
>killed at least 64 people

>41 of them children

>“They told me: Can’t do it. Everything has to be according to regulations,” Lillevyali recalled. “My girls were left to burn because of the g-----m regulations.”







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Other urls found in this thread:


>“They told me: Can’t do it. Everything has to be according to regulations,”

They couldn't do what?

Laughing at children dying. What a truly pathetic person you are.

Israelies are pussies. Israelies are weak weak people. Both mentally and physically. Netanyahu, for example, is a pussy ass bitch. He has no balls at all. Why are jews so weak? Why do Jews kill women and children? Inncocents? Because they are weak. Fragile, degenerate losers.

>Hot sale in Russia

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that's not funny you bloody bastard

>An interview with Alexander Lillevyali published by Meduza, an independent outlet, recounted his attempts to save his daughters from the burning theater while first responders geared up and struggled to commit to a single course of action.
>“They took three minutes — three f---ing minutes! — to put on their masks,” Lillevyali said, with tears in his eyes.
>The firefighters initially followed him to the staircase leading to the theater, he said, but they were redirected by a man who told them of another fire. He then begged them to give him a mask so he could return to the theater and save the girls himself

>A woman named Yevgenia told the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that her niece Vika called her at 4:11 — right after the fire broke out — from the movie theater where so many of the children from Treshchevsky found themselves trapped.
>“She told me that everything was on fire, that all the doors were blocked,” Yevgenia said, struggling to overcome her tears.
>Vika told Yevgenia over the phone that she couldn’t breathe. “I told her: Vika, take off all your clothes, take them to your nose and breathe through them.”
>“Please tell Mom that I loved her,” Vika replied, “Please tell everyone that I loved them.”
>That was the last Yevgenia heard from her niece.

Ummmm, sorry sweetie, maybe these scum shouldn't hack or poison our people??

>Ummmm, sorry sweetie, maybe these scum shouldn't hack or poison our people??
Mossad poisoned that person and mossad hacked the election. You people are pure evil. What the fuck.

link to a virus?
what was the regulation?

>laughing at dead whites

t. kike

You've lost your humanity, and frankly deserve every bit of what is happening to your country.

>Britbong preaching fire safety

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who cares

majority of them were churkas anyway

I fucking hate your shit 1984 Mohammed country so much

He's a kike, his country is Israel, not the UK

>da joos

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sure these children did it you are sick

Are we so partisan now that you can draw enjoyment from the loss of 41 lives?

Check yourself.

>shilling for jews
>laughing about dead whites

really makes me wonder who's behind this post.

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Jewish attack

A double agent and his spawn are fair game. Hell even America kills agents who flip. 64 children? Not so much

I wonder who blocked the exits...

>41 of them children

You Brits really deserve to get nuked by Putin.

>be britcuck
>get home from a 18 hour job ensuring 45% of earnings go toward supporting abdul's 3rd wife
>wife tells me our 6 year old daughter was raped by mohammed as part of daily enrichment
>cannot express displeasure or the thought police will come
>go to computer room, call up local council
>"oi yes i'll have 30 minnits of internet time bruv"
>hold internet licence up to government-mandated in-home cctv cameras
>internet boots up
>log on
>"41 children die in russian mall fire"
>rush to Sup Forums
>"haha fucking ruskis btfo"
>laugh heartily as Abdullah al bin burkah breaks into my house and rapes my wife
>another glorious win for the queen

A terrible tragedy. Do the Russians have decent regulations when it comes to like fire exits, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, etc?

No these kids dindu nuffin, but Russia has been acting as one big nigger. Remember when they shot down the MH17 plane and tefuses to apologies or even acknowledge it when all the ecidence points to them, or annexed and started a war in another country. Fuck them this is karma


Someone call the internet police on Muhammad I bet that comment would earn him 10 years

dying in a fire is still better than being groomed and sodomized at the age of 6, but pointing that out in Britbong would be racist now wouldn't it?

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Eh, Russians killed several Oz kids in the shot down plain and then denied it constantly.

Fuck them.

>all these bleeding heart nationalist and right wingers who call for genocide every hour

>all the ecidence points to them

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You're an idiot, no worse than that, you're a piece of shit and a fool for buying into the anti Russian propaganda
fuck off back to where you came from

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Stop being a dickhead Ahmed.

You see how nice BIG and over regulated government beats free market!

Pres T to throw shoe at edgy Anglo mahmoud.

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>You Brits

Yeah, Ahmed makes it easy for you to treat us like shit, as usual, but the actual Brits aren't falling for this fucking anti-Russian crap. We'd rather our pathetic government eradicate the "people" in grooming gangs etc.

>be crap airline
>fly over warzone to save money
>get shot

I still don't get why the putinfags on this board act so fucking pompous. You live in a fucking second world country thats a shithole.

Imagine being this retarded

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same brit, same thread, same pasta, have a (You)

>If you don't want WW3 with Russia you are a Russian spy

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>russians started the trouble in ukraine

Fuck off RIDF

shame about the kids
>I wonder who blocked the exits...

Attached: jewish man asks for more shekels.jpg (697x452, 58K)

>russian government murder a traitor
>we should burn innocent children in revenge

You should have been expelled alongside the diplomats you gormless cunt.

Which plane? The one with all the Poles on it? Or the one the Ukies shot down?


>Grenfell Tower fire kills dozens thanks to British regulations
>laughs at Russian regulations for doing the same.
Britbongs, you aren't better.

>Anglo degeneracy at work
Nothing to see here, just sage and report as usual
And never forget that Bongs are the white Jews

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We didn't burn the children or have shit do with it retard, Russians did as usual. Just like they false flag and kill so many other people constantly so grand midget wizard putin can wear his big boy pants

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Ban assault fires, jet fuels can melt steel children

Britons confirmed for absolute fucking subhumans.

What gets me is that people honestly think a SAM team can tell the difference betweek a military jet and a civilian plane at 30,000 feet. Absoloute brainlets.

>t. mongoloid

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
A Кpышa, кpышa, кpышa пылaeт.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
Кpышa, кpышa, кpышa пылaeт.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
Кpышa, кpышa, кpышa пылaeт.
We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn.
Haм вoды нe нyжнo, пycть cгopит этoт ypoд,
Burn motherfucker, burn.
Bcпыхнeт к чepтям и пoмpeт.

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there is as much evidence published that the british prime minister ordered this mall burning as there is putin ordered the expats poisoning
how could britain be so evil?


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>meme flag
>google translate
You are not even trying anymore shills

>he says on a board where many posts making fun of parkland kids are posted daily


You have to go back, memeflagging namefag.

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It's completely OK to laugh when non-white children are dying. Russians are non-white, so I don't see the problem here.

Did you just get here?

Go ahead and search the archives starting from the date that breverik had his rampage. And then go back to wherever it is that you're from.


i hear over and over that the fire exits were blocked
blocked how? anything conclusive over there?

You people deserve your 1984 shithole of a society.

This, probably false flaggers looking just to stoke up some hatred.

There was a burger king in the mall. I bet it is guilty

Where do you think this is son, Nigeria?

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I hate russia but laughing about burned alive children is fucked up

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>Russian military [probably] shot down and airliner that happened to have Australian passengers by mistake.
>Therefore kids in Russia should burn alive
Was that an attempt to make an argument of some sort?

go back to playing video games goy

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fucking anglo scum. choke on pakis dick m8

>tfw not shill just wanted (you)s
thanks lads

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>exact same bait thread as before
>still gets fucking replies
You're all fucking morons and need to get a job.

Yes, hate the Russians, not the bureaucrats who seize 30%+ of your income on an annual basis and arrest you for speaking out about the mass importation and subsidization of Muslims, or saying anything deemed 'offensive' at all.

>years later after being heaped with ukrainian military honors and a $1milliion/yr job the pilot russia claims actually did the shoot down kills himself
hmmm, happened right before this 'ex-spook' got spiked in salisbury.

Dead Russians - could it be a good thing?

Science says yes.

Literally this. OP is massive faggot and should off himself

I hope those dead slavscum kids fucking suffered before they died rot in piss.

ate least i interacted with you fuckers, god ungrateful cunts

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Fuck off Muhammed

I though that you were actually describing Russia, until I realized that that was ironic.

someone got his shitposting licence

So children dying is justified because of the actions of their government?

I see 3 possibilities here, you are either:
- baiting
- the very definition of ignorant
- or the most pathetic people alive (with possible psychopathic traits)

Regardless, there's a special place in hell for you

So, russiobros who can translate from pravada to english. How many people ACTUALLY died?

REvenge of the eternal ANGLO

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Could this be a blueprint for how to deal with the slavnigger problem?

With fire?

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you don't mountain nigger, you don't how difficult it is when you can be jailed for a shitpost on twitter. for once in our lives we've been given freedom that all you cunts take for granted

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Thou shalt not bait on an online imageboard, the good old 11th commandment

>“My girls were left to burn because of the g-----m regulations
What did he mean by this?

trying too hard to be an edgy cunt, the post
That being said, that many people burning to death in a fucking mall in this day and age further proves how much of a shithole Russia still is and why we should be grateful for everything we have here. Like fire marshals.

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>that many people burning to death in a fucking mall in this day and age further proves how much of a shithole Russia still is and why we should be grateful for everything we have here. Like fire marshals.

I'm grateful for everything Russia doesn't have there. Like fire marshals.

Aye the fucking Russians spied on everyone and poisoned treacherous Agents. They try to extort other countries and enslaved tchetchenia. Basically they are doing what you bongs and the rest of Western Europe can't do because of Muh Islam means peace and we are Gutmenschen.

But kids are without blame for their incompetent parents or government, I hope you'll lose your TV license soon you untersmensch.

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This. Always this.
Russians aren't human beings and don't have souls.