Doesn't the state of South Africa just make you fucking mad?

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No. Not my country, not my problem.

mad is not enough to describe my condition

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Yes because I know we arent too far behind them.

Mad is an understatement.

If only you knew how bad things truly are.

Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa

why do you say this, unless your a mud?

i have sympathy but i honestly dont think they should be there. they should be in their ancestral homelands. We like to talk alot of shit about others in europe and america and then alot of us here defend the existence of whites in S.A? Nah im not a hypocrite they should come home

no. I don't see blacks in SA (or other countries for that matter) as anything other than a natural disaster like a slow moving tsunami or a viral epidemic. When you stop seeing them as human it becomes much less frustrating to think about their constant destruction of civilization.

why hello every boomer

Its a standard shill response. Ive seen it more than 20 times in SA threads.

are you legit SAfag?

how many centuries does it take to be ancestral? what is more, a huge percentage of black South Africans are not natives to the Cape. This meme needs to die; SA belongs to the Boer just as much as it does to the Coloreds and Nogs.

I understand your sentiment bro and many South Africans feel as you do. Having said that our roots are more than 300 years old in this land. Our history, our culture, our heritage is tied to this land. We carved out an existence here for our people and the blacks hitched their wagon to our success. In 50 years if whites in the US are no longer a majority would you consider moving back to Europe, to your "homeland"? I doubt it bro, I think like any red blooded American you would stay and fight for your land, your people and your family. Its the same here. We are not refugees or economic migrants - we are white men - we do not flee from adversity.

Yeah dude. Cape Town fag

niggers never lived in south africa you gay faggot.

white went around talking to all the tribes in africa and found a place where NONE of them had EVER lived (south africa)
the literal entire point of south africa was that no nigs had ever lived there so whites could set up there and not have to worry about including them or having to "give back there ancestral land" in the future

dumb cunt, why dont you bother to do at least 3 seconds of research before opening your fucking mouth and talking about shit you have no fucking clue about

whites have been in africa for >600 years, if you think they should go back to europe then why dont you fuck off ut of america as well you stupid subhuman

why are americans so fucking retarded

>defy their motherland and reject her authority
>expect Europeans to help

Yeah, no. Fuck boers, fuck amerimutts. Former colonies aka traitors/rebells better fend for themselves. You've rejected Europe

my heart breaks for you guys. my wife is expecting (our first) but i have almost bought a plane ticket so many times. i know these are just words, and i know this is just a silly website but

we will not let you die. you have to hold on.

no. i'm pretty indifferent. they gave it away voluntarily instead of fighting for it. so fuck them and their nigger pets

hello world police. don't you have some democracy to spread around in the middle east?

is using your mom's computer a violation of the NAP?

Thanks bro. I had a tough convo with my parents yesterday about the shit thats happening here. They say we (me and my siblings) should start looking into emigrating. I told them Im not leaving them and my people here to suffer. They said that they have lived through this before and that they want their kids to live good lives in safety. Im torn...I want a life for myself and future family, but I cant leave...I just cant.

very related

no, because I bought it for her

are you a retard?
does my flag look american to you, you fucking idiot?

>being a retarded faggot
pick 1 and then pick the other one as well

breh we on the same wavelength just posted same vid

We're fucked lads. The blacks are never going to let us live in peace. They are just going to slowly make life here untenable - murder and rape us - until those who can leave do so, and the rest who can't, well god help them. Max 10 years left here for us, let's do our best to make it out with our lives.

We are the last whites of Africa, and regardless of what people may say on here, we are truly alone.

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It’s a prequel to what will, and is already happening in Europe, Canada, United States, and perhaps Australia. Of course it makes me mad. I don’t care who is behind it, I want them exterminated to a even greater degree then Carthage was.

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>apartheid overthrown by commie agent Nelson Mandela
>ANC installed under Comrade Mandela, pretty much just brutalises whites
>Mandela was a terrorist that literally killed whites and promoted it and he's emulated internationally for it
>current party leaders of the ANC are training militias to finish of the Boers in an upcoming civil war
>Boers are already being murked in farm massacres

My issue with it is that Boers are more native to South Africa than the Bantu shits that live there.

what has your flag to do with you wanting to police the world? that's literally not an argument

listen you dumb cunt 600 years is nothing compared to thousands of years. How would you feel if abbos decided to settle in an uninhabited piece of your shitty island? Would that be ok since no one ever lived there? The point is africa has always been home of blacks. Fact of the matter is is that the entire western civilization is on the precipice of disaster especially for whites. Now do you really think its a good idea for Boers to continue to live in a place completely controlled by blacks who just voted to seize their land while simultaneously facilitating murders of white farmers? Use your head retard and realize the stakes have been raised astronomically. They should save their families while helping to consolidate into white countries.
TL;DR: Fuck yourself

What about Rhodesia? That place was like Australia for the most part, a jewel of Africa. Now it's Zambia and Zimbabwe.

How did it come to this...

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>apartheid overthrown by commie agent Nelson Mandela
apartheid was in its core anti communist legislation. so they were right to lock up this nigger for decades.

this shit hurts me so fucking much. maybe escape is the best bet. look at this thread. children parading around as philosophers. whites are more concerned with looking tolerant and progressive as the kaffirs tear down everything they've been given. i have to build myself up, become worthy, but it is so fucking hard to not just drop it all and go full on Suidlander14. i think my wife knows. she hates when SA pops up in the news because it means empty bottles of scotch and tears. at some point the dam will burst. i just wonder what my country will do when they ANC starts up the choppers.

i know expressing emotion is a weakness. i know you guys are strong. i just hate that i can do nothing.

Guys there is no point in arguing over who was here first. The blacks dont care, the politicians dont care, the MSM dont care. This is a non issue. The only thing of importance is our slowly unfolding genocide. Theres no point in trying to historically reason with the enemy or among ourselves.

This is true but i mean there comes a time to look at the cost/benefit analysis and make a choice: Do i get my land stolen from me and my family and i get genocided or do i leave to a white western country?
Or do i fight a bloody civil war and lose because we dont have the numbers or the international support?

They even offered to let him out after a few years, all he had to do was denounce violence. He wouldn't do it.

because being the world police is an american thing

helping out white people so your race doesnt get genocided isnt being world police you fucking cuked memflag faggot

cant wait to see the white farmers get massacred isis style

Ok chang

He blew up an electrical grid so it's not like they locked him up for being a nigger either

This is like saying Sweden belongs to the Italians because they are on the same continent. There were barely any Nigs in SA and they were being killed by the dark skinned bantu (such as the zulus) and the whiets protected them.

When SA prospered, the bantu came down into the SA for work opportunities given by the white man.

Most of the niggers in SA have less heritage and ancestral claims than the whites there. They were given work and now pretend they have been there all along. Another example of whitey helping the negro and getting fucked over for it.

Who knows how things will unfold. This country is a fucking powder keg right now. Anything could set it off. We are on a knife edge.

In hindsight, agreeing to share the "Rainbow Nation" was fucking insanity. We should have split into a separate country when we still had bargaining power. No we have to live with the mistakes of our fathers. It's bullshit but it is what it is. For now I'm just focusing on waking up my friends and family. Too many whites still think that everything is fine.

Escape and a new life out of Africa is the only logical choice.

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i agree, i just want whites to be in countries with alot of white people. I dont want you and your families to be genocided. You guys would do some much better in any other white country. Literally any other one. It would help the west out too, mutually beneficial for everyone

This. A thousand times this.

I'm not thrilled about it,I can tell you that.

thats mr chang to you, now pay your rent

The sympathy of whites is our greatest gift and our greatest curse. We are learning that these days.

What should happen:
Europe and USA break up South Africa and carve a piece out of it for the white farmers. Blacks are moved to their part and whites to theirs. Europe and the USA guarantee its security like we for Israel.
It's never going to happen, the kike media won't allow it.

The best somewhat realistic outcome: whites from South Africa resettle into Australia, Europe and the USA. Pretty unrealistic as well, since the kikes don't want white immigration.

in a way, it is a parallel to the plight of the Boer: give up the land and escape or die for what is yours by blood? if we lose our sympathy, we will be no better than chinks.

Saffas need to turn back to Jesus

The problem is they are hardcore calvinists. You're Gods people (if you are saved) but stop acting like you are literally descendent of the 12 tribes, because you cant prove that.

you dont need international support if you have the Lord's support.

You should emigrate. I have been living in South Africa the last year and am marrying an afrikaans woman to rescue her from the impending apocalypse, SA is gonna be the new Zimbabwe

Yeah 100% true. The difficulty (at least for me) is that emigrating would mean leaving loved ones behind. Unless refugee status is granted somewhere my parents will not be allowed into another country. They are retired and would be a burden on a foreign country (something Saffas are vehemently against). Could you live with yourself knowing your loved ones and your people remain in the worst type of danger?

hence why i think they should leave. It will never get better with apartheid being abolished. America is a similar example except the difference is we finished the job with the indians. We came and we fought a war for hundreds of years until there were none left. Say the civil war kicks off and the boer kicks ass (they would) do you really think that other countries wouldnt intervene on the blacks behalf? Its a lose lose lose situation. Better to save white lives and get off the dark continent

Delusional whites not doing anything about it because they'd rather face actual communism than be called a racist makes me mad OP.
Nigs nigging does not.

*suid afrika

Its just a deep depression that spreads from the continent.

if the (international support) is not arming you but arming your enemy then yeah that makes things grim

I have zero empathy for Afrikaner/Boer South Africans. They are directly responsible for this.

Apartheid fucked up SA for good. Instead of creating separate micro-states and allowing the blacks to live and work in South Africa, the proper thing to do would have been to partition the country between the races like India was between the Hindus and the Muslims.

Moreover, when the Afrikaner nationalists came to power in 1948, they virtually halted all European migration to South Africa because they were afraid that the non-Afrikaner whites would vote for non-Afrikaner parties. South Africa could have had a much larger white population today if the fucking Boers weren't so Jewishly tribalistic and insular.

Anglo Saffers are alright. But Afrikaners are scum who deserve everything that's headed their way.

This. And also whites' deaire for morality and intellectual honesty, as seen even on this discussion.

Going forward, we need to understand that there is only one principle - what is good for white people. Thats it. If that changes from Monday to Tuesday, then we change with it. Unapologetically. When it changes back om Wednesday, we change again. We are the only ones applying universal standards to ourselves, and it will literally lead to our extinction.

Who the fuck would write "Zero empathy for whites in shithole South Africa", this is literally Hillary typing what she thinks the alt right is, this is ridiculous

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no i couldnt. I dont blame you one bit honestly

you sound like a mixie that hates whites

No, just kike-tier Afrikaners. Apartheid was the most anti-white thing to have happened to SA for the reasons I described.

>hence why i think they should leave.

They can't though, isn't that the main issue. Nobody will take them in. How do you pack up your whole life, family and friends and just go to another country.

The news here shows you starving African nations, such as the congo and their need for aid. Yet their issues are by civil conflict and corruption. They are of their own making.

White South Africans get no media coverage. Nobody even knows what's going on. It's a right wing nazi conspiracy apparently.

wht fuck up kind of flag is this

Yeah the Afrikaners were keen on protecting their power. I dont blame them for that. History is dead anyways Ausbro. Sorry to say it but at this stage I firmly believe anyone who attempts to divide the white man on historical precedence should be treated as a kike shill.

this. he is a NEET faggot that is being edgy

The whole thing is a fuck show, you would think after Rhodesia the shit skins would realize what happens when you kick out / kill all of the whites..
yet here they are driving off the cliff taking everyone kicking and screaming.. Also, the Boer belong in SA, If it wasn't them it would have been another European sea power... either way, the niggers have no right to kick them out and apartheid has always been a part of SA.. only got the name when it became independent

Well while the shitposting continues actual Ausbros are doing their part to show support.

Pic related is the second March for South Africa protest coming up. First one in Brisbane was well attended and Aussie politicians were surprisingly based about the whole thing

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So when are you packing up and moving back, you dumb fuck. They're the ONLY ones with a claim to that land. The bushmen were a small group of hunter-gatherers, akin to indians in the USA. The bantus aren't native and weren't even in the cape colony. Fuck off, faggot.

I'm just saying that the likes of Verwoerd and Vorster had no foresight, but operated out of pure tribalism. The only half-decent leaders of ZA have been Smuts and maybe De Klerk.

Perhaps. But theres not point reminiscing about what could have been. Like I said history is dead - we have to maintain this mindset or (((divide and conquer))) tactics will continue to plague us.

How can we help? Marches are good for social awareness but don't do much. What specifically do you guys need from the outside?

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legit question: are there any International Brigades forming up? I know transit will be really hard given the jewery but is there any planning at all?

i've been tracking it. Aus is so confusing to me. melt all their guns, but always do better than the US in terms of Solidarity. puzzling.

Ouch Man
Those feels. If I could I would move y'all en masse to Texas.

Well I think at present the lack of awareness is the main issue. By all means if you want to prep for a happening go ahead but that wont amount to much if everyone around you is blissfully unaware of what is happening here. Marches offer the opportunity for MSM coverage which is desperately needed. If I was a burger Id focus on getting our situation into your public discourse. Our situation plays well into the culture war unfolding in the US, you can help us by raising awareness and simultaneously expose the madness of the left who will undoubtedly speak out against whites in SA.

> Are there any International Brigades forming up?

I think people are making efforts to prepare. The more awareness we can raise now the better our chances when SHTF

Ahh yes. I agree with you. The English should never had conolized south africa and even if they did then they should have kept with apartheid. Which was a very good system for everybody. Now that apartheid is abolished, everybody suffers.

I admire you guys for wanting to fight for your land, but at least 8.5% of the population or wherever you're at, is there even a chance? If open war breaks out, I really hope we'll see "international brigades" like during the Spanish Civil War, except this time it's white nationalists from across the globe coming to support their brethren.

Good luck, m8. Just don't be stupid about it, and if things turn sour beyond the point of salvation, just make sure to issue a tactical retreat instead of just sticking around to die on principle.

Okay. We'll raise awareness.

Namibia has a similar white population as a % of the population as South Africa. Why isn't anything happening there?

this is an excellent question.

There is that big group of people I have seen who have weapons, they have trucks that grow food in them and an emergency system. I can;t remember who they were but they were prepared to be on the move, make camp and fight.

I'm just guessing but I think that Nam's very low population density makes it easier to keep thing stable.

Suidlanders. They are a Civil Defense organization.

Indeed it does user, indeed it does

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Maybe SA will be the spark that kicks off the global race war

We can only hope.

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Trust me we have a more than a chance. Whites in Africa have always faced enemies that vastly outnumber them and we have always triumphed. We may be outnumbered 10 to 1 but there are very few blacks that participate in political or societal action. They have no agency or motivation - add to that their absolute retardation and Id say we have a great chance.

See vid for an understanding of how blacks react under fire.



The fire rises

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RSA, our flickering candle

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kek, believe me I know all about niggers. I'm from Philly and my parents and grandparents were from Camden untill they had to flee due to the influx of niggers and puerto ricans (aka spic-niggers). I know all about how niggers act and how they can't organize worth a damn.

Still, they control the government, and that's a dangerous situation to be in. At least Rhodesians were fighting to maintain their position at the top, so they had that going for them.

Fuck off, the entire world should belong to whites

Fear of a White Planet