cultivation, industry and populousness, almost in the same terms in which they are described by travellers in the present times.
Adam Smith

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Is this an asian

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Yes, he is a magical girl.

Peak humanity

not a single one of all you chinks can actually reply to the challenge of naming 10 praise worthy gooks.I kek at your vagina shaped eyeholes

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white women are scum imo

>reads in english

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whites are subhumans larping as a great race. anyway, if whites hate asia so much, why don't you isolate us?


Asian men (not Jungle Asian) are smarter richer and more stable than white trash

White women are waking up to this

This is the problem of these asian guys.
They hate the fact that asian women can and do date out like crazy while they don't even have a chance with asian women.
At the same time they hate hapas, but want a white women themself so that their children can look less asian.

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race mixing is a deviancy and treason especially when u give birth to weak happa mongrel scum.

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So white women might find the ultimate beta to marry when they are in their 30s?

All Asian """""men""""" are jungle niggers, meme-country.

>implying you wouldn't want to live in fake paris instead of real paris at this point

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This is what tiny dicked yellow "men" really think about White men

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>East Asians are literally our closest ally.

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says the half nigger

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Says the full jungle nigger.

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Then why are you on a website made by a gook man? Why dont you go to some other website made by white or jews?

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no need to be mad 'cause we're literally whiter than you. post hand

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she's a jew, obviously

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joder que te pasa colega, te robo tu chica un chino o por que traes tanto odio?

That chink is one stupid nigger.

Throw the chink in the ocean

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Bigger than the jews? I don't think so.

>muh skin

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none of you all can actually take the challenge and name 10 praiseworthy vagina eyes

Shanghai--Some expatriates from Europe and Africa complained to Shanghai Daily that they are always embarrassed about "ill-fitting" condoms in the city as almost all of them are designed to a standard Asian size, which may not fit them.


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I like turtles

t. jealous fat fuck

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Parodi is a faggot

If chinks are superior why do you live in a White country?

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Because their countries are pure shit.

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would you preferred if we just genocided everyone like you did?

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Why are you so angry about them? Also why do you care so much, its not like your country has many asian to begin with.

not my fault. my parents thought whites were superior or some shit

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>Because their countries are pure shit.
thanks to white men

Typical entitled chink subhuman. You chinks are identical to niggers

>muh white man oppressing me n shit

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