The 2nd wave of child grooming gangs in my local area.
Imagine my surprise of them being.................
More Grooming Gangs In My Area
Other urls found in this thread:
Assad Hussain, 37, of Iffley Road, Oxford, guilty of five counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault, not guilty of one count of indecent assault.
Kameer Iqbal, 39, of Dashwood Road, Oxford, guilty of three counts of rape.
Khalid Hussain, 38, of Ashhurst Way, Oxford, guilty of rape and indecent assault, not guilty of one count of rape.
Kamran Khan, 36, of Northfield Road, Bolton, guilty of indecent assault and false imprisonment, not guilty of rape.
Moinul Islam, 41, of Wykeham Crescent, Oxford, guilty of rape, two counts of indecent assault and supplying cannabis, not guilty of false imprisonment.
Raheem Ahmed, 40 of Starwort Path, Oxford, guilty of two counts of indecent assault and false imprisonment, not guilty of rape.
Alladitta Yousaf, 48, of Bodley Road, Oxford, guilty of indecent assault.
all paki's
We've got a gang in my town as well, they stalk the white girls at college, but so far our police seem less cucked than everywhere else and we're all very segregated, the working class people here absolutely detest them. But it never ends. What has Islam ever given the West but pain? In fact it's not even so easy just to blame Islamic "culture", there are plenty of Indian and African gangs at this shit too. if only they were Russian, perhaps our fucking useless, evil establishment might actually do something.
If a man were to uplift and defend his social status like a woman, man would be insane.
Women deciding over society's safety means we have insane narcissists deciding over our societies safety.
British are such Pathetic fuckers ... Ever heard of vigilante justice?
>Ever heard of vigilante justice?
Yeah, they're commonly known as ANTIFA, trouble is they're on the side of the pedo jihadi rape gangs!
question is bong, what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Because your govt and police will do nothing but aid and abet this filth. What will you do? Passively aid and abet them?
Will those asians stop at nothing ?
there is two sides to each coin. Maybe you should be the side of the coin that doesnt shield muslim rapists. Food for thought
At least they blocked Lauren Southern from ever coming there. She poses an existential threat to quintessentially British Muslim rape gangs.
Those Asians I swear
Must be Buddhism or something
I hope they fuck you all to death, you disgusting degenerats
What is wrong with these Asian people?
"Oxford men"
based pakis
The uk citicens dont care about their children being picked out for their skin colore and systematically sexually abused by mainly pakistani muslim "men"/biological waste
So why should i bother again? Your media politicans and social services literally protect the rapists of your children and make you pay the living expenses of the rapists with your taxes and pension and the media attacks you if you complain about this lol
"Grooming gangs"
They are Muslim rape gangs, don't mince words.
They are a Trojan horse. Keep the Trojan horse out and you will be ok.
> Let the Trojan horse in and you are fucked!
This desu. "grooming" almost makes it sound cute.
Like they sit around brushing the girls hair and generally pampering them.
Don't be afraid to speak the truth. It's very hard for them to jail you if you criticise based on facts.
keep a list of their names and wait til they're let out. let justice serve itself.
>2nd wave
Britain is the most civilized and most prestigious country in the world, because it is so open and tolerant to everybody and everything. If you dare to question Britain's multiculturalism then you're an embarassing rube
why aren't you doing anything about it?
are petrol and bottles illegal in britbong land?
Fathers should unite and start the war themselves. Fuck the police, bunch of cucked losers.
You British faggots better protect your people from these invaders, or else you’ll end up like us, Los Goblinos.
Wait is that Molyneux?
el ogro de la britânia
you OXFORD MEN make me fucking sick
how could you do that?
>Oxford men
Just call it immigrant shitskin rape story.
>Put up a monument to the 1000s British girls who gave their vaginas and anus' to multiculturalism.
>remind the slimes and jews about it constantly
You know it is what they would do. Take back your culture.
Slash their tyres
Oh really, again multiculturalism to blame? Do you know what multiculturalism means?
>ethnic groups collaborate and enter into a dialogue with one another without having to sacrifice their particular identities.
That's right, multiculturalism doesn't do interracial. Integration promoted by Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and Paul Joseph Watson integration what creates Paki penis inside British women. Integration is successful if they fuck British women, you can't get more integrated than with penis.
need to make them scared. form gangs of your own and kill these vermin. let victims reach out to you, the police will do fuck all.
>Oxford men
I didn't know that Oxford located in Pakistan.
> (You)
>>Ever heard of vigilante justice?
>Yeah, they're commonly known as ANTIFA, trouble is they're on the side of the pedo jihadi rape gangs!
Ok but seriously why are the british not taking the law into your own hands? How is there not blood not running in the streets? Really dont get it!
Of course they aren't guilty, Muslim countries don't know what rape or pedophilia means, it's normal. They are backwards like Europe was 200 years ago. Now you can go through this all over again for another 100 years to teach them, then you will be extinct and Arabs will be like Brits that used to live on that UK island.
all asians
(user was jailed for this post)
Wow, look at those quintessentially Oxford Gentlemen
Vigilantes are needed
>if possible, evidence
fake news
They've been domesticated for centuries to respect the law and do what they're told. The bantzy/cheeky ones got sent to the colonies and all the joe blows who didn't want any trouble stayed on the island.
you people fucking sicken me
All these fucks would literally be stabbed to death in American prisons. Even our criminals have more morals than europoors.
Are they though? Don't they hunt down those who spread hate speech.
our prisons are full of people just like them they would be protected inside
Why do Yanks always pretend that they are hot shit when they are cucked as much as anyone else? Your entire country is literally just a monument to negroes.
They elected a black muslim as president TWICE.
The place is a nightmate
that burger looks fucking amazing
This is an authentic British burger.
It's the truth though.
Yeah shit I was literally only just reading about this last night. Apparently 40% of UK high security prison inmates are Muslims, out of less than 5% of the population. Massive over representation. UK pakis are officially worse than US niggers.
You can't even put illegals in prison who shoot white girls
Stop trying to prove shit
it looks like a good breakfast sandwich but I dont see why the egg is on the outside
maybe they just dont go after white crime as much?
Can you please censor these names in the future? Printing the names won't help the victims, it will only create new ones as innocent Muslims are targeted for these accidental rapes.
Does it you fucking disgusting fat goblerino? The meat is black and the garnments are disgusting and of a greyish pale.
Ahahahah the absolute madman, only larpers are mudslimes here
>what are you on about, call it what you will milk boy
There are rape gangs in pakistan too. They just target Skiekh and the odd christian. Basically if you arent muslim then you are subhuman. Subhuman female valued slightly above goats in their culture.
But also in that culture they defend their daughters with blood. See in some ways the paki culture is more in balance. Dont get me wrong, it is a shit culture, but you can defend your daughter and your neighbors daughter with blood. These men would be dead or would have fled.
So no, they didnt integrate. And british citizens are too civilized and shouldnt in their own country have to adopt the typical paki cure for this paki problem.
Fucking asians
Why are you being mean to me?
But if you really wanna know I like burgers to be that cooked (i prefer them to be thin as well if possible). The lettuce and tomato and stuff look normal to me.
Please stop this terrorism at once. Britain has accepted and embraced Islam, even the very mayor of London is Muslim. Creating hate mobs in pubs will not stop the accidental rapes. Do we have to ban pubs to stop racism?
>called 'Islam'
>assaults, rapes and supplies drugs
Based paki
>2nd wave
its already part of your culture by now
>Saboor Abdul, 37, of Oxford Road, Cowley, was found not guilty of rape, and Haji Khan, 37, of Littlegreen Lane, Birmingham, was found not guilty of indecent assault and conspiracy to rape.
>Reporting restrictions previously prevented the case being reported, and two other men involved in the trial cannot be named for legal reasons.
so it's nothing as always , no evidence just picking on muslims
I'm surprised there are any white British kids left to groom.
This is just jealousy over British women loving lovely brown muslim cock.
It's not a crime. These women freely offer themselves to be sex slaves. It's consensual.
this is part and parcel of living in a uk city
More of those asian gangs. Ban anime, it promotes pedophilia.
yeah its not like there is a precedence of this happening again and again right and this looks 100% the same.
Burger education jesus christ.
Fucking white people and Anglos
Oi #1 in acid
but doxxing is
>Imagine my surprise of them being.....
Hi sargon you really do use this line too much.
It is not the fault of my brothers that British kafir accidentally forget to consent to pleasuring believers. Please share this website with your sisters and daughters so they know how to accept Allah's gift through his proxies.
>its not the fault of the british for being british
>america literally infested with nigs
Stfu retard
Why exactly are you outraged by this I dont get it?
Start running them over with trucks of peace. Say you're a warring faction of islam that wages jihad against jihadists that hurt the innocent. Watch as all of your charges get dropped and how anybody gets thrown into jail when they criticize you. Police will be afraid to be called "raycis" and so you have free reign to do whatever you want to these groomers. Oil them up, set them on fire, place them in hamburgers and serve them to starving fishes and birds. Rape them with broomsticks and, when you are asked why, simply say that Allah demanded it, and everything will be okay.
aye, the truth is, Paki rape gangs ARE coming to peoples areas.. and when they do.. I imagine people are going to be too busy crying about the optics of a swastika while their sisters and mothers are getting gang raped.
Fucking Britbongs finally get what they deserve. You destroyed the righteous in favor of the Jew not only in the first WW but even in the second.
Every young raped Britbong, every "far right" online commentator that gets arrested, every single tax dollar wasted on importing more brown people to rape to your children does not only put a smile on my face, but on Hitler's in heaven as well.
It is their fault for colonialism and they must pay their dues before they will be accepted into our European Caliphate. Persecuting Muslims will not achieve this atonement, not at all.
...aaaand Sup Forums ruined my day again. Thanks asshole
I thought Shadman is one of them
British girls are sluts,
i wouldn't be surprised to find out that it's the girls who are grooming these Asian men.