Why would she choose you over this?

Why would she choose you over this?

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Because i treat her well

I swear to God my dick is also that big, I just wouldn't be crass enough to show it like that.

Remember that the report field sometimes works.

because she has brain damage

also saged

Because i'm a nice guy.

What are you talking about?
That is me.

Mine looks about the same, and doesn't come with eye punching or tire burning

pretty small...

1) i have bigger dick
2) im not a monkey


Oh dear....

Why is always a German?

Because living with a person without becoming enemies is a challenge especially when you're a nigger and being a human dildo doesn't change that. Sage

Pic related...

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most white women find niggers disgusting lmao get real

Actually on a deeper level this is the problem.

> Burn coal.
> Coon leaves
> Gov pays for you to bring up the niglet with tax payer money.

If there was real risk involved they would not take it. At least not so often.

Because I don't squirt AIDS.

The real question is : Why would *I* choose HER over this?

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Because I’m not a nigger

>If there was real risk involved they would not take it. At least not so often.

Because im not a nigger.

because i treat her like shit and im 6'2

Because women are attracted to that which has value

Because I have a job.
Money talks
Bullshit walks

Cause thats either fake or that man hasnt had non painful sex in his life. Im just a bit bigger than average and I already need girls to be really well lubricated for it not to hurt me.

*Blocks your path*

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Hapa poster chan, you bring shame to your Asian parent.
An hero yourself and you may be reborn as a pure Asian, but you have lost all honor in this life.
>t Asian Dad

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Because I have a bigger dick.

Son. A donkey has a bigger dick than a nigger and yet nobody worships them as the superior race. You know why? Because they obviously are inferior. Just grow up and stop being such a materialistic jackass and read some of my parables.

Am cisgirl. I do not like black guys romantically/sexually, sorry to say.
And when it comes to penis size, there comes a point where it gets too big.
So ideal range is 4 to 7.5 inches.

SHE can choose whatever she wants.
Being a single mom or a respectable member of society. Sluts tend to choose the first option.

Id choose an average sized cock anyday because sex is more fun that way. Forces you to get creative and engage in different ideas


This man has the biggest cock in the world.

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You tell me, nigger.

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Because white people are way more attractive on average than niggers, I'm an 8 when I put the effort in and I'm much better than a 10 out of 10 nigger. And please don't respond with light skinned niggers they don't count

That guys in federal prison for one thing. And even if he wasn’t, his career prospects would be McDonalds

my wallet is much thicker than this nigger’s wallet.

Positive human energy not corrupted by sin and degeneracy

wow, a dildo has more to offer, a dildo doesnt go soft or borrow my car

>tfw no kween

death to Mecca and Jerusalem.
May this happen in our lifetime

best post

my dick produces smart good looking kids,his does not

my dick is attached to a good earner,his is attached to a nigger

>Why would she choose you over this?

im not a nigger.


Because she's a privately owned sex doll


Finally mods doing their fucking job

Because i'm cuter, have a tail and a massive knot that no human can even compete with.

Hey bb, whereabouts you located?


sh-show knot pls

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>leaving the thread up to attention whore

tits or BBC

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victory! we have victory

So you can identify me by the veins and hit me with rolled paper until i leave the computer?

>bbc lover
Based cuck

Mods aren't based. They leave up a million shill threads but make it known that these threads get people banned.

Mods are faggots

You do realize BBC is essentially a myth(on average 1.71% difference -- 5.71" vs. 5.81" but I am sure the smell makes it totally worth it lolz) and all it does is destroy the vast majority of nigger's confidence to the point whores refuse to accept $$$ from niggers because they chimp out when they reveal their truth. It's fucking hilarious that the only supposed "advantage" for niggers is that they get extra helpings of insecurity lol

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Broasting in epic Tedd

Now Let's hope that Mods start trying to ban shills and baiters

He could of soo much better

Nigger got banned.


We did it reddit!

Put me in the screenshot famalamadingdong

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Because 80 IQs aren't sexy?
Because 4 times higher chance of killing my child or getting them killed with nigger level beatings/intelligence isn't sexy?
Because more STDs than any other race isn't sexy?
Because hitting the cervix is comparable to the same nerve pain as a kick to the balls and that means too much length exists?
Because pencil dicks aren't appealing and thick white sausages are where it's at?
Because niggers only like butt stuff and some women aren't into that shit?

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>reading comprehension

this is a photoshop, right guys?

>unable to detect sarcasm or ironic posting
jesus christ

I am gonna grab your snout so hard

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Based mods

Its all so tiresome

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There was actually a lower population of unwed mothers before pregnant unwed mothers were given government support.

Give free shit for things and those things show up more.


>op got banned for his shitpost
based mods

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>Why would she choose you over this?
because the government will bail her out with my taxes when the nigger inevitably moves on to another better looking dumb bitch!

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Thank you mods, please keep banning the shills.

Accurate. Not to mention most women aren't impressed with "dick pics" because that isn't their end all be all like such things(visual stimuli - Not dicks lol) are for men. Seriously, outside of size queens who 95% of the time are "sizable" themselves and/or nymphos who make for a horrible partner in all things outside of the drunken(oh shit why does it burn and my sac, soul and self-image all feel emptier now[doesn't apply to desperate virgins as much, fwiw]I feel empty) one-nighter.

>shitposting and trolling on any other board is just that, trolling

You're either ignorant or a kike yourself.


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When did I imply this was shilling funded by Soros? Or any of that sentence?

your kneejerk reaction to call anything you don't like, any shitposting or trolling "shilling" is pathetic, thats all im saying
it makes you look like a fucking programmed retard of the highest grade
now you can start slowly moving the goal post, i don't care, we're done

>I don't care, we're done
Typical *ignorant* American.

>Typical *ignorant* American.

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You think memes, with the vast majority of the best pro-Trump ones emanating from this board, mean little to nothing? You best tell HRC and the DNC quickly because they are still to this day wasting millions trying to hinder the meme effort here despite continual failure. So, you are either ignorant, paid shill, or someone too stupid to get paid for shit he is going to spend his time doing regardless(or some sort of cucked to the nines combo).

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Typically those results are ''self-reported'', so really they can't even be relied upon.

If I knew what ignorant meant I would be very, very mad you tea sipping, human paraquat who was birthed from a cockatrice egg!!

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Mate she’s like a 9/10