Russia on suicide watch.
Inb4 Kremlin paid shills working from a troll factory arive.
Russia on suicide watch
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Damn that was quick, how much krokodile did your promptness score you?
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>diplomats processing visas and consulate papers are spies
>let's ignore the Pakistani spy ring that penetrated deep into the sloppy loose anus of Congress
Go to sleep Putin
the russkies have been at this game long enough that they planned for this, and youll only expel the ones they allow you to
>Britbongs so retarded that they think the Russians would use embassy staff as spies
That's UK-tier bullshit.
just start WW3 already you pussies
Russia keeps provoking us until we'll chew their asses off. Putin gotta go.
UK is collectively busy sucking muslim cock.
they are big mouth cowards
i hate this bish and everything she stands for.... would side with russia 10/10 times based on current state of things. you should be ashamed, faggot.
>GCHQ-bot projecting
I am just the opposite. I view Russia as our eternal enemy and and enemy to freedom-loving peoples around the world. It is time now to increase the sanctions on the Russian terrorist state and choke to death.
The inside edges of these doors look shit
About fucking time. Death to Russia.
This is just bullshit. Show us the proof already. Iraq/ Syria allover again except this time who actually cares about a snitch getting poloniumd.
>literally 0 proofs
classic "justice" of the western pigs
Putin really makes these "leaders" skin crawl.
Putin sucks off dogs
Tfw my shithole pandering to the UK kaliphate
I am so sorry Russia, everyone thinks our gubmint are being huge faggots.
You tell him Ahmed.
Putinbots have no power.
For having no power you cucks sure are getting upset.
Oi, where is your Sup Forums posting permit?
How will Russia recover from some diplomats being sent home?
These UK cucks do not realize we are going to force their government to censor them!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
I don't like Brits but I hate Russians more, so on net this is good news for me.
How is sending bunch of diplomats home supposed to hurt Russia?
>would side with slavs who made videos dropping nukes on the US over Anglo allies
Go away rusBot
Drumpfy is on our side and you inbred MAGAtards are getting shit on left, right and centre.
You're not pandering to the UK. It was essential that Poland, Romania and Croatia respond to this in some ways because we are the key countries of the Three Seas Alliance. We're building this alliance as a defence against Russia (and western Europe, in case it's completely taken over by insanity) so we would have eventually turned a cold shoulder towards Russia with or without this Sripkal poisoning excuse.
"Drumpfy" has nothing to do with this. We are acting on a geopolitical level. We are forcing your government to suppress your freedom of speech.
Figures the Zionist kike puppet would close consulate. No proof, no nothing, only some dried up cunt REEEing from acroos the ocean.
>all these Russian shills screeching ITT
>We are forcing your government to suppress your freedom of speech.
You're not forcing anything except a watery shart into your diaper, magabitch. You russianbots might not understand how international relations work but when an ally is attacked with chemical weapons, you usually respond.
You mean spies.
>and western Europe, in case it's completely taken over by insanity
I think you're wrong about that, our leaders are just being the eternal stableboys. This reputation is well deserved.
You claim we are "Russianbots" and that we "might not understand how international relations" and so on but you cucks still are on the defense. The fact people still remember the lies of Iraq and WMD's make it difficult for you to pull the wool over the publics eyes by providing no proof. We are never going to stop and you have no defense other than censorship. We know this and will force your hand to either give up your trash agenda or impose censorship. Censorship only angers the population and with all the other social and political issues in the UK/EU this only will further disenchantment with your policies. All we have to do is no buy into your lies and keep pressing forward as we are now. This is only going to get worse for you.
Yes England was attacked with chemical attack.
It's not that a Russian traitor spy was killed in a shady 007 attack, no muh Russia has attacked British people.
I wonder why nothing happens when muslims kill civilians.
Well, probably that Russian guy is was worth more than all the britbongs killed by the mudslimes
"You" aren't doing anything you larping bitch. The same people who were anti-Iraq war are now on the warpath with Russia, and there's nothing you can do about it. Neocons wanted the Iraq war, leftists didn't. Neocons hate Russia, lefties do too.
If the UK is getting so worked up over their being called out for "WMD" lies what are these cucks going to do about our non-stop editing and trolling with the coming royal wedding photos? These niggers are a fucking joke.
>expel diplomatics
>this somehow "dismantle"s russian intelligence
You niggers are so stupid to think we give a shit about Russia. Our only interest in Russia is how much they bother you faggots. If you idiots would stop blaming Russia for every hangnail and acted realistically we might start attacking Russia ourselves but as long as Russia makes your skin crawl we are going to allow them to fuck you niggers up.
Honestly, Russia could nuke the UK/EU over the map and I would not care. You idiots deserve to die and either at the hand of Islamist or Russian nukes the more you suffer the better. The way you morons have acted over the past few years has guaranteed a mountain of hate will be poured on you for the next few decades without relief.
I could not care less about what Sup Forums thinks of us, given that 90% of American posters literally look like pic related.
So there was a network of Russian "Spies" that 24 western countries knew about, but suddenly only became a problem worthy of deportation after the alleged poisoning?
None of this makes any sense.
jis that's one ugly ass mongrel
We will push your buttons and that of your governments until you collapse. We literally have no limits to how far we can or are willing to go. Demoralization as a political and social tool is too powerful for your anti freedom of speech societies. You can not withstand the longterm pressure. You idiots can not handle the short term pressure. Freedom always wins and we know how to use it against you.
What does this mean for Russia? Is it bad?
We know
We are just having a fun with the faggot.
*tips fedora*
Right, big boy. Enough larping for you. Time for a diaper change, isn't it? Wow, you made a big stinky today, didn't you?
Shart in mart
Ow no like 150 Russians will have to go back home. Will Putin ever recover?
Our leadership has gone bonkers acting on presumption. Their judgement is questionable. I cannot trust questionable judgement.
> But I still back Brexit. Tricky. A protest vote?
Vote UKIP!
The UK needs to be nuked ASAP.
Fuck those gay cunts.
Allies > Axis. Always
shoulda gone to hammonds
Japan and Italy are axis and I will take them over the UK any day. Fuck Merkel.
Nobody cares what you think, MAGAtard. Get back in your diaper.
Not knowing that part of modern day embassies is sharing and trading knowledge with host country. American education
23 countries apparently
Stop ruining the reputation of the pirate flag you fucking russian shills. Use the deus vult flag or something, you are a cuckstian country after all.
No, I'm not wrong at all. It's why the US is the main external partner, and not some western European country. Far against near. Western Europe is a potential future threat. Russia is a present and potential future threat. You can't ally with either. The US on the other hand is on the other side of the planet, and its geopolitical interests align with ours on this matter, so it's a viable ally. We want this alliance to protect ourselves from external aggression from Russia and (potentially) western Europe. The Americans want this alliance because it keeps the Germans and the Russians separated.
Exactly. Why would any country use the international legal protections of diplomatic immunity, and associated protocols, to engage in illegal espionage! Isn’t that right, my “burger” friend (certainly not VPN’d Russian shill)
>you fucking russian shills.
They're not spies if they're broadcasting "HEY, I WORK IN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE, PLEASE KICK ME OUT"
>lets fight freedom haters by restricting their freedom
Jew detected
Canada does it legally.
>they really want to sweep the rapes under the rug
great DNA. lol
The noun is "inbred", not "inbreed" you illiterate Slav.
exactly the same shit,you pedo inbreed defective human
what's noun?
Good riddance.
The Russians fucked up Communism, now they're trying to fuck up Capitalism.
I detect a certain Montenegron
So the deep state really wants this war, huh?
>still no evidence
wtf are they eating?
WTF! I hate Russia now!
what did the post say?
> but when an ally is attacked with chemical weapons, you usually respond.
Who do you work for?
Oh yes Russia would do this when it could be linked back to them for no reason, logic or reality (you have nine) but because Putin is "flexing his muscles"
In the West you can blame Russia for anything without proof, you only have to say it's Putin "flexing his muscles" and you are buy into it.
It's not like Mossad have the ability to create these weapons and have a history if overseas assassinations. It's not like Israel are mad at Russia for their involvement in the Middle East.
No, of course not, that would make some sense but instead it's just Putin.. flexing those muscles again LOL.
I'm a concerned and informed British citizen
Another textbook shill line. I think you are British government. But it could be any other five eyes country. And then the rest of the other 23 who are controlled by the (((USA))).
>Putinbot delusions
Do you suck off dogs too? Vladimir Putin licks doggy dick
>Another shill line
that's how espionage works. they always know who they are, but they don't know what they're up to and the game is to find out without giving yourself away.