Islam is the cure from all the ongoing degeneracy in the west.
>against women rights
>against jews
>against faggots
>against consumerism
Whats not to like?
Why is this not considered an option?
Islam is the cure from all the ongoing degeneracy in the west.
>against women rights
>against jews
>against faggots
>against consumerism
Whats not to like?
Why is this not considered an option?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because fuck you, that's why.
holy shit Igor did the krokodil finally reach your brain
Sorry friend but winning by religious takeover is no longer an option.
Fuck you muslim piece of shit. Go fuck some goats back in the desert.
White people have too much self respect to worship arabs.
Ivan is right, Radu.
Time to finish you parliament building's roof
that actually looks pretty cool
Shoo! We already have to deal with one false god.
This, my ancestors bled for Christian Europe so will I, fuck you muzzie.
Ebin :DDDD
If Europeans "Europeanize" Islam as they did Christianity hundreds of years ago it might not be so bad, but the current form of Islam is pure dogshit and totally incompatible with European ideals.
Chechnyan muzzy scum must be glassed to the stone age.
There is no europeanizing Islam. Islam has nothing to do in Europe and anyone who disagrees is a literal cuck who wants his daughters to be gangraped. There is only one cure for Islam and that is a bullet preferably dipped in pigs blood.
Open Boarders for Israel
>that polish flag
o kurwa ja bym kurwa polowal na nich
based as fuck
Bcz ur mom gay lol
why can't sandniggers fuck off back to the middle east?
why is this not considered an option?
I'm ok with my dick in one piece and with bacon with my eggs, thanks
Cuz all abrahamic faiths are dogshit
Be an atheist and wait for a massive religious fight
eat popcorn
and let darwin's theory work
Why would they?? Western girls are tight, lithe, soft, and supple who can't even defend themselves due to living in a privileged country. Invent being a foreigner invader and getting your hands on a young Swedish girl and violating that blond hairy vagina?
The Hildas, Astrids, Agnes, Joans, and Elizabethes of Europe are going to get raped into oblivion. Europe to Muslims is like being dropped in a living Islam heaven/paradise.
Pro pedophilia
Pro inbreeding
Anti innovation
Anti science unless its for war
Anti education of their males
Arabisation of names and whole culture
No bacon nor wine
>but muh islamic golden age
An exception in history, due to tolerant rulers accepting arab and conquered people savants. Lasted max 2 centuries in 1600 years. Rest is a descent of once civilized nations of antiquities, falling into barbarism, and a slow but relentless decay.
Nowadays, their level of inbreeding turned them into crazy low iq zealots.
Islam in an anti civilisation, and only survives as long as it can steal tech, knowledge and slaves from more advanced people. Thats why they attacked christians for more than 1000 years, but were not interested in africa, except for slaves.
imagine this
>be syrian
>live in shitty war ridden country
>struggle to survive from ruin to ruin
>hear some dudes talking around a barrel fire that there are countries which give you everything for nothing
>you can even fuck any girl
>"No way that shit is true,sounds like heaven!"
>you sleep in a ruin
>wake up,find a gathering
>people will move you to Europe for a price
>you sell your sister to the local goatfucker
>get over the med. sea
>people from afghanistan,somalia and other countries are there aswell
>listen to some guys plans on what he will do
>hear sweden
>arrive in italy
>fucking future everywhere,beeps and guys who look like arabs with weapons and uniforms
>wait 17 days to get a pass into the EU
>travel through the balkans
>get shit and spit on
>locals shout angry at me
>arrive in Germany by train
>get out at something that looks like a space station
>blonde,young girls everywhere smiling
>"Refugees Welcome!" everywhere
>w-what is this?
>the guy beside drops his robe
>you only hear an
>before everything darkens
>tfw finally in heaven
>Western girls are tight, lithe, soft, and supple who can't even defend themselves due to living in a privileged country
This is part of the problem. We should meme a meme that true feminism is about being as strong as men, and having the Valkyrie spirit. Get them all to join boxing clubs and martial arts dojo's. Not only will they mix with a higher percentage of real men who value western ideals, thus encouraging them to dump the marxist nonsense they learnt in college, but they will also be able to kick the crap out of Achmed when he pulls that second class citizen rapegang attempt. I've never met a single woman in any real dojo (outside of those "self defence with a handbag" crapola courses) who was a nonsense spewing sjw.
meant for
try that in a western country
I wish you good luck
Fuck europeans
They are not enlightened and must pay Jizya
KYS sandnigger
Plenty of women do martial arts, and a lot of them go to the gym these days as well. Being fit and strong is now a feminist thing.
You think with all the rapes and violence from Abdul and his friends, and the reluctance of the authorities to deal with it is lost on women?
They will go for this, because it equates to their wish for power.
But I can see why you would want to disparage it, "Mr recently-acquired-german-citizenship"
Russia is giving it to Europe hard
Islam is:
>an engine for Arab cultural imperialism
>crushes local identity
Prove me wrong mudslime fags
stop tempting me user
if it cured anything why are people running away from muslim countries.
checkmate jews
Islam as the cure to the west is like "curing" a broken leg by cutting it off. It makes no sense. Reset the leg and it heal