American public school teacher here...

American public school teacher here. Grumpy as fuck this morning so felt like posting to get off steam before I go in to babysit teenagers for 8 hours. To give some perspective on how fucked America is (and how I have a front row seat to the decine of Western culture), I wanted to share some things. No matter how many redpills I drop, no matter how much I push the bar, the students still astound me with how much they don't know or don't care to know. I teach students aged 11-19, and these are things I have legitimately heard students say in my classroom:

>12yo-"My dad say he doesn't love my mom because he's gay, so that must make me at least a quarter gay."

>18yo-"I don't think DNA is real because if I dye my hair brown, then my hair is going to be brown not blonde like my DNA tells me and my kids are all going to have brown hair"

>15yo-"Reindeer don't really exist, they're just made up like Santa Claus"

>(several students while we're talking about Washington D.C.) "Oh, the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty are there!"

>13yo-"I saw a man on the news got pregnant. Can I get pregnant now too?"

>16yo-"Science is wrong because there can't be just X and Y chromosomes. That doesn't explain transgender people. Why are you teaching us something that is wrong?"

>(more students than I can count) "Here is your homework for the week, studentanons -- read this chapter and answer these 5 questions to show that you've read." "No thanks, Teacheranon, I'm just going to fail this class because you're asking me to work too much"

>17yo (and a few other students over the years)-"Why did you yell at me for dancing on your desks, mister? You shouldn't have caught me, it's your fault. My mom thinks you're a loser anyway and I don't deserve this detention, so she's not going to make me stay after."

>16yo-"You telling us we needed supervision to hold meetings and collect money for the club is sexist, Mister. We are reporting you. We don't care you're the advisor."

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's common core for you

And I thought the chucklefucks at my Highschool were bad, it's really just that 80% of the school population were slackers. Got any more for us?

Considering the brave, articulate and inspiring performance of America's school children in the recent gun control rallies I'd say you're making this up. What is it with the right wing always making stuff up to support their narrative?

but you are a loser and they didn't deserve that detention, why would you want to be in a shithole liberal profession filled with hambeast anyway? are you stupid? or just like 2 months of vactation

I'm a teacher here, it's the same. Lazy, dull, uninterested kids. As you said, I literally babysit them.

sounds like you've got a pack of wild niggers on yr hands op. may God be with you sir.

school shootings really are necessary, jesus, literal slavechattel to the slaughter and enslavement once the grid goes down and all the boomers die out

> What is it with the right wing always making stuff up to support their narrative?\
>What is it with the LEFTIES AND COMMIES always making stuff up to support their narrative?
Fixed that for you there buddy

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more blood for the blood god

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>18yo-(assign a paper to my seniors, give them a ton of time to research, draft, edit, and then write the paper during class... maybe 3/4 of the kids turn it in by the due date) "What happened, Studentanons?" (one girl) "This class is boring, it's a waste of my education, and you suck. I don't care I need this class to pass, it's your fault I didn't write the paper." (go out of my way to set up a private time to meet with student, revise her paper for her and help her write it) "You're still a bad teacher, teacheranon, and I don't like your class. I work two jobs and help raise my sister's baby. This is a waste of my time." (student never turns in the paper I helped her write and she fails) "See! You did this! I'm going to guidance, your class sucks" (get an email from administration saying I need to work with her to figure out how to get her to pass and I'm not doing enough)

>13yo-(eating in my class) "Studentanon, put that away please" "Why are you watching me eat, weirdo?" (goes on a tirade about what a creep I am because I asked her to put away a box of cereal)

>15yo-"There's 50 states, teacheranon. The most recent one was Puerto Rico. What's Alaska? That's part of Canana, teacheranon."

>14yo-"Fuck America, Russia is where it's at. I'm teaching myself Russian and I really hope daddy Putin notices me. Trump ruined America and there's point living here anymore."

>(a handful of 17yo activists at our school)-"School shootings are going to keep happening until the administration gives us safe spaces." (school makes safe spaces) "These aren't bulletproof! Our school won't be safe until the administration lets us have a conversation!" (administration holds an assembly answering questions) "This isn't solving our problems! Culture and climate are suffering! We need to push diversity!" (school has a diversity day) "This school is racist! Why are kids being bullies?" (school aggressively goes after bullying) "Not enough! NOT ENOUGH!"

It's the parent's fault. Divorce is a common thing now. Kids have no direction or role models because the parents probably shouldn't be parents.

This has to be a joke...

And even if not, those students had time to rehearse and receive training. I'm dealing with off the cuff day to day interactions, not groomed child prodigies

I was a disinterested kid in school who said some dumb shit too
I mean, it was mostly a ruse to play dumb so as to not stick out
You had to blend in with the other kids who seemingly couldn't bother to give a shit about school work or else theyd say
>oooh "big word" user
>you think you're smart or somthing?
But at least I was low-key making A's all along the way
I'm sure most teachers just lumped me in with the lazy degenerates though

You should never you please with students. Tell her to put it down or get the fuck out of the class with an F. Also, disregard what literal trash students say, fuck them.

>Considering the brave, articulate and inspiring performance of America's school children in the recent gun control rallies

Who's making stuff up here, really?

I'm also a public school teacher.

Good education starts in the home. Homes are worse, so kids are worse.

Though, none of mine have been as dumb as your post, yikes

They are all slackers.

I once worked in a "Special Education" program where the school allowed students to walk out of class, be aggressive, sleep through class, refuse to leave a room, etc. all to "assist their mental health." It was a joke. everybody was just afraid of the kids.

I had a boy jump a kid in my class and beat his head in with an XBOX controller. I physically got between the two and sent the victim to the nurse. I freaked out on the kid who beat him up and walked him to the office. Guess who got in trouble? ...Part of my punishment was even having to drive him to the ER (just the two of us) and sit through a psych eval with him too. It was torture.

I believe the words administration used were: "He didn't know if you were angry at him or not. And even though didn't swear, he didn't expect you to fly off the handle the way that you did. You are usually such a calm, nice teacher. One of his favorites, user. Why did you decide to become so angry with him? It made him feel small and weak. He was letting out his aggression and, while it was wrong, you had no right to scream at him like you did."

Fucking left that place one year later to the day.

>14yo-"Fuck America, Russia is where it's at. I'm teaching myself Russian and I really hope daddy Putin notices me. Trump ruined America and there's point living here anymore."
Ooooh let them move here. That would be a sweet sweet dream crushing.

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>I teach students aged 11-19
Those typically aren't even in the same school, let alone have a teacher teaching the same kids from middle school to high school age

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That sucks, user. Show us your tits.

No, I say please. Trust me. I got dinged on an evaluation a few years back because kids said I was rude and the administration observed me not using my "pleases and thank yous."

I've also been to enough touchy-feely teacher things that I do sort of believe taking the "please and thank you" approach the first time around at least covers my ass because I can say I asked politely the first time.

I worked at a K-12, then a 6-12, and now a 9-12. Ten year long career altogether. Makes sense from that description.

Obvious bait is obvious

My mom thinks you're a loser anyway
lol, think she is right

yo-"Fuck America, Russia is where it's at. I'm teaching myself Russian and I really hope daddy Putin notices me. Trump ruined America and there's point living here anymore."
found the Sup Forumstard shitposter in your student body

thanks OP. your posts confirm for me not only the validity of the idea that teachers should be armed, but also that they should be allowed to use said firearms at their discretion

So the ‘redpilled Gen Z’ meme is bullcrap?

considerig he is here lol

yea we're going to have to rely on teachers to cull the chaff, plus having a burner will make kids pay attention and obey commands instead of being insolent cocksuckers who can't accomplish a simple task

they just need the proper order and authority, right now they lack all order and authority so of course they're aimless retards, they'll learn, or die

Start weightlifting

>be me
>early 90's in high school
>uniform shirt slightly untucked
>walking to class
>old schoolteacher
>YOU BOY!!!!!!!!!!
>nearly in tears
>y-yes sir
>never had my shirt out again

My school days feel centuries away from today. I'm really glad I had it that way.

you teach niggers or something?
I graduated 4 years ago and I swear kids weren't that retarded

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I don't believe any of your greentext tbqh. Sounds fugazi as fizzle.

What do you think about the idea of arming teachers? Do you think you, or someone like you, would just end up shooting the little shits?

Hi Antonio


Maybe you are the problem there mr decline.

Look, you obvuously suck at the job and shouldnt have wasted all those years in college. Just quit, get a plumbing job, smoke weed and work under the table.

Is the pension really worth putting up with that hell on a regular basis? At least you get spring break off. If you're one of those rare people who are legitimately trying to make the world a better place by educating our youth then kudos to you but I think it's a lost cause at this point.

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That's because you live in a country with quality education. The OP doesn't.
Also, you're surrounded by northern Europeans. OP isn't.

My evaluators told me the opposite, no please and thank you because you're in charge and it's their obligation to do what you tell them to do.

would you be so kind OP as to include the shade of skin next to the student's age?
I'm genuinely interested if there is a correlation there, or are all the kids just pure shit

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You fell for it. It took a solid month of coaching and preening to get those little fucks to perform and they still fucked it up.

You have a chance to try to unfuck them, quit posting on Sup Forums and try to help save the youth.

Fuck that. Increase the damage and speed the collapse. There must be chaos and death before a glorious rebirth.

>english class
>replaces literature with government manuals like the evolution of the grocery bag
There is no hope, we are done, put a steak in us. What a perversion of the Prussian education system. This wont even produce happy workers, at all levels, it will produce literal slaves

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Maybe instead of babysitting them and trying to red pill, you should actually try teaching. It’s your job. You’re the reason they’re stupid.

>it's the schools job to make your kid not a retard
Fuck you, it's yours and yours alone.
Sure, leave it up to commie indoctrination and societal standards training to turn your retard spooge into a thinking human. Go get your fucking tubes tied.

>it's the schools job to make your kid not a retard.

That’s is, actually, exactly why government spend billions of tax dollars, and parents spend their own cash in top of taxes, to teachers. Fuck. You’re the worst whiners. Kids are so stupid! My job os so tough, but it’s boring, but but bu! You get paid well, huge fucking vacations, because of unions pretty much a job for life unless you rape a kid.

Do. Your. Fucking. Job.

No kidding. I went to a school with a significant native american population and even they weren't like that.

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This is scary if its all true.

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Americans are fucking brain dead and stupid : MORE NEWS AT 11!

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Both my parents were teachers. They share your sentiment re: society going down the gurgler. They also forbade my siblings and I from pursuing a career in education.

I remember being the only white kid on a bus of 40 niggers for an hour every morning and every afternoon only to get shipped to the nicer citys school and deal with a bunch of white middle class turbo idiots.

American schools are hell. I am homeschooling my son. He is alot smarter for it.

Would you like medium or medium rare retard?

I'm not a teacher, you fucking dipshit.
>exactly why government spend billions of tax dollars
on marxist indoctrination
>and parents spend their own cash in top of taxes
taxes don't raise your child
It's your job to ensure your kid is educated. Schools are supplimentary education. They don't teach ethics as a standard, or how to balance a budget, or how to find a good mate, how to be a decent human being, or the importance of learning itself. That's on you.
Fuck you and your seven wives and your seven dozen useless stupid brats.

As a private tutor and substitute teacher for a few private schools I can acknowledge that OPs outlook is grim but accurate.

I have a few students that embody the niggerish attitude in the private schools and they always come from broken families (bad parents) or from public schools.

Funny enough, one of the most redpilled students I have is a fifth grade Jew. Go figure.

I fucking hate teachers that sit around and talk about how stupid kids are. Guess what your job is fuckface?

The absolute state of Americans and USA. I hate you all

im sorry user my mom was a teacher to a bunch of niggers for twenty years. She had to stop work because it was becoming increasingly dangerous and she didnt feel like she was making a difference anymore. She wanted to teach low income families since she came from an good family to show these kids that with an education they could get out of their situation. She was naive and figured out that their culture and ours just cant blend.

This is so sweet if real. I can't wait to compete against these useless idiots.

whiter than you Muhammad.

Sounds like the next great Nazi general.

Not your personal blog faggot

Maybe just an informer if we're lucky.

>Im a worthless product of irish, native american, sub-saharan african jewish race mixed ancestry, but still whiter than europeans

still whiter than you diego

Ah, another product of Canadian homeschooling. Don’t get along well with others, buddy?

You just confessed to bring a literal faggot.

What other tidbits do you have friend?

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Who don't you hate

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Integrating speds into the normal school population was a huge mistake, but everyone just doubles down.
>everyone deserves an education
>yeah well normal kids are stupid too lol
Even the gun control marches now are really about that. That bald lesbian is not wrong when she says the shooter should not have been around normal kids and it was unfair to expect them to "hang out" with him, which really means tolerating his moods and episodes and apologizing for making him mad if he physically attacks them.

I went to public school like most people. Which is why most people know school doesn't exist to raise your kid for you.
Are you a teenager, a dropout, or a recent immigrant? Maybe all three

Keep dreaming. Order and authority are useless in a single institution. The society we live is not consistent with the ideas of authority and order. That's why shitty parents existed in the first place, and it's why kids don't care about teachers or adults. They know that the lawless, decadent free for all known as college is right around the corner as soon as they're through listening to their history teacher prattle on about "their days", and our institutions and societal norms push them right in to it every time.

Get fucked.

Good luck user

What are the racial demographics at your school?

Good. GOOD.
You fully deserved this for mass genocide of indigenous people of American continent and unwarranted invasion of Vietnam, after all.

Would there be a percentage of competent students or are they all like that?
Also how many of them are black?

>american education

Things got worse when we got rid of these. When I was in school you didn't say shit in fear of getting your ass whooped.

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those kids are smarter than you, theyve realised correctly that if they listen to you at best they will become like you (shit on by little kids and earning a pittance).

instead they chose to listen to and emulate successful people. by being aggressive, critical and lazy. the three tenants of modern socialism in the america of the 21st century.

Yeah, I'd arm you

The average teenager has been dumb and lazy since the term teenager was invented. What’s different now is there is so much available entertainment that it’s incredibly easy to get distracted from doing productive things. It’s something I personally struggle with immensely. It’s hard to read books anymore for fun because my attention span has been wrecked by movies, video games, and Sup Forums. IMO, gen z is/will be the most polarized generation ever in politics, laziness, etc
t. gen z in college

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80 years of socialism fed all the retards, and they had babies. go watch molyneux's gene wars and you'll understand.

You know damn well these same little shits are going to be scared shitless and clueless once they’re out. Being agressive won’t win you anything if you’re too stupid to know where to use it.

i went to school with drunken schuylkill county pollacks who look like einsteins compared to contemporary detergophages.

This problem well predates common core

>american education

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at least this will give me a warm sense of justice every time a school shooting happens

they will be ideological and literal footsoldiers in the anti-white pogroms. or find a competent leader and obey religiously every command. take some time to study how communism became a political force, it was exactly through the undermining of classical education, respect for authority of the teacher, a promise of liberated individualism and collective good. you need to be dumbed down to believe in contradictions, it's a multigenerational process.

what rich white liberals do in america today by gating themselves into isolated walled communities is exactly what the rich jews did in russia in the late 1800s and early 1900s and later in german in the 20s and 30s. a lot of them being complicit and self-loathing enough to promote the ideas which later expelled them to america, where they started doing the exact same thing. it took them about 100 years to displace the anglo-wasp establishment of american politics, but now they have full control with trump as their puppet, right before the collapse, just like last time.

and just like the previous century they can't see it.

she should sue for fat shaming

my old sports and geometry teacher (history of volcanos blabla whatever its called in english) was a retired ex cop and no1 ever fucked with him , which also made him cool calm and collected but those eyes have seen shit and you could feel his alpha aura from just staring at you.

teachers nowadays just aren´t the same and cuckolded too hard by the jew on purpose so tha the kids grow up to be fullretards that are easily controlled and coerced into stupidity.

And then there is the ultimate nuclear death weapon;

>Mr. Teacheranon touched me (that asshole yelled at me in class yesterday and I hate him SO much). That will fix him.tee hee.

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well im glad you felt the need to include anglo twice

they're not dumb they're comedic geniuses lmaffo

main reason i wont go into teaching
it just takes one vindictive girl to make shit up and you will be fired in a hearbeat

America is being poisoned on a massive scale. Collapse soon. Prepare.